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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Elementium Deathplate Helmet
6032Head Plate
Elementium Deathplate Legguards
6032Legs Plate
Elementium Deathplate Pauldrons
6032Shoulders Plate
Elementium Deathplate Shoulderguards
6032Shoulders Plate
Elite Footman's Legplates
6050Legs Plate
Embersear Waistguard
6050Waist Plate
Embossed Deckwalkers
6050Feet Leather
Embroidered Deep Sea Breeches
6050Legs Cloth
Embroidered Deep Sea Breeches
6050Legs Cloth
Embroidered Deep Sea Gloves
6050Hands Cloth
Embroidered Deep Sea Gloves
6050Hands Cloth
Encrypted Banner of the Opportune
60 Other
Entrail Disgorger
60One Hand Dagger
Ephemera-Infused Mesh
60 Other
Erupting Volcanic Cuirass
6032Chest Mail
Erupting Volcanic Faceguard
6032Head Mail
Erupting Volcanic Gloves
6032Hands Mail
Erupting Volcanic Grips
6032Hands Mail
Erupting Volcanic Handwraps
6032Hands Mail
Erupting Volcanic Hauberk
6032Chest Mail
Erupting Volcanic Headpiece
6032Head Mail
Erupting Volcanic Helmet
6032Head Mail
Erupting Volcanic Kilt
6032Legs Mail
Erupting Volcanic Legguards
6032Legs Mail
Erupting Volcanic Legwraps
6032Legs Mail
Erupting Volcanic Mantle
6032Shoulders Mail
Erupting Volcanic Shoulderwraps
6032Shoulders Mail
Erupting Volcanic Spaulders
6032Shoulders Mail
Erupting Volcanic Tunic
6032Chest Mail
Eruption-Scarred Boots
6030Feet Mail
Esoteric Dragon Shard of Knowledge
60 Quest
Eternal Flamekeeper's Handwraps
6050Hands Cloth
Ethereal Fletching
60 Other
Everchill Anchor
6050Trinket Trinket
Everglowing Ember
60 Quest
Existence-Shattering Gauntlets
6050Hands Plate
Extra-Light Light Emitting Cord
6050Waist Cloth
Eye of Blazing Power
6032Trinket Trinket
Eye of Purification
60One Hand One-handed Axe
Faceguard of the Molten Giant
6032Head Plate
Faceguard of the Raging Elements
60Head Mail
Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas
6030Ranged Crossbow
Fall of Mortality
60Trinket Trinket
Fandral's Flamescythe
6032Two Hand Staff
Fang of Vashj
6027One Hand Dagger
Fated Matter Fractalizer
60 Other
Fathom Dredgers
6050Hands Cloth
Fa'thuul's Floodguards
6050Legs Mail
Feathered Galeforce Crest
6050Head Mail
Feeding Frenzy
6032One Hand Dagger
Fetid Horror's Tanglecloak
6050Back Back
Fingers of Incineration
6032Hands Cloth
Finished Prototype Explorer's Barding
60 Leather
Finished Prototype Regal Barding
60 Leather
Firecaller's Handwraps
6050Hands Cloth
Firecat Leggings
6032Legs Leather
Firehawk Gloves
6032Hands Cloth
Firehawk Hood
6032Head Cloth
Firehawk Leggings
6032Legs Cloth
Firehawk Mantle
6032Shoulders Cloth
Firehawk Robes
6032Chest Cloth
Firelord's Hood
6032Head Cloth
Firelord's Mantle
6032Shoulders Cloth
Fireskin Gauntlets
6032Hands Plate
Firethorn Mindslicer
60One Hand One-handed Sword
First Lieutenant's Ceremonial Belt
6050Waist Leather
Flag Officer's Overcoat
6050Chest Mail
Flame-Sterilized Spaulders
6050Shoulders Mail
Flamewaker's Gloves
6032Hands Mail
Flamewaker's Headguard
6032Head Mail
Flamewaker's Legguards
6032Legs Mail
Flamewaker's Spaulders
6032Shoulders Mail
Flamewaker's Tunic
6032Chest Mail
Flaming Core Chestguard
6032Chest Mail
Flaming Gavel of Truth
6050One Hand One-handed Mace
Flaskzertauren's Cloth Robes
6050Chest Cloth
Flaskzertauren's Cloth Shoulders
6050Shoulders Cloth
Flaskzertauren's Leather Shoulderpads
6050Shoulders Leather
Flaskzertauren's Leather Spaulders
6050Shoulders Leather
Flaskzertauren's Leather Tunic
6050Chest Leather
Flaskzertauren's Leather Vest
6050Chest Leather
Flaskzertauren's Mail Hauberk
6050Chest Mail
Flaskzertauren's Mail Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Mail
Flaskzertauren's Plate Chestguard
6050Chest Plate
Flaskzertauren's Plate Cuirass
6050Chest Plate
Flaskzertauren's Plate Pauldrons
6050Shoulders Plate
Flickering Cowl
6032Head Cloth
Flickering Handguards
6032Hands Plate
Flickering Shoulderpads
6032Shoulders Leather
Flickering Shoulders
6032Shoulders Mail
Flickering Wristbands
6032Wrists Leather
Flowform Choker
6032Neck Neck
Fluid-Resistant Specimen Handlers
6050Hands Plate
Fogbreaker, Light of the Sea
6050Off Hand Off Hand
Font of Ephemeral Power
6060 Other
Footpads of the Deft Exorcist
6050Feet Leather
Footpads of the Encircling Storm
6050Feet Leather
Footpads of the Icy Floe
6030Feet Cloth
Fordragon Blades
6030Two Hand Polearm
Forest Lord's Razorleaf
6050Trinket Trinket