

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Royal Purifier's Spade
59Two HandLooted Polearm
Rowdy Reveler's Legwraps
59LegsLooted Cloth
Rotcrusted Voodoo Doll
59TrinketLooted Trinket
Rope-Scored Gauntlets
59HandsLooted Plate
Robes of the Reborn Serpent
5950ChestLooted Cloth
Rixxa's Sweat-Wicking Cuffs
59WristsLooted Cloth
Ritual Flayer's Vest
5945Chest Leather
Ritual Flayer's Vest
59Chest Leather
Ritual Flayer's Spaulders
5945Shoulders Leather
Ritual Flayer's Spaulders
59Shoulders Leather
Ritual Flayer's Mask
5945Head Leather
Ritual Flayer's Mask
59Head Leather
Ritual Flayer's Jerkin
59Chest Leather
Ritual Flayer's Jerkin
5945Chest Leather
Ritual Binder's Ring
59FingerLooted Finger
Risen Lord's Oversized Gauntlets
59HandsLooted Plate
Rezan's Gleaming Eye
59TrinketLooted Trinket
Revitalizing Voodoo Totem
59TrinketLooted Trinket
Resonating Crystal Scimitar
59One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Resilient Outcast's Spaulders
5945Shoulders Mail
Resilient Outcast's Spaulders
59Shoulders Mail
Resilient Outcast's Shoulderguards
59Shoulders Mail
Resilient Outcast's Shoulderguards
5945Shoulders Mail
Resilient Outcast's Hauberk
59Chest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Hauberk
5945Chest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Coif
5945Head Mail
Resilient Outcast's Coif
59Head Mail
Redhook's Cummerbund
59WaistLooted Cloth
Recurve Bow of the Strands
5950RangedCrafted Bow
Recurve Bow of the Strands
5950Ranged Bow
Razdunk's Big Red Button
59TrinketLooted Trinket
Rattling Jar of Eyes
59Off HandLooted Off Hand
Rastari Pauldrons
5945Shoulders Plate
Rastari Pauldrons
59Shoulders Plate
Rastari Helmet
5945Head Plate
Rastari Helmet
59Head Plate
Rastari Helm
5945Head Plate
Rastari Helm
59Head Plate
Rastari Breastplate
5945Chest Plate
Rastari Breastplate
59Chest Plate
Raoul's Barrelhook Bracers
59WristsLooted Mail
Raiment of the Blighted Tribe
5950ChestLooted Leather
Raal's Bib
59BackLooted Back
Pustule Bearer's Pants
59LegsLooted Leather
Proudmoore Admiralty Equipment Cache
59 None
Primal Dinomancer's Belt
59WaistLooted Leather
Precision Attitude Adjuster
5950One HandCrafted One-handed Mace
Power-Assisted Vicegrips
59HandsLooted Plate
Powdershot Leggings
59LegsLooted Mail
Powder Monkey's Leggings
59LegsLooted Cloth
Port Pillager's Belt
59WaistLooted Leather
Pistoleer's Spaulders
5950ShouldersLooted Leather
Phosphorescent Armplates
59WristsLooted Plate
Petticoat of the Self-Stylized Azerite Baron
5950ChestLooted Cloth
Petrified Wickerplate Greaves
59LegsLooted Plate
Pauldrons of Vile Corruption
5950ShouldersLooted Cloth
Pauldrons of the Horned Horror
5950ShouldersLooted Plate
Pauldrons of the Great Unifier
5950ShouldersLooted Plate
Parrotfeather Cloak
59BackLooted Back
P.A.C.I.F.I.S.T. Mk7
59RangedLooted Gun
Owlseye Loop
5950FingerCrafted Finger
Overseer's Riot Helmet
5950HeadLooted Plate
Overseer's Lost Seal
59FingerLooted Finger
Outrigger Pauldrons
5945Shoulders Mail
Outrigger Pauldrons
59Shoulders Mail
Outrigger Helm
59Head Mail
Outrigger Helm
5945Head Mail
Outrigger Coif
59Head Mail
Outrigger Coif
5945Head Mail
Outrigger Chainmail
5945Chest Mail
Outrigger Chainmail
59Chest Mail
Ouroborial Sash
59WaistLooted Cloth
Order of Embers Equipment Cache
59 None
Nettle-Scarred Greaves
59LegsLooted Mail
Nazmir Expeditionary Equipment Cache
59 None
Nazmani Warplate Spaulders
59Shoulders Plate
Nazmani Warplate Spaulders
5945Shoulders Plate
Nazmani Warplate Faceguard
5945Head Plate
Nazmani Warplate Faceguard
59Head Plate
Nazmani Warplate Chestplate
59Chest Plate
Nazmani Warplate Chestplate
5945Chest Plate
Nazmani Warplate Chestpiece
5945Chest Plate
Nazmani Warplate Chestpiece
59Chest Plate
Navigator's Robes
5945Chest Cloth
Navigator's Robes
59Chest Cloth
Navigator's Mantle
5945Shoulders Cloth
Navigator's Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
Navigator's Crown
59Head Cloth
Navigator's Crown
5945Head Cloth
Navigator's Circlet
5945Head Cloth
Navigator's Circlet
59Head Cloth
My'das Talisman
59TrinketLooted Trinket
Mutineer's Fate
59Two HandLooted Polearm
Murky Cerulean Signet
59FingerLooted Finger
Moss-Covered Wingtip Shoes
59FeetLooted Leather
Mistscale Knuckles
5950One Hand Fist Weapon
Mistscale Knuckles
5950One HandCrafted Fist Weapon
Mine Rat's Handwarmers
59HandsLooted Cloth
Merektha's Fang
59TrinketLooted Trinket
Mercenary Miner's Boots
59FeetLooted Leather