

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Soulblade Guise
25260Head Leather
Soulblade Leathers
25260Chest Leather
Soulblade Leggings
25260Legs Leather
Soulblade Nightwings
25260Shoulders Leather
Soulblade Wristguard
25260Wrists Leather
Tassels of the Grand Upwelling
25260Shoulders Leather
Theurgic Starspeaker's Adornment
25260Shoulders Mail
Theurgic Starspeaker's Belt
25260Waist Mail
Theurgic Starspeaker's Bracers
25260Wrists Mail
Theurgic Starspeaker's Howl
25260Head Mail
Theurgic Starspeaker's Ringmail
25260Chest Mail
Theurgic Starspeaker's Runebindings
25260Hands Mail
Theurgic Starspeaker's Sabatons
25260Feet Mail
Theurgic Starspeaker's Shawl
25260Back Back
Theurgic Starspeaker's Tassets
25260Legs Mail
Vambraces of the First Eidolon
25260Wrists Plate
Vambraces of the Infinite Infantry
25260Wrists Plate
Visage of the First Eidolon
25260Head Plate
Waistwrap of the Demon Star
25260Waist Cloth
Waistwrap of the Grand Upwelling
25260Waist Leather
Wrap of the Fixed Stars
25260Back Back
Catastrophe Signet
25260Finger Finger
Cloudburst Bindings
25260Wrists Cloth
Cloudburst Breeches
25260Legs Cloth
Cloudburst Hood
25260Head Cloth
Cloudburst Mantle
25260Shoulders Cloth
Cloudburst Mitts
25260Hands Cloth
Cloudburst Robes
25260Chest Cloth
Cloudburst Sash
25260Waist Cloth
Cloudburst Slippers
25260Feet Cloth
Cloudburst Wrap
25260Back Back
Cyclonic Bracers
25260Wrists Mail
Cyclonic Chainmail
25260Chest Mail
Cyclonic Cinch
25260Waist Mail
Cyclonic Cowl
25260Head Mail
Cyclonic Drape
25260Back Back
Cyclonic Gauntlets
25260Hands Mail
Cyclonic Kilt
25260Legs Mail
Cyclonic Spaulders
25260Shoulders Mail
Cyclonic Striders
25260Feet Mail
Dalaran Defender's Greaves
25270Legs Plate
Dust Devil Cincture
25260Waist Leather
Dust Devil Cloak
25260Back Back
Dust Devil Epaulets
25260Shoulders Leather
Dust Devil Gloves
25260Hands Leather
Dust Devil Leggings
25260Legs Leather
Dust Devil Mask
25260Head Leather
Dust Devil Raiment
25260Chest Leather
Dust Devil Treads
25260Feet Leather
Dust Devil Wristbands
25260Wrists Leather
Firestorm Cape
25260Back Back
Firestorm Chestplate
25260Chest Plate
Firestorm Crushers
25260Hands Plate
Firestorm Girdle
25260Waist Plate
Firestorm Greathelm
25260Head Plate
Firestorm Greaves
25260Legs Plate
Firestorm Pauldrons
25260Shoulders Plate
Firestorm Stompers
25260Feet Plate
Firestorm Vambraces
25260Wrists Plate
Galepiercer Ballista
25260Ranged Crossbow
Galerider Crescent
25260One Hand One-handed Axe
Galerider Mallet
25260One Hand One-handed Mace
Galerider Poleaxe
25260Two Hand Polearm
Galerider Shank
25260One Hand Dagger
Goblin Mini Fridge
252Bag Bag
Recruit's Sturdy Bindings
25210Wrists Cloth
Recruit's Sturdy Bindings
25210Wrists Cloth
Recruit's Sturdy Bow
25210Ranged Bow
Recruit's Sturdy Bow
25210Ranged Bow
Recruit's Sturdy Bracers
25210Wrists Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Bracers
25210Wrists Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Breeches
25210Legs Cloth
Recruit's Sturdy Breeches
25210Legs Cloth
Recruit's Sturdy Cape
25210Back Back
Recruit's Sturdy Cape
25210Back Back
Recruit's Sturdy Chainmail
25210Chest Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Chainmail
25210Chest Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Chestplate
25210Chest Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Chestplate
25210Chest Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Cinch
25210Waist Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Cinch
25210Waist Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Cincture
25210Waist Leather
Recruit's Sturdy Cincture
25210Waist Leather
Recruit's Sturdy Cloak
25210Back Back
Recruit's Sturdy Cloak
25210Back Back
Recruit's Sturdy Cowl
25210Head Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Cowl
25210Head Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Crescent
25210One Hand One-handed Axe
Recruit's Sturdy Crescent
25210One Hand One-handed Axe
Recruit's Sturdy Crushers
25210Hands Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Crushers
25210Hands Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Drape
25210Back Back
Recruit's Sturdy Drape
25210Back Back
Recruit's Sturdy Epaulets
25210Shoulders Leather
Recruit's Sturdy Epaulets
25210Shoulders Leather
Recruit's Sturdy Gauntlets
25210Hands Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Gauntlets
25210Hands Mail
Recruit's Sturdy Girdle
25210Waist Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Girdle
25210Waist Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Gloves
25210Hands Leather