clear all
Name Zone Level React Type
"Stop the Bombardment" Forge of Corruption Devastator Banner Quest Kill Credit
"Stop the Bombardment" Soul Engine Devastator Banner Quest Kill Credit
"Stop the Bombardment" The Doom Fortress Devastator Banner Quest Kill Credit
"Strange Happenings" - Book Credit
"Strange Happenings" - Ritual Credit
"Strange Happenings" - Text Credit
"Sure-Shot" Arnie
<Amateur Hunter>
"Survey The Battlefield" Quest Kill Credit
"Swamp Eye" Jarl
"Sweet" Jane Harlow
"Take Him to the Earthcaller" Kill Credit
"Taking the Fight to Nagrand" Alliance Quest Kill Credit
"Taking the Fight to Nagrand" Horde Quest Kill Credit
"Tamed" Goren
"Tamed" Goren
"Tamed" Goren Broodling
"Target Dummy"
"Target Dummy"
"Target Dummy"
"Tear of Elune" Teleport Used Quest Kill Credit
"Techs" Rickard Rustbolt
<Arena Battlemaster>
"The Captive Spymaster" Quest Speak with Taoshi Kill Credit
"The Crux of the Plan" Sargerite Keystone Placed Quest Kill Credit
"The Foot" scrying completed
"The Hammer of Khaz'goroth" Teleport Used Quest Kill Credit
"The Immortal" Wren
"The Imp Mother's Tome" Cave Entrance POI Quest Kill Credit
"The Imposter" Quest Detheroc Kill Credit
"The Imposter" Quest Hay Bale A Kill Credit
"The Imposter" Quest Meet With Taoshi Kill Credit
"The Imposter" Quest SI:7 Courtyard Reached Kill Credit & POI Marker
"The Imposter" Quest Speak with Mathias POI Marker
"The Invasion of Niskara" Quest Control Console Activated Kill Credit
"The Invasion of Niskara" Quest Hide the Fel Hammer Kill Credit
"The Invasion of Niskara" Quest Jump to Niskara Kill Credit
"The Invasion of Niskara" Quest See the Fel Hammer Kill Credit
"The Jinyu Are Mad!" Wu-Peng Kill Credit
"The Keystone" Make Your Way Downstairs Quest Kill Credit
"The Raven's Eye" Quest Tale of the Raven's Eye Kill Credit
"The Secret Ingredient Is..." Queue Kill Credit
"The Show Must Go On!" Firebough Cannon A Kill Credit
"The Show Must Go On!" Firebough Cannon B Kill Credit
"The Show Must Go On!" Firebough Cannon C Kill Credit
"The Tidestone of Golganneth" Teleport Used Quest Kill Credit ELM
"Their Numbers Are Legion" Bridge Kill Credit
"Their Numbers Are Legion" First Fortress Stabilizer Destroyed Quest Kill Credit
"Their Numbers Are Legion" First Soul Harvester Destroyed Quest Kill Credit
"Their Numbers Are Legion" Injured Demon Hunter Quest Kill Credit
"Their Numbers Are Legion" Spire of Woe Stabilizer Destroyed Quest Kill Credit
"This Can Only Mean One Thing..." Quest Pip's Mole Machine Used Kill Credit to Player Only [DNT]
"Tiny" Jimb
<Grezzix's First Mate>
"Tipsy" McManus
<Grimbooze's Assistant>
"To Catch A Spy" - Controller Bunny
"Tough Love" Kala's Den Entrance POI Marker
"Tuskbreaker" Yana
"Twisting in the Nether" Blood Used Quest Kill Credit
"Two-Arms" Krazzik
<Gorok's Sea Dogs>
"Uncle" Garbian
"Under Cover of Darkness" Quest Speak with Taoshi Kill Credit
"Unlimited Potential" Captured Pygmy Kill Credit
"Unto Dust Thou Shalt Return" Kill Credit
"Unto Dust Thou Shalt Return" Kill Credit
"Up to the Citadel" Kill Credit
"Up, Up & Away" Kill Credit
"Upgraded" Nightmare Weaver
Non-combat Pet (Mechanical)
"Vault Break-In" Quest Vault Entrance POI Marker
"Warchief's Command: Dustwallow Marsh!" Quest Doras Kill Credit
"Warchief's Command: Silithus!" Quest Doras Kill Credit
"Warchief's Command: Southern Barrens!" Quest Doras Kill Credit
"Warchief's Command: Tanaris!" Quest Doras Kill Credit
"Warchief's Command: Thousand Needles!" Quest Doras Kill Credit
"Warchief's Command: Un'Goro Crater!" Quest Doras Kill Credit
"Water of Life" Speech Controller Bunny
"What Must Be Done" Collect Remains Quest Kill Credit
"Wild" Bill Karmen
"Win Celestial Tournament" Kill Credit
"Wrath of Azshara" Eye of Azshara Entered Quest Kill Credit
"Wrong Knick"
"Yesterday's Worlds" Crucible Used Quest Kill Credit
"Yesterday's Worlds" Speak with Illidan Quest Kill Credit
(Background) M/A/D/A/M
<Ship Computer>
(Bunny - Quest Spell Target) Market Fire - West - Large