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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Old Salt's Bardic Citrine
Singing Wind Citrine
619 Other Gem
Roaring War-Queen's Citrine
Singing Thunder Citrine
619 Other Gem
Seabed Leviathan's Citrine
Singing Sea Citrine
619 Other Gem
Squall Sailor's Citrine
Singing Wind Citrine
619 Other Gem
Storm Sewer's Citrine
Singing Thunder Citrine
619 Other Gem
Stormbringer's Runed Citrine
Singing Thunder Citrine
619 Other Gem
Thunderlord's Crackling Citrine
Singing Thunder Citrine
619 Other Gem
Undersea Overseer's Citrine
Singing Sea Citrine
619 Other Gem
Windsinger's Runed Citrine
Singing Wind Citrine
619 Other Gem
Algari Flask Cauldron
61071 Other
Algari Potion Cauldron
61071 Other
Amulet of Earthen Craftsmanship
610Neck Neck
Binding of Binding
610Finger Finger
Cache of Dark Iron Treasures
61080 Other
Cache of Delver's Spoils
61080 Other
Cache of Earthen Treasures
61080 Other
Cache of Nerubian Treasures
61080 Other
Cognitive Bloodstone
610 Other Gem
Conch Collector's Locket
61080Neck Neck
Cubic Blasphemia
610 Other Gem
Culminating Blasphemite
610 Other Gem
Cursed Pirate Skull
61080Trinket Trinket
Darktide Wavebender's Orb
61080Trinket Trinket
Daybreak Spellthread
61070 Legs
Determined Bloodstone
610 Other Gem
Earthen Deckhand's Bindings
61080Wrists Leather
Earthen Deckhand's Blunderbuss
61080Ranged Gun
Earthen Deckhand's Breeches
61080Legs Leather
Earthen Deckhand's Bulwark
61080Off Hand Shield
Earthen Deckhand's Cap
61080Head Leather
Earthen Deckhand's Cape
61080Back Back
Earthen Deckhand's Cleaver
61080One Hand One-handed Axe
Earthen Deckhand's Cudgel
61080One Hand One-handed Mace
Earthen Deckhand's Dagger
61080One Hand Dagger
Earthen Deckhand's Grips
61080Hands Leather
Earthen Deckhand's Halberd
61080Two Hand Polearm
Earthen Deckhand's Knuckles
61080One Hand Fist Weapon
Earthen Deckhand's Rod
61080Two Hand Staff
Earthen Deckhand's Sash
61080Waist Leather
Earthen Deckhand's Shoulderpads
61080Shoulders Leather
Earthen Deckhand's Vest
61080Chest Leather
Earthen Deckhand's Waders
61080Feet Leather
Earthen Deckhand's Warglaive
61080One Hand Warglaives
Earthen Islander's Bracers
61080Wrists Mail
Earthen Islander's Chainmail
61080Chest Mail
Earthen Islander's Cinch
61080Waist Mail
Earthen Islander's Coif
61080Head Mail
Earthen Islander's Greaves
61080Legs Mail
Earthen Islander's Grips
61080Hands Mail
Earthen Islander's Shawl
61080Back Back
Earthen Islander's Shoulderguards
61080Shoulders Mail
Earthen Islander's Striders
61080Feet Mail
Earthen Landlubber's Armplates
61080Wrists Plate
Earthen Landlubber's Axe
61080One Hand One-handed Axe
Earthen Landlubber's Breastplate
61080Chest Plate
Earthen Landlubber's Crossbow
61080Ranged Crossbow
Earthen Landlubber's Drape
61080Back Back
Earthen Landlubber's Gauntlets
61080Hands Plate
Earthen Landlubber's Girdle
61080Waist Plate
Earthen Landlubber's Greataxe
61080Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Earthen Landlubber's Greatsword
61080Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Earthen Landlubber's Hammer
61080Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Earthen Landlubber's Helm
61080Head Plate
Earthen Landlubber's Knife
61080One Hand Dagger
Earthen Landlubber's Legguards
61080Legs Plate
Earthen Landlubber's Mantle
61080Shoulders Plate
Earthen Landlubber's Polearm
61080Two Hand Polearm
Earthen Landlubber's Sabatons
61080Feet Plate
Earthen Landlubber's Shield
61080Off Hand Shield
Earthen Landlubber's Sword
61080One Hand One-handed Sword
Earthen Scallywag's Bow
61080Ranged Bow
Earthen Scallywag's Cloak
61080Back Back
Earthen Scallywag's Cord
61080Waist Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Cowl
61080Head Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Cuffs
61080Wrists Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Gavel
61080One Hand One-handed Mace
Earthen Scallywag's Greatstaff
61080Two Hand Staff
Earthen Scallywag's Handwraps
61080Hands Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Implement
61080Off Hand Off Hand
Earthen Scallywag's Kris
61080One Hand Dagger
Earthen Scallywag's Leggings
61080Legs Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Mantle
61080Shoulders Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Saber
61080One Hand One-handed Sword
Earthen Scallywag's Sandals
61080Feet Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Spear
61080Two Hand Polearm
Earthen Scallywag's Vestment
61080Chest Cloth
Elusive Blasphemite
610 Other Gem
Enduring Bloodstone
610 Other Gem
Fractured Gemstone Locket
610Neck Neck
Insightful Blasphemite
610 Other Gem
Moneyed Mariner's Pendant
61080Neck Neck
Ordained Forge Maul
61080Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Pirate's Booty
61080 Other
QA Algari Healing Potion
61071 Potions
QA Algari Mana Potion
61071 Potions
QA Cavedweller's Delight
61071 Potions
QA Draught of Shocking Revelations
61071 Potions
QA Draught of Silent Footfalls
61071 Potions
QA Frontline Potion
61071 Potions
QA Grotesque Vial
61071 Potions