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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Algari Warglaive
20080One Hand Warglaives
Bag of Biscuits
20058Trinket Trinket
Band of Focused Elements
20058Finger Finger
Beetender's Hood
20058Head Cloth
Bejeweled Stonewatcher's Pendant
20060Neck Neck
Blacktalon Blade
20058One Hand Dagger
Blacktalon Claw
20058One Hand Fist Weapon
Bramble Chain Belt
200Waist Mail
Bramble Chain Bracers
200Wrists Mail
Bramble Chain Breeches
200Legs Mail
Bramble Chain Hauberk
200Chest Mail
Bramble Chain Pauldrons
200Shoulders Mail
Bramble Chain Sabatons
200Feet Mail
Brimming Arcanocrystal
200Trinket Trinket
Brush-Clearing Axe
20058One Hand One-handed Axe
Carved Basalt Ring
20058Finger Finger
Centaur Cavalry Saber
20058One Hand One-handed Sword
Cinch of the Ruby Defenders
20058Waist Leather
Claw-Marked Signet
20060Finger Finger
Code of the Maruuk
20058Off Hand Off Hand
Darkscale Twinblade
20058Two Hand Polearm
Doomsayer's Greatsword
20058Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Drake Archaeologist's Shawl
20058Back Back
Drake Race Starting Rifle
20060Ranged Gun
Drakefire Shield
20058Off Hand Shield
Drakescale Shield
20060Off Hand Shield
Drakeslayer's Greatsword
20060Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Drakewatcher's Beacon
20060Two Hand Staff
Drakewatcher's Cord
20060Waist Cloth
Drakewatcher's Handwraps
20060Hands Cloth
Drakewatcher's Hood
20060Head Cloth
Drakewatcher's Pantaloons
20060Legs Cloth
Drakewatcher's Sandals
20060Feet Cloth
Drakewatcher's Scriptures
20060Off Hand Off Hand
Drakewatcher's Shoulderpads
20060Shoulders Cloth
Drakewatcher's Vestment
20060Chest Cloth
Drakewatcher's Wristwraps
20060Wrists Cloth
Drape of the Djaradin Slayer
20058Back Back
Eaglestrike Pike
20058Two Hand Polearm
Earth Binding Chain
20058Waist Mail
Earth-Blessed Mace
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Elemental Binding Ring
20058Finger Finger
Embroidered Broadhoof Coat
20058Chest Leather
Embroidered Broadhoof Footwraps
20058Feet Leather
Embroidered Broadhoof Waistband
20058Waist Leather
Embroidered Broadhoof Wristband
20058Wrists Leather
Emerald Shroud of Loyalty
20058Back Back
Expedition Defender's Blade
20058One Hand One-handed Sword
Expedition Dissection Knife
20058One Hand Dagger
Expedition Guard's Chestguard
20058Chest Plate
Expedition Guard's Cudgel
20058One Hand One-handed Mace
Expedition Guard's Gauntlets
20058Hands Plate
Expedition Guard's Girdle
20058Waist Plate
Expedition Guard's Greaves
20058Legs Plate
Expedition Guard's Helm
20058Head Plate
Expedition Guard's Legguards
20058Legs Plate
Expedition Guard's Sabatons
20058Feet Plate
Expedition Guard's Shield
20058Off Hand Shield
Expedition Guard's Spaulders
20058Shoulders Plate
Expedition Guard's Vambraces
20058Wrists Plate
Expedition Guard's Wristguards
20058Wrists Plate
Expedition Mercenary's Belt
20058Waist Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Boots
20058Feet Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Bracers
20058Wrists Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Grips
20058Hands Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Hauberk
20058Chest Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Helm
20058Head Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Leggings
20058Legs Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Legguards
20058Legs Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Mace
20058One Hand One-handed Mace
Expedition Mercenary's Monnion
20058Shoulders Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Wristwraps
20058Wrists Mail
Expedition Researcher's Binders
20058Wrists Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Gloves
20058Hands Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Hood
20058Head Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Leggings
20058Legs Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Mantle
20058Shoulders Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Pantaloons
20058Legs Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Sash
20058Waist Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Treads
20058Feet Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Vestments
20058Chest Cloth
Expedition Researcher's Wraps
20058Wrists Cloth
Explorer's Belt Knife
20058One Hand Dagger
Explorers' League Rifle
20058Ranged Gun
Explorer's Short Sword
20058One Hand One-handed Sword
Fearbreaker's Echo
20080Trinket Trinket
Field Explorer's Stave
20058Two Hand Staff
Field Scout's Belt
20058Waist Leather
Field Scout's Bindings
20058Wrists Leather
Field Scout's Bindings
20058Wrists Leather
Field Scout's Boots
20058Feet Leather
Field Scout's Breeches
20058Legs Leather
Field Scout's Gloves
20058Hands Leather
Field Scout's Helmet
20058Head Leather
Field Scout's Longblade
20058One Hand One-handed Sword
Field Scout's Pants
20058Legs Leather
Field Scout's Spaulders
20058Shoulders Leather
Field Scout's Vest
20058Chest Leather
Fire-Blessed Blade
20060One Hand One-handed Sword
Fire-Blessed Greatsword
20060Two Hand Two-handed Sword