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Name Zone
Nest of Unusual Materials
Nest of Unusual Materials
Nest of Unusual Materials
Nest of Unusual Materials
Nethercite Deposit
Netherdust Bush
Nightmare Vine
Nomad Cache
Obsidian Coffer
Obsidium Deposit
Mount Hyjal, Kelp'thar Forest
Ooze Covered Thorium Vein
Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit
Osmenite Deposit
Osmenite Seam
Overgrown Bubble Poppy
Overgrown Hochenblume
Overgrown Saxifrage
Overgrown Writhebark
Overripe Lifebinder's Gift
Oxxein Deposit
Painted Egg
Parish Chest
Phaedrum Deposit
Phaedrum Deposit
Pile of Bones
Pile of Bones
Pile of Wood
Pile of Wood
Pile of Wood
Platinum Deposit
Prickly Fjarnskaggl
Primal Serevite Deposit
Prize Bag
Pulsing Blightshroom
Pungent Fjarnskaggl
Pungent Truffle
Purple Lotus
Pyrite Deposit
Rain Poppy
Rain Poppy
Rain Poppy
Ravencrest's Cache
Rebel Supply Crate
Reed Chest
Reforged Titan Key
Relic Cache
Relic Cache
Relic Cache
Rich Adamantite Deposit
Rich Adamantite Deposit
Rich Blackrock Deposit
Rich Blackrock Deposit
Rich Blackrock Deposit
Rich Cobalt Deposit
Rich Draconium Deposit
Rich Draconium Deposit
Rich Draconium Deposit
Rich Elementium Vein
Twilight Highlands, Uldum
Rich Elethium Deposit
Rich Empyrium Deposit
Rich Felslate Deposit
Rich Ghost Iron Deposit
Rich Ghost Iron Deposit
Rich Ghost Iron Deposit
Rich Kyparite Deposit
Rich Laestrite Deposit
Rich Leystone Deposit
Rich Monelite Deposit
Stormsong Valley, Drustvar
Rich Obsidium Deposit
Rich Osmenite Deposit
Rich Oxxein Deposit
Rich Phaedrum Deposit
Rich Platinum Deposit
Rich Pyrite Deposit
Rich Saronite Deposit
Rich Serevite Deposit
Rich Serevite Deposit
Rich Sinvyr Deposit
Rich Solenium Deposit
Rich Storm Silver Deposit
Rich Thorium Vein
Rich Trillium Vein
Rich Trillium Vein
Rich True Iron Deposit
Rich True Iron Deposit
Rich True Iron Deposit
Ripe Cuppressa
Ripe Gratona
Ripe Winter Berries
Rising Glory
Ritual Offerings
Ritual Offerings