

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Rubywrought Sparkguards
6050Wrists Mail
Rulk'Nerub Raptorial Spine
6060Back Back
Runetotem's Mantle
6027Shoulders Leather
Ruthlessness Protocol Augment
6050Trinket Trinket
Sabatons of the Renewed Warpath
6050Feet Plate
Sacred Creation Impetus
60 Other
Sailing Master's Sash
6050Waist Cloth
Salgos' Volatile Basher
6050One Hand One-handed Mace
Saltarello Shoes
6030Feet Cloth
Sandals of Leaping Coals
6032Feet Leather
Sandals of Rustling Rage
6050Feet Cloth
Sandswept Legionnaire's Legplates
6050Legs Plate
Sandworn Relic
6060 Other
Sanguinated Alchemist Stone
6050Trinket Trinket
Sash of the Scaled Devoted
6050Waist Cloth
Savage Terrorwing Leggings
6050Legs Leather
Savior's Grasp
6027Chest Plate
Scalemail Battle Harness
6050Chest Mail
Scalp of the Bandit Prince
6032Head Mail
Scepter of Purification
6027Off Hand Off Hand
Scorched Sandstalkers
6050Feet Plate
Scroll of Violent Tides
6050Off Hand Off Hand
Sea Priest's Waistcord
6050Waist Cloth
Sea Swell Chestplate
6050Chest Plate
Seabinder's Leggings
6050Legs Leather
Seal of the Zandalari Empire
6050Finger Finger
Sea-Treated Footwraps
6050Feet Cloth
Self-Accelerating Drive Shaft
6050Trinket Trinket
Self-Rotating Dagger of Xing
6050One Hand Dagger
Serene Echoes
6030Feet Cloth
Serpent Spine Longbow
6027Ranged Bow
Servo-Claw Smasher
6050One Hand One-handed Mace
Shackles of the End of Days
6032Wrists Plate
Shadow of Dread
6032Back Back
Shadowblaze Robes
6032Chest Cloth
Shadowflame Hood
6032Head Cloth
Shadowflame Mantle
6032Shoulders Cloth
Shadowlit Haversack
6060Back Back
Shadow-Wreathed Gloves
6050Hands Leather
Shadraspun Legwraps
6050Legs Cloth
Shallow Nautic Helm
6060Head Cosmetic
Shalug'doom, the Axe of Unmaking
6032Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Shard of Torment
6032Off Hand Shield
Sharpshooter's Chainmail Hauberk
6050Chest Mail
Shatterskull Bonecrusher
60One Hand One-handed Mace
Shellbuckle Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Sho'ravon, Greatstaff of Annihilation
6032Two Hand Staff
Sho'ravon, Greatstaff of Annihilation
6032Two Hand Staff
Shoulderguards of the Molten Giant
6032Shoulders Plate
Shoulderpads of the Forgotten Gate
6032Shoulders Leather
Shoulderpads of the Snow Bandit
6030Shoulders Leather
Shoulderplates of Bloodshed
6030Shoulders Plate
Shoulderwraps of the Cleansing Flame
6032Shoulders Cloth
Shoulderwraps of the Raging Elements
60Shoulders Mail
Shroud of the Avatar
60Chest Cloth
Shrouded Banner of the Opportune
60 Other
Shrouded Sandscale Bracers
6050Wrists Mail
Shtuf's Ruler
6050Two Hand Polearm
Signet of the Fifth Circle
6032Finger Finger
Signet of the Traitor King
6030Finger Finger
Silent Pillager's Footpads
6050Feet Leather
Silent Scavenger Footpads
6050Feet Leather
Silent Scavenger Leggings
6050Legs Leather
Silent Stalker Belt
6050Waist Leather
Silirrion's Tenderizer
6050One Hand One-handed Mace
Silverback Cloak
6050Back Back
Simian Berserker's Helm
6050Head Mail
Sinister Aspirant's Halberd
6050Two Hand Polearm
Sinister Combatant's Bow
6050Ranged Bow
Sinister Combatant's Bow
6050Ranged Bow
Sinister Combatant's Cutlass
6050One Hand One-handed Sword
Sinister Combatant's Cutlass
6050One Hand One-handed Sword
Sinister Combatant's Deckpounder
6050Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Sinister Combatant's Deckpounder
6050Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Sinister Combatant's Discombobulator
6050One Hand One-handed Mace
Sinister Combatant's Etched Vessel
6050Off Hand Off Hand
Sinister Combatant's Etched Vessel
6050Off Hand Off Hand
Sinister Combatant's Intuitive Staff
6050Two Hand Staff
Sinister Combatant's Leather Armguards
6050Wrists Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Armguards
6050Wrists Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Gauntlets
6050Hands Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Gauntlets
6050Hands Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Leggings
6050Legs Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Leggings
6050Legs Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Treads
6050Feet Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Treads
6050Feet Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Waistguard
6050Waist Leather
Sinister Combatant's Leather Waistguard
6050Waist Leather
Sinister Combatant's Mail Armguards
6050Wrists Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Armguards
6050Wrists Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Gauntlets
6050Hands Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Gauntlets
6050Hands Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Treads
6050Feet Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Treads
6050Feet Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Waistguard
6050Waist Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Waistguard
6050Waist Mail
Sinister Combatant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Sinister Combatant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate