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Name Zone
Jaunty Jukebox
Jetpack Component
Jetpack Component
Jetpack Component
Jetpack Component
Jewelcrafting Table
Jeztor's Beacon
Ji-Kun Easter Egg
Jormungar Control Orb
Jotunheim Cage
Journal of Archmage Antonidas
Journal of Fatescribe
Ju Lien's Fishing Rack
Jubeka's Mark
Judgment Key
Jump-a-tron 4000
Jung's Special Brew
Kafa'goot "Deposit"
Kaja'Cola Zero-One
Kaja'mite Chunk
Kaja'mite Deposit
Kaja'mite Steam Vent
Kaja'mite Steam Vent
Kaliri Nest
Kalliope: A History
Kasha's Cage
Katarine's Cage
Keeper's Blessing
Keg o' Scalding Mornbrew
Keg of Armor Polish
Keg of Cinderbrew Mead
Keg of Grog
Keg of Grog
Keg of Grog
Keg of Impaler Ale
Keg of Spicy Grog
Keg of the Strong Stuff
Kel'danath's Notes
Kelios's Ashes
Kel'Thuzad's Deep Knowledge
Kel'Thuzad's Deep Knowledge
Kevo ya Siti Offering
Key of the Sea
Khasar's Cage
Kherrah's Cage
Kil'brek the Consumer
Kirin Tor Arcane Matrix
Kirin Tor Monthly (March Issue)
Kirin Tor Monthly (May Issue)
Kirin Tor Monthly (November Issue)
Kirin Tor Perimeter Ward
Kjell's Requisition
Knight Pepe
Ko Ko's Altar
Kobold Cage
Kobold Candle
Kobold Candle
Kobold Candle
Kobold Candle
Kobold Cauldron
Kobold Cauldron
Kobold Cauldron
Kobold Cauldron
Kobold Cauldron
Kobold Cauldron
Kobold Skeleton
Isle of Dorn
Kobold Trap
Kobold Tunnel
Kobold Warning Sign
The Ringing Deeps
Kobyss Cage
Kobyss Shrine
Kobyss Shrine
Kobyss Shrine
Kobyss Spear
Korgran's Request
Isle of Dorn
Kor'kron Cage
Kor'kron Cage
Kor'kron Cage
Kor'kron Cage
Kor'kron Cage
Korvash's Bones
Krag'wa's Ire
Krattdaz's Plaque
Kriegval's Rest
Kronk's Book
Kua'fon's Favorite Skull
Kul Tiran
Kunchong Cage
Kunzen Ritual Candle
Kur'talos Ravencrest's Sigil
Kvaldir Haul