clear all
Name Zone
Condensed Geyser Gas
Condensed Energy
Concentrated Royal Jelly
Concentrated Anima
Concealing Shrubbery
Completed Journal
Complete Construction
Complete Construction
Complete Construction
Complete Construction
Complete Construction
Complete Construction
Communication Device Switch
Common / Orcish Dictionary
Comfy Pillow
Comforting Ducky
Colorful Scroll
Collision Wall
Coldarra Geological Monitor
Coldarra Geological Monitor
Coldarra Geological Monitor
Coldarra Geological Monitor
Colborn's Cage
Coilfang Reserve
Coiled Rope
Coiled Rope
Coiled Rope
Coil of Rope
Cogs and Springs
Coffee Press
Coffee Grinder
Coffee Grinder
Codex Draconomicus Rubicus
Coal-Fired Rib Rack
Clue Scrap
Cloudstrike Family Helm
Clomp Rock
Clomp Rock
Clomp Rock
Climbing Rope
Climbing Rope
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Cliffwatcher Light Grain
Cleansed Songflower
Classic Rod
Citrus Water
Cirrus Flowers
Circuit Breaker
Circle of Thorns Portal
Circle of Thorns Portal
Circle of Thorns Portal
Circle of Thorns Portal
Cipher of Understanding
Cipher of Understanding
Cinna-Cinderbloom Tea
Cinna-Cinderbloom Tea
Cindershard Coal
Cindershard Coal
Chum Bucket
Chronocrystal - Wrath of the Lich King
Chronocrystal - Warlords of Draenor
Chronocrystal - The Mists of Pandaria
Chronocrystal - The Cataclysm
Chronocrystal - The Burning Crusade
Chronocrystal - The Beginning
Chronocrystal - The Battle for Azeroth
Chronocrystal - Memory of the Wrathgate
Chronocrystal - Memory of the Siege of Orgrimmar
Chronocrystal - Memory of the Fall of the Lich King
Chronocrystal - Memory of the Dragon Soul
Chronocrystal - Memory of the Defeat of Archimonde
Chronocrystal - Legion
Cho's "Art"
Chipped Stone Tablet
Chiming Fragment