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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Skull-Formed Headcage
8548Head Mail
Slobber-Soaked Chew Toy
8548One Hand One-handed Mace
Smolder-Tempered Legplates
8548Legs Plate
Smoothed Loop of Contemplation
8560Finger Finger
Soul Hunter's Boots
8548Feet Mail
Soul Hunter's Headgear
8548Head Mail
Soul Hunter's Monnion
8548Shoulders Mail
Soul Hunter's Vest
8548Chest Mail
Soulstalker Blunderbuss
8548Ranged Gun
Soulstalker's Barbs
8548One Hand Warglaives
Sourwine Pendant
8548Neck Neck
Spindlefang Spellblade
8548One Hand One-handed Sword
Spirit Tender's Hood
8548Head Cloth
Spirit Tender's Robe
8548Chest Cloth
Stained Bonefused Mantle
8548Shoulders Cloth
Stained Fleshgorer
8548One Hand One-handed Axe
Starshroud Helm
8548Head Leather
Starshroud Vest
8548Chest Leather
Stoneforged Cover
8548Head Plate
Stoneforged Hauberk
8548Chest Plate
Stoneforged Sabatons
8548Feet Plate
Stoneforged Spaulders
8548Shoulders Plate
Stonevigil Rapier
8548One Hand One-handed Sword
Strengthened Abomination Hook
8548One Hand One-handed Axe
Taskmaster's Tenderizer
8548One Hand One-handed Axe
Tauralus Hide Collar
8548Head Leather
Tempered Boneplate Waistguard
8548Waist Plate
Thicket Sweeper
8548Two Hand Polearm
Twenty-Loop Violet Girdle
8548Waist Leather
Vicious Reclaimer's Cover
8548Head Leather
War Scholar's Bonesaw
8548One Hand Dagger
War Scholar's Shortsword
8548One Hand One-handed Sword
War Scholar's Stave
8548Two Hand Staff
War Scholar's Tome
8548Off Hand Off Hand
War Scholar's Wand
8548Ranged Wand
Waylight Breastplate
8548Chest Plate
Waylight Chainmail
8548Chest Mail
Waylight Epaulets
8548Shoulders Leather
Waylight Pauldrons
8548Shoulders Plate
Waylight Shoulderguards
8548Shoulders Mail
Waylight Shoulderpads
8548Shoulders Cloth
Waylight Tunic
8548Chest Leather
Waylight Vestment
8548Chest Cloth
Worldrending Claymore
8548Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Wristclamps of Remorse
8560Wrists Plate
Wristclasps of Shame
8560Wrists Leather
9.0 QRP - Bastion - Accessory - Neck
8548Neck Neck
9.0 QRP - Bastion - Accessory - Ring D
8548Finger Finger
9.0 QRP - Bastion - Accessory - Trinket
8548Trinket Trinket
9.0 QRP - Bastion - Accessory - Trinket
8548Trinket Trinket
Adored Apprentice's Gloves
8548Hands Leather
Agthia's Void-Tinged Speartip
8548Trinket Trinket
Air Bootuses
8548Feet Leather
Amice of Pained Absolution
8548Shoulders Cloth
Ascended Defender's Crest
8548Trinket Trinket
Ash-Scored Girdle
8548Waist Plate
8548Wrists Plate
Belt of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Leather
Bindings of Pained Absolution
8548Wrists Cloth
Bonefused Bonesaw
8548One Hand Dagger
Bonefused Crossbow
8548Ranged Crossbow
Bonefused Crusher
8548One Hand One-handed Mace
Bonefused Greatstaff
8548Two Hand Staff
Bonefused Greatsword
8548Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Bonefused Shank
8548One Hand Dagger
Bonefused Shortsword
8548One Hand One-handed Sword
Bonefused Sword
8548One Hand One-handed Sword
Bonefused Warblade
8548One Hand One-handed Sword
Boot-a-Charge Flyers
8548Feet Cloth
Boots of Inner Calm
8548Feet Leather
Bootus Shocks
8548Feet Mail
Briarbane Signet
8548Finger Finger
8550Ranged Gun
Chime of Melodic Reflection
8548Off Hand Off Hand
Cinch of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Mail
Cincture of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Plate
Contemplative Striders
8548Feet Mail
Cord of Pained Absolution
8548Waist Cloth
Cord of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Cord
8548Waist Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Hood
8548Head Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Leggings
8548Legs Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Mantle
8548Shoulders Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Robe
8548Chest Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Slippers
8548Feet Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Treads
8548Feet Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Trousers
8548Legs Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Cloth
Courageous Aspirant's Belt
8548Waist Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Boots
8548Feet Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Breeches
8548Legs Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Breeches
8548Legs Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Gloves
8548Hands Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Helm
8548Head Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Helm
8548Head Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Mitts
8548Hands Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Spaulders
8548Shoulders Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Vest
8548Chest Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Leather
Cover of Pained Absolution
8548Head Cloth