

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Empty Wallet
1Looted, Fished, Pick Pocketed Junk
Enchant Ring - Striking
1 Junk
Enchanted Dusk Lily
1 Other
Enchanted Moonfall Text
1 Other
Enchanted Nightborne Coin
1 Into the Crevasse Other
Enchanted Nightborne Coin
1 Other
Enchanted Nightborne Coin
1 Other
Enchanted Sin'dorei Banner
1 Other
Enchanted Sunrunner Kidney
1 Treasure Chest Other
Enchanted Vault Cell Key
1Looted Other
Enchrgled Mlrgmlrg of Enderglment
1 Other
Encoded Message
1 Blingtron 5000 Gift Package Junk
Encrusted Basilisk Skin
1Looted Junk
Encrypted Message
1 Junk
Encyclopaedia Draeconica Set
1 Explosives and Devices
Energized Crystal
1 Explosives and Devices
Energy-Singed Branch
1 Junk
Engraved Bloodtotem Armlet
1 Mellok, Son of Torok Other
Engraved Scimitar Hilt
1Archaeology Other
Enormous Grain of Salt
1 Junk
Enormous Jaws
1Looted Junk
Enormous Molar
1Looted Junk
Enormous Nagrand Pearl
1Looted Junk
Entangled Telemancy Orb
1 Other
Envenomed Fang
1Looted Junk
Envenomed Scorpid Stinger
1Looted Junk
Envoy's Log
1Looted Junk
Eredar Tail-Cuff
1 Other
Eredari Ignition Crystal
1Created Other
Eroded Heat Sink
1 Junk
Essence of Irritation
1Looted Junk
Eternal Flame
1 Explosives and Devices
Eternium Rose
1 Blingtron 4000 Gift Package Junk
Ettin Toe Ring
1 Other
Everburning Arcane Glowlamp
1 Other
Everburning Smolderon Ember
1 Other
Everfrost Powder
1Looted Junk
Evidence Against Samuelson
1 Junk
Evil Bat Eye
1Looted Junk
Evil Eye
1Looted Junk
Ewer of Jormungar Blood
1Archaeology Other
Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning
135 Other
Exhausted Frost Crux
1 Frost Wyrm Other
Exhausted Portal Key
1Looted Other
Expended Spell Reagents
1Looted Other
Expensive Ruby
1 Other
Expensive Ruby
1Looted Other
Experimental Healing Potion
1 Junk
Expert's Bounty
1Looted Other
Expert's Crest
1 Other
Expired Receipt
1Unobtainable Other
Expired Voodoo Power Core
1Looted Junk
Exploding Shot
1 Junk
Explosive Arrow
116 Junk
Exquisite Murloc Leash
1Looted, Fished Junk
Exquisite Necklace
1 Junk
Extendable Wand
1 Junk
Extinguished Light of Hope
1 Junk
Extinguished Torch
1Looted Junk
Extra Large Bag of Popped Pebbles
1Vendor Other
Extra Large Grooming Comb
1 Junk
Extracted Ashen Dust
1 Junk
Extracted Ashen Dust
1 Junk
Extravagantly Embroidered Pouch
1 Junk
Extreme Back Scratcher
1Looted, Fished Junk
Eye of Burning Shadow
1 Gazz'uz Other
Eye of the Wailer
1 Other
Ezra Grimm's Advertisement
1Looted Junk
Faded Abyssal Crest
1Unobtainable Junk
Faded Glyph
1Unobtainable Junk
Faded Glyph
1Unobtainable Junk
Faded Green Gem
1Looted Other
Faded Note
1 Suspicious Mound Junk
Faded Note
1Looted, Mined Junk
Faded Portrait of Devlynn Styx
1 Death Metal Knight Junk
Faded Treasure Map
1 Junk
Faerin's Shield
1Off Hand Shield
Failed Experiment
1 Junk
Failed Experiment Brew
1 Junk
Faintly Glowing Eye
1Looted Junk
Falanaar Crescent
1Looted Other
Falanaar Gemstone
1Looted Other
Falanaar Orb
1 Glimmering Treasure Chest Other
Falanaar Scepter
1 Glimmering Treasure Chest Other
Falara Nightsong's Coin
1 Dalaran Junk
Fallen Watcher Remains
1 Explosives and Devices
False Documents
1Looted Junk
Falstad Wildhammer's Copper Coin
1Fished Junk
Familiar Claw
1 Junk
Familiar Fang
1 Junk
Familiar Hide
1 Junk
Familiar Horn
1 Junk
Famous Sinstone Headers
1 Junk
Fancy Pocket Mirror
1 Junk
Fandral Staghelm's Silver Coin
1Fished Junk
Fang of Goldrinn
1 Other
Fanged Cloak Pin
1Archaeology Other
Fantastic Jewel
1 Junk
Fantasy Portrait
1Looted Junk
Fashionable Flask
1Vendor Other