

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Pouch of Coins
70 Junk
Prehistoric Fin
70 Junk
Prehistoric Sediment
70 Junk
Preserved Krolusk Crest
70 Junk
Pressed Flower
70 Junk
Primal Beast Claw
70 Junk
Primal Chaos Cluster
70 Other
Primeval Fin
70 Junk
Primitive Centaur Carving
70 Junk
Pristine Beast Fur
70 Junk
Pristine Beast Fur
70 Junk
Pristine Core Leather
70 Leather
Pulverized Living Earth
70 Junk
Pyretic Speck
70 Junk
Q'onzu Edict of Change
70 Other
Quilted Tent Scrap
70 Junk
Rain-soaked Feather
70 Junk
Rain-soaked pelt
70 Junk
Razor Quill
70 Junk
Red Sparklepretty
70 Junk
Reef Carapace
70 Junk
Regurgitated Spores
70 Junk
Reptilian Fang
70 Junk
Rock with Chewed Gum
70 Junk
Rock Worm Frills
70 Junk
Rock-Hard Eggshell
70 Junk
Roomy Shell
70 Junk
Rotting Fruit
70 Junk
Rough Coiled Horns
70 Junk
Royal Nerubian Capsa
70 Junk
Ruby Flightstone
70 Junk
Salt-dried Roots
70 Junk
Scaled Toes
70 Junk
Scale-Piercing Fang
70 Junk
Scaly Wing
70 Junk
Scarlet Pendant
70Neck Neck
Scratch-and-Sniff Stone
70 Junk
Second Head's Fang
70 Junk
Sensitive Scotopic Eye
70 Junk
Serrated Limb
70 Junk
Serrated Pincer
70 Junk
Serrated Sporebat Spine
70 Junk
Severed Roots
70 Junk
Sharp Bird Talon
70 Junk
Sharpened Shalewing Bones
70 Junk
Shattered Adamant Scales
70 Junk
Short Rib
70 Junk
Simple Pottery Fragment
70 Junk
Sizeable Feather
70 Junk
Slender Twisting Horn
70 Junk
Slimy Deepsea Fin
70 Junk
Slimy Frog Eggs
70 Junk
Slimy Old Boot
70 Junk
Slit-Shaped Pupil
70 Junk
Small Demon Horn
70 Junk
Smashed Metal Scraps
70 Junk
Smashed Pottery
70 Junk
Smudged Snippet of Poetry
70 Junk
Solar Battery
70 Junk
Speck of Mana
70 Junk
Splendid Blossom
70 Junk
Splendid Feather
70 Junk
Splendid Horn
70 Junk
Splendid Whiskers
70 Junk
Spoiled Honeywine
70 Junk
Springy Tongue
70 Junk
Static Sand
70 Junk
Steaming Drake Heart
70 Junk
Stiff Brush
70 Junk
Strip of Niffen Headwear
70 Junk
Strip of Notched Leather
70 Junk
Sturdy Bone
70 Junk
Sublime Flower
70 Junk
Swim Bladder
70 Junk
Tainted Patch of Hide
70 Junk
Tarnished Engagement Ring
70 Junk
Tattered Proto-Wing
70 Junk
Terrene Speck
70 Junk
Terrifying Teeth
70 Junk
Thin Blubber
70 Junk
Third Head's Eye
70 Junk
Thunder Thigh
70 Junk
70 Junk
Timeless Horns
70 Junk
Time-Worn Fang
70 Junk
Torn Deep Scales
70 Junk
Torn Dragon Wing
70 Junk
Torn Ear
70 Junk
Torn Resilient Leather Scraps
70 Junk
Twice-Dead Tusk
70 Junk
Undamaged Silk Gland
70 Junk
Unearthed Stone Arrowhead
70 Junk
Unhinged Mandible
70 Junk
Unidentifiable Equine Fossil
70 Junk
Unidentifiable Goo
70 Junk
Unknown Titan Mechanism
70 Junk
Un-Raised Bone Fragments
70 Junk
Unraveled Sock
70 Junk
Unstable Arcane Essence
70 Junk
Unusable Plant Matter
70 Junk