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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Embellished Ritual Sabatons
59Feet Plate
Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak
5950Back Back
Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak
5950Back Back
Enchanter's Sorcerous Scepter
5950Ranged Wand
Enchanter's Sorcerous Scepter
5950Ranged Wand
Endless Tincture of Fractional Power
5950Trinket Trinket
Excavator's Safety Belt
59Waist Cloth
Exiled Veteran's Cuirass
5945Chest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Cuirass
59Chest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Helm
59Head Plate
Exiled Veteran's Helm
5945Head Plate
Exiled Veteran's Pauldrons
5945Shoulders Plate
Exiled Veteran's Pauldrons
59Shoulders Plate
Exiled Veteran's Spaulders
5945Shoulders Plate
Exiled Veteran's Spaulders
59Shoulders Plate
Exquisitely Aerodynamic Shoulderpads
5950Shoulders Cloth
Fangproof Gauntlets
59Hands Plate
Fangs of Intertwined Essence
59Trinket Trinket
Fatty Hooves of Gory Comfort
59Feet Plate
Fetish of the Tormented Mind
5945Trinket Trinket
Finely-Tuned Stormsteel Destroyer
5950Ranged Gun
Finely-Tuned Stormsteel Destroyer
5950Ranged Gun
Flamecaster Botefeux
59Two Hand Staff
Flashpowder Hood
5950Head Leather
Flint-Linked Wristguards
59Wrists Mail
Fluorescent Flora Stompers
59Feet Plate
Footbomb Championship Ring
59Finger Finger
Footpads of the Serene Wake
59Feet Leather
Freebooter Cowl
5945Head Leather
Freebooter Cowl
59Head Leather
Freebooter Hood
5945Head Leather
Freebooter Hood
59Head Leather
Freebooter Shoulderpads
5945Shoulders Leather
Freebooter Shoulderpads
59Shoulders Leather
Freebooter Tunic
5945Chest Leather
Freebooter Tunic
59Chest Leather
G0-4W4Y Crowd Repeller
59Off Hand Shield
59One Hand One-handed Mace
Galecaller's Boon
59Trinket Trinket
Galvanized Stormcrusher
59One Hand One-handed Mace
Gaoler's Chainmail Gaiters
59Legs Mail
Gaping Maw Shoulderguard
5950Shoulders Mail
Gauntlets of Eternal Service
59Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Avian Sentinel
59Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Total Subservience
59Hands Plate
Geti'ikku, Cut of Death
59Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Gilded Serpent's Tooth
59One Hand Dagger
Girdle of Burgeoning Apathy
59Waist Plate
Girdle of Pestilent Purification
59Waist Plate
Glittering War-Torn Cache
59 None
Gloves of Corrupted Waters
59Hands Leather
Gloves of Staunched Wounds
59Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Iron Reavers
59Hands Leather
Gnawed Iron Fetters
59Feet Mail
Goldfeather Boots
59Feet Leather
Gold-Tasseled Epaulets
5950Shoulders Leather
Gorak Tul's Mantle
5950Shoulders Leather
Gore-Crusted Butcher's Block
59Trinket Trinket
Gore-Splattered Vest
5950Chest Leather
Grasping Crown of the Deep
5950Head Cloth
Greasy Bacon-Grabbers
59Hands Cloth
Greathelm of the Putrid Path
5950Head Plate
Grips of Electrified Defense
59Hands Leather
Grips of the Everlasting Guardian
59Hands Plate
Grubby Servant-Grabbers
59Hands Leather
Gunpowder-Scoured Sabatons
59Feet Plate
Hadal's Nautilus
59Trinket Trinket
Halberd of the Unwary Guard
59Two Hand Polearm
Hallowed Ossein Longbow
59Ranged Bow
Handwraps of Oscillating Polarity
59Hands Cloth
Hardened Tempest Knuckles
5950One Hand Fist Weapon
Hardened Tempest Knuckles
5950One Hand Fist Weapon
Harlan's Loaded Dice
59Trinket Trinket
Harpooner's Plate Cuirass
5950Chest Plate
Hauberk of Sunken Despair
5950Chest Mail
Headcracker of Supplication
59One Hand One-handed Mace
Headdress of the First Empire
5950Head Cloth
Heart-Piercing Stalactite
59One Hand Dagger
Helm of Abyssal Malevolence
5950Head Plate
Helm of the Raptor King
5950Head Plate
High Altitude Turban
5950Head Leather
Honorable Combatant's Aegis
5950Off Hand Shield
Honorable Combatant's Bow
5950Ranged Bow
Honorable Combatant's Bow
5950Ranged Bow
Honorable Combatant's Cestus
5950One Hand Fist Weapon
Honorable Combatant's Cestus
5950One Hand Fist Weapon
Honorable Combatant's Cutlass
5950One Hand One-handed Sword
Honorable Combatant's Cutlass
5950One Hand One-handed Sword
Honorable Combatant's Deckpounder
5950Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Honorable Combatant's Deckpounder
5950Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Honorable Combatant's Discombobulator
5950One Hand One-handed Mace
Honorable Combatant's Etched Vessel
5950Off Hand Off Hand
Honorable Combatant's Etched Vessel
5950Off Hand Off Hand
Honorable Combatant's Intuitive Staff
5950Two Hand Staff
Honorable Combatant's Leather Armguards
5950Wrists Leather
Honorable Combatant's Leather Armguards
5950Wrists Leather
Honorable Combatant's Leather Gauntlets
5950Hands Leather
Honorable Combatant's Leather Gauntlets
5950Hands Leather
Honorable Combatant's Leather Greaves
5950Legs Leather
Honorable Combatant's Leather Leggings
5950Legs Leather