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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Anachronistic Bindings
40270Wrists Cloth
Anachronistic Breeches
40270Legs Cloth
Anachronistic Hood
40270Head Cloth
Anachronistic Mantle
40270Shoulders Cloth
Anachronistic Mitts
40270Hands Cloth
Anachronistic Robes
40270Chest Cloth
Anachronistic Sash
40270Waist Cloth
Anachronistic Slippers
40270Feet Cloth
Anachronistic Wrap
40270Back Back
Anomalous Cape
40270Back Back
Anomalous Chestplate
40270Chest Plate
Anomalous Crushers
40270Hands Plate
Anomalous Girdle
40270Waist Plate
Anomalous Greathelm
40270Head Plate
Anomalous Greaves
40270Legs Plate
Anomalous Pauldrons
40270Shoulders Plate
Anomalous Stompers
40270Feet Plate
Anomalous Vambraces
40270Wrists Plate
Bronzegift Mallet
40270One Hand One-handed Mace
Chroniton Wand
40270Ranged Wand
40270Two Hand Staff
Cincture of Discontinuity
40270Waist Leather
Cloak of Discontinuity
40270Back Back
Edge of Tomorrow
40270One Hand Dagger
Epaulets of Discontinuity
40270Shoulders Leather
Ever-Repeating Rifle
40270Ranged Gun
Gloves of Discontinuity
40270Hands Leather
Hoursteel Mace
40270One Hand One-handed Mace
Inevitable Claymore
40270Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Leggings of Discontinuity
40270Legs Leather
Mask of Discontinuity
40270Head Leather
Paradoxical Bracers
40270Wrists Mail
Paradoxical Chainmail
40270Chest Mail
Paradoxical Cinch
40270Waist Mail
Paradoxical Cowl
40270Head Mail
Paradoxical Drape
40270Back Back
Paradoxical Gauntlets
40270Hands Mail
Paradoxical Spaulders
40270Shoulders Mail
Paradoxical Striders
40270Feet Mail
Paradoxical Tassets
40270Legs Mail
Raiment of Discontinuity
40270Chest Leather
Rift Render
40270One Hand Warglaives
Spacetime Cleaver
40270One Hand One-handed Axe
Temporal Battle Staff
40270Two Hand Staff
Time Keeper's Polearm
40270Two Hand Polearm
Time Slicer
40270Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Timeless Bulwark
40270Off Hand Shield
Timespan Scepter
40270Off Hand Off Hand
Treads of Discontinuity
40270Feet Leather
Wristbands of Discontinuity
40270Wrists Leather
Azsharan Azerite Pearling Enhancement
400120 None
Azsharan Pearling Enhancement
400120 None
Draconic Phial Cauldron
40061 Other
Enchant Weapon - Burning Devotion
40060 Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Earthen Devotion
40060 Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Frozen Devotion
40060 Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Sophic Devotion
40060 Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Wafting Devotion
40060 Weapon
Enchant Weapon: Dreaming Devotion
40060 Weapon
Fierce Illimited Diamond
400 Other Gem
Frozen Spellthread
400 Legs
Inscribed Illimited Diamond
400 Other Gem
Resplendent Illimited Diamond
400 Other Gem
40058 Explosives and Devices
Skillful Illimited Diamond
400 Other Gem
Temporal Spellthread
400 Legs
Blade of Hatred
40070One Hand One-handed Sword
Blade of Hatred
40070One Hand One-handed Sword
Bottled Tornado
400Trinket Kal'tik the Blight Trinket
Crafty Alexstraszite
Air Ruby
400 Other Gem
Crafty Ysemerald
Fire Emerald
400 Other Gem
Darkened Tinderbox
40070Neck Neck
Deadly Alexstraszite
Fire Ruby
400 Other Gem
Empowered Tinderbox
40070Neck Neck
Enchant Boots - Plainsrunner's Breeze
40060 Feet
Enchant Boots - Rider's Reassurance
40060 Feet
Enchant Boots - Watcher's Loam
40060 Feet
Enchant Bracer - Devotion of Avoidance
40060 Wrist
Enchant Bracer - Devotion of Leech
40060 Wrist
Enchant Bracer - Devotion of Speed
40060 Wrist
Enchant Chest - Accelerated Agility
40060 Chest
Enchant Chest - Reserve of Intellect
40060 Chest
Enchant Chest - Sustained Strength
40060 Chest
Enchant Chest - Waking Stats
40060 Chest
Enchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
40060 Cloak
Enchant Cloak - Homebound Speed
40060 Cloak
Enchant Cloak - Regenerative Leech
40060 Cloak
Enchant Ring - Devotion of Critical Strike
40060 Finger
Enchant Ring - Devotion of Haste
40060 Finger
Enchant Ring - Devotion of Mastery
40060 Finger
Enchant Ring - Devotion of Versatility
40060 Finger
Enchant Tool - Draconic Deftness
400 Misc
Enchant Tool - Draconic Finesse
400 Misc
Enchant Tool - Draconic Ingenuity
400 Misc
Enchant Tool - Draconic Perception
400 Misc
Enchant Tool - Draconic Resourcefulness
400 Misc
Enchant Weapon - Burning Writ
40060 Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Earthen Writ
40060 Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Frozen Writ
40060 Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Shadowflame Wreathe
40060 Weapon