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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sinful Aspirant's Chain Coils
17560Wrists Mail
Sinful Aspirant's Chain Footguards
17560Feet Mail
Sinful Aspirant's Chain Grips
17560Hands Mail
Sinful Aspirant's Chain Helmet
17560Head Mail
Sinful Aspirant's Chain Monnion
17560Shoulders Mail
Sinful Aspirant's Greatcloak
17560Back Back
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Britches
17560Legs Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Cuffs
17560Wrists Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Handguards
17560Hands Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Headguard
17560Head Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Loop
17560Waist Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Shoulderpads
17560Shoulders Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Treads
17560Feet Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Chain
17560Wrists Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Chestguard
17560Chest Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Gloves
17560Hands Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Greathelm
17560Head Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Legplates
17560Legs Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Sabatons
17560Feet Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Shoulderplates
17560Shoulders Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Vambraces
17560Waist Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Armbands
17560Wrists Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Britches
17560Legs Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Cincture
17560Waist Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Grasps
17560Hands Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Shoulderpads
17560Shoulders Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Slippers
17560Feet Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Vestiment
17560Chest Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Visage
17560Head Cloth
17560Chest Mail
17560Chest Leather
Boneshatter Armguards
17560Wrists Mail
Boneshatter Gauntlets
17560Hands Mail
Boneshatter Greaves
17560Legs Mail
Boneshatter Helm
17560Head Mail
Boneshatter Pauldrons
17560Shoulders Mail
Boneshatter Treads
17560Feet Mail
Boneshatter Vest
17560Chest Mail
Boneshatter Waistguard
17560Waist Mail
Grim-Veiled Belt
17560Waist Cloth
Grim-Veiled Bracers
17560Wrists Cloth
Grim-Veiled Cape
17560Back Back
Grim-Veiled Hood
17560Head Cloth
Grim-Veiled Mittens
17560Hands Cloth
Grim-Veiled Pants
17560Legs Cloth
Grim-Veiled Robe
17560Chest Cloth
Grim-Veiled Sandals
17560Feet Cloth
Grim-Veiled Spaulders
17560Shoulders Cloth
Shadowghast Armguards
17560Wrists Plate
Shadowghast Breastplate
17560Chest Plate
Shadowghast Gauntlets
17560Hands Plate
Shadowghast Greaves
17560Legs Plate
Shadowghast Helm
17560Head Plate
Shadowghast Necklace
17560Neck Neck
Shadowghast Pauldrons
17560Shoulders Plate
Shadowghast Ring
17560Finger Finger
Shadowghast Sabatons
17560Feet Plate
Shadowghast Waistguard
17560Waist Plate
Umbrahide Armguards
17560Wrists Leather
Umbrahide Gauntlets
17560Hands Leather
Umbrahide Helm
17560Head Leather
Umbrahide Leggings
17560Legs Leather
Umbrahide Pauldrons
17560Shoulders Leather
Umbrahide Treads
17560Feet Leather
Umbrahide Vest
17560Chest Leather
Umbrahide Waistguard
17560Waist Leather
Abdomen Chopper
17450One Hand One-handed Axe
Abdomen Splitter
17450One Hand One-handed Axe
Aranakk Torture Device
17450Two Hand Polearm
Archon's Guiding Glaive
17450Two Hand Polearm
Ascended Gladius of Glory
17450One Hand One-handed Sword
Ashcarved Sledgehammer
17450Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Barbed-Edge of the Stone Legion
17450One Hand One-handed Sword
Baron's Oaken Scepter
17450One Hand One-handed Mace
Barrier of the Chosen
17450Off Hand Shield
Biting Gutsliver Shank
17450One Hand Dagger
Blightforged Twinblade
17450One Hand Warglaives
Bulwark of the Stone Legion
17450Off Hand Shield
Bulwark of the Unbowed
17450Off Hand Shield
Burden of the Protectorate
17450Off Hand Shield
Burning Beacon of Hope
17450Off Hand Off Hand
Chyrus's Crest of Hope
17450Off Hand Shield
Claws of the Stone Generals
17450One Hand Fist Weapon
Colossal Sludgepounder
17450Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Crimson Court Backstabber
17450One Hand Dagger
Deadeye Blunderbuss
17450Ranged Gun
Deadeye Cannon
17450Ranged Gun
Deathdancer's Warglaive
17450One Hand Warglaives
Disciple's Peacebound Poniard
17450One Hand Dagger
Dread Inquisitor's Spine
17450One Hand One-handed Sword
Dredbat Repeating Crossbow
17450Ranged Crossbow
Dredfang Ironspitter
17450Ranged Crossbow
Dredge-Giant's Warshield
17450Off Hand Shield
Dredwing Barbed Swordbreaker
17450One Hand One-handed Sword
Dutiful Disciple's Cleaver
17450One Hand One-handed Axe
Elysian Sentinel's Aegis
17450Off Hand Shield
Faeweald Fleshrender
17450One Hand Warglaives
Faithful Sidearm
17450One Hand Dagger
Fang of the Winged Sentry
17450One Hand Dagger
Fleshscourge Sickle
17450One Hand Dagger