clear all
Name Type Power Cooldown Duration Accuracy
Giant's Blood
Humanoid 223 rounds3 rounds100%
Going Bonkers!
Beast 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Gorm Chitin
Critter 3 rounds5 rounds100%
Humanoid 503 rounds1 round50%
Mechanical 253 rounds100%
Healing Crash
Aquatic 3 rounds100%
Healing Flame
Dragon 503 rounds100%
Healing Stream
Aquatic 243 rounds100%
Healing Wave
Aquatic 303 rounds100%
Beast 203 rounds4 rounds100%
Holy Charge
Humanoid 503 rounds100%
Holy Nova
Elemental 133 rounds100%
Beast 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Beast 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Howl X
Beast 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Howling Blast
Elemental 253 rounds100%
I Am Broot!
Elemental 223 rounds3 rounds100%
Illusionary Barrier X
Magic 3 rounds100%
Inspiring Song
Elemental 123 rounds100%
Interrupting Gaze
Magic 153 rounds100%
Humanoid 153 rounds100%
Lens Flare
Magic 103 rounds2 rounds100%
Lift-Off X
Flying 303 rounds1 round100%
Magic 203 rounds100%
Love Potion
Humanoid 3 rounds100%
Mana Flare
Magic 3 rounds1 round100%
Mana Surge
Magic 253 rounds100%
Beast 303 rounds100%
Magic 273 rounds9 rounds100%
Moth Dust
Flying 253 rounds1 round25%
Mud Rake
Beast 273 rounds9 rounds100%
Mummy Wrap
Undead 103 rounds1 round100%
Murder the Innocent
Magic 303 rounds100%
Nature's Touch
Critter 303 rounds100%
Necrotic Bomb
Undead 103 rounds3 rounds100%
Magic 253 rounds2 rounds100%
Nocturnal Strike
Flying 403 rounds50%
Omni Pummel
Mechanical 63 rounds100%
Ottest Breath
Elemental 163 rounds4 rounds100%
Humanoid 3 rounds1 round100%
Paralyzing Venom
Beast 153 rounds100%
Perk Up
Critter 283 rounds9 rounds100%
Flying 223 rounds2 rounds100%
Primal Cry
Beast 103 rounds4 rounds100%
Puncture Wound
Beast 203 rounds100%
Quaking Drill
Mechanical 163 rounds100%
Beast 253 rounds100%
Rapid Consumption
Elemental 203 rounds100%
Mechanical 243 rounds100%
Reflective Shield
Humanoid 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Humanoid 3 rounds100%
Rewind Time
Magic 503 rounds100%
Roar of the Dead
Undead 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Undead 253 rounds5 rounds100%
Scorched Earth
Dragon 273 rounds9 rounds100%
Sewage Eruption
Magic 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Shadow Bolt Volley
Magic 153 rounds100%
Shield Block
Humanoid 3 rounds100%
Shiverweb Swarm
Elemental 103 rounds100%
Shot Through The Heart
Humanoid 503 rounds100%
Siphon Anima
Mechanical 1003 rounds100%
Skunky Brew
Beast 203 rounds5 rounds100%
Slime Time
Magic 503 rounds100%
Beast 253 rounds2 rounds100%
Slow Digestion
Elemental 203 rounds100%
Sludge Claw
Dragon 203 rounds100%
Sniff Out
Critter 253 rounds100%
Sonic Detonator
Mechanical 203 rounds100%
Sonic Detonator
Mechanical 203 rounds100%
Soul Ward
Humanoid 3 rounds100%
Spectral Spine
Magic 253 rounds1 round50%
Spectral Strike
Magic 403 rounds50%
Spiderling Swarm
Beast 103 rounds100%
Spiked Shell
Aquatic 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Spiritfire Beam
Magic 113 rounds100%
Staggered Steps
Humanoid 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Storm Coil
Mechanical 273 rounds100%
Elemental 53 rounds9 rounds100%
Mechanical 3 rounds1 round100%
Surge of Light
Humanoid 253 rounds1 round25%
Critter 3 rounds1 round100%
Tail Smash X
Beast 203 rounds100%
Temporal Anomaly
Magic 3 rounds9 rounds200%
Toxic Fumes
Dragon 273 rounds9 rounds100%
Tremble in Fear
Magic 253 rounds6 rounds100%
Magic 3 rounds1 round100%
Void Nova
Magic 153 rounds100%
Void Slap
Magic 273 rounds100%
Void Tremors
Magic 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Aquatic 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Whirlpool X
Aquatic 3 rounds2 rounds100%
Humanoid 273 rounds100%
Wild Stallions
Beast 153 rounds100%
Worst Fear
Magic 403 rounds50%
XE-321 Boombot
Mechanical 3 rounds3 rounds100%
Mechanical 353 rounds100%
Beast 53 rounds2 rounds85%
Aged Yolk
Humanoid 2 rounds
Anvil Drop
Mechanical 162 rounds1 round100%
Blistering Cold
Elemental 2 rounds4 rounds100%