

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Uncertain Kobyss Innards
1 Quest
Unchipped Fang
1 Quest
Unclaimed Payment
1 Junk
Unclaimed Payment
1 Junk
Unclaimed Soul
1Looted Quest
Uncloven Satyr Hoof
1 Quest
Unconscious Dig Rat
1 Dig Rat Quest
Uncooked Ribs
1 Quest
Uncracked Scarab Shell
1 Quest
Uncured Caribou Hide
1Looted Quest
Uncut Chrysoberyl
1Looted, Mined Quest
Undamaged Ram Horn
1Looted Quest
Undamaged Venom Sac
1 Quest
Undamaged Warp Hound Corpse
1 Quest
Undead Battle-Training Stone
1Looted Other
Undead Female Mask
1Looted Other
Undead Male Mask
1Looted Other
Underbelly Banquet
1 Other
Underbelly Whelp Scale
1 Quest
Undercity "Skull Shocker"
1 Food & Drink
Undercity Gift Collection
1Created, Quest Holiday
Undercity Mint
1 Quest
Undercity Pledge Collection
1Created Holiday
Undercity Portal Shard
1 Other
Undercrawler Venom
1Looted Quest
Underlight Cocoon Fibers
1 Quest
Underlight Nibbler
1Created Quest
Underlight Ore
1Looted, Mined Quest
Underlight Phosphora
1Looted Quest
Underspore Frond
1 Quest
Underworld Power Fragment
1Looted Quest
Underworld Power Fragments
1 Quest
Undying Torch
1 Quest
Unearthed Memento
1Looted Other
Unexploded Blight Bomb
1 Quest
Unexploded Cannonball
1Looted Other
Unexploded Mortar Shell
1Looted Quest
Unfaceted Purple Gemstone
1 Quest
Unfilled Bucket
1Created Quest
Unfinished Blade
1 Quest
Unfinished Headpiece
1 Quest
Unfinished Skeleton Key
1Created Quest
Unfired Key Mold
1 Quest
Unforged Seal of Ascension
1 Quest
Unformed Essence
110 Quest
Un'Goro Ash
1Looted Quest
Un'Goro Coconut
1 Un'Goro Coconut Quest
Un'Goro Gorilla Pelt
1 Un'Goro Gorilla Quest
Un'Goro Lasher Seed
1Created Other
Un'Goro Slime Sample
1 Quest
Un'Goro Soil
1Looted Quest
Un'Goro Stomper Pelt
1 Un'Goro Stomper Quest
Un'Goro Thunderer Pelt
1 Un'Goro Thunderer Quest
Unhatched Jubling Egg
1 Companion Pets
Unhatched Sprite Darter Egg
1 Quest
Unholy Gem
1 Quest
Unidentifiable Meat
1Created, Looted Quest
Unidentified Mass
1 Reagent
Unidentified Ore
1 Quest
Unidentified Plant Parts
1Looted, Gathered, Pick Pocketed Quest
Unintelligible Message
1 Quest
Unique Headdress
1Created Quest
Universal Language Compensator
Trading Post Part
1Looted Other
Universal Language Filter
Trading Post Part
1Looted Other
Universal Language Repository
Trading Post Part
1Looted Other
Universal Remote
1 Quest
Unknowable Cube
1 Quest
Unknown Core
110 Quest
Unknown Reward
1Quest Quest
Unlit Challenger's Torch
1 Quest
Unlit Torches
1Created Quest
Unloaded Zapper
1 Quest
Unlucky Rabbit's Foot
1 Quest
Unmarked Bag of Gems
1 Junk
Unmarked Letter
1 Quest
Unmarked Seashell
1 Quest
Unnecessary Spike
1 Other
Unpaid Debt
1Created Quest
Unpopped Darkmist Eye
1Looted Quest
Unprepared Sawtooth Flank
1 Quest
Unprocessed Iron Ore
1 Quest
1 Tailoring Pattern
Unrefined Arrowheads
1Crafted Quest
Unrefined Azerite Shard
1Looted Quest
Unrefined Draenic Crystal
1 Unrefined Draenic Crystal Quest
Unrefined Gem
1Created Quest
Unrefined Ore Sample
1 Quest
Unrefined Power Crystals
1Looted Quest
Unsent Letter
1 Medic Hunt Quest
Unsigned Contract
1 Quest
Unstable Arcana
1 Quest
Unstable Azerite Bomb
1Looted Quest
Unstable Cinderbrew Barrel
1 Quest
Unstable Construct Anima
1 Quest
Unstable Containment Trap
1Created Other
Unstable Dynamite
1 Quest
Unstable Element
1 Other
Unstable Embershard
1 Other
Unstable Explosive
1 Quest
Unstable Faerie Dust
1 Quest