clear all
Name Zone
Hungering Orb
Hungering Orb
Hungering Orb
Hungering Orb
Hungering Orb
Hunk of Foul Smelling Meat
Hunter's Feast
Hydro-Sync Router
Hyena Chow
Hymn of Courage
Hymn of Humility
Hymn of Purity
Hymn of Wisdom
Hyper Rotational Dig-A-Matic
Ice Boulder
Ice Containment Console
Ice Crack
Ice Spike
Icebellow Furnace
Icebellow Furnace
Icecrown Bonepile 02
Ichman's Beacon
Icon of Azshara
Idol of Binding
Idol of Gonk
Idol of Rezan
Idol of the Wilds
Illidari Banner
Illidari Banner
Illidari Banner
Illidari Banner
Illidari Gateway
Illuminated Reality-Twister
Illusion Charm
Im'bunata's Blessing
Im'bunata's Blessing
Impaling Spine
Imperial Decree Stele
Imported Glacial Salmon
Impregnable Cone Shell
Improvised Rod
Imp's Cup
Imp's Cup
Impurity Cleanser
In Loving Memory
In the Shadow of the Light
In the Shadow of the Light
In Time, the Arcane Corrupts All!
Inactive Barrel
Inactive Beach Bomb
Incense Brew
Incense Burner
Incense Burner
Incense of Insight
Incense of Judgment
Incense of Knowledge
Incense of Life
Incense of Patience
Inconspicuous Box
Inconspicuous Crystal
Inconspicuous Mine Car
Inconspicuous Note
Inconspicuous Note
Inconspicuous Note
Inconspicuous Note
Inconspicuous Note
Inconspicuous Note
Inconspicuous Note
Inconspicuous Seaforium Bomb
Inert Anchor
Inert Anchor
Inert Anchor
Inert Leystone Charm
Inert Waters
Inferno Shot
Infested Book
Infested Cargo
Infested Cargo
Infested Crystal
Infested Tendon
Infinite Oathstone
Informational Plaque
Informational Plaque
Informational Plaque
Informational Plaque
Infused Spear
Infused Trident Rack
Infusing Hammer
Ingress and Egress Rites
Inhibitor Crystal
Inkbinder's Spike
Inquisitor's Crypt Door
Inquisitor's Shield
Inscribed Ruin
Instruction Dais