clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Mine Your Business 1010-60
Misplaced Faith 5050 23 40
More Fodder 3030-60 2 57
Mortar Master Zapfritz 1010-60
Naga Attack! 1010-60
Naga Attack! 1010-60
Nalaess Featherseeker 1010-60
Never Outgunned 3030-60 25 74
No Bot Left Behind 3030-60 25 74
No Quarter 3030-60 25 74
Not On Our Payroll 3030-60 25 74
Oathbound 3030-60 25 74
Oily Mess 5050
Oily Mess 5050
Old Nasha's Paw
Ordnance Orders 5050
Osca the Bloodied 5050
Owynn Graddock 1010-60
Paragon of the Storm's Wake 5050
Pest Problem 5050
Pest Remover Mk. II 5050
Piercing the Shield 3030-60
Pick one:
25 74
Pinku'shon 5050
Plagued Earth Policy 5050
Plunder and Provisions 5050
Plunder and Provisions 5050
Poacher Zane 5050
Problem Solving with Gunpowder 3030-60 25 74
Proclamation Investigation 3030-60 25 74
Put Away Your Toys 5050
Ragna 5050
Raiders of the Lost Crop 3030-60 25 74
Rearmament 3030-60
Pick one:
25 74
Reclaiming our Defenses 3030-60
Pick one:
25 74
Recovering Raimond 3030-60 25 74
Red Sunrise 5050
Reinforced Hullbreaker 5050
Reloading 3030-60 2 57
Response Required 3030-60 51 48
Rest in the Depths 3030-60 12 87
Restocking 5050
Restocking 5050
Ritual Cleansing 5050
Royal Succession 3030-60
51 48
Ruin Has Come 5050 2 34
Rum- Paaaage! 5050
Rum- Paaaage! 5050
Run For the Hills 3030-60 25 74
Sabertron 5050
Sabertron 5050
Sabertron 5050
Sabertron 5050
Sage Wisdom 5050
Sail With the Tide 5050 23 40
Salvage the Supplies 1010-60
SandFang 5050
Sandscour 5050
Saw Dusted 3030-60 25 74
Sea Creatures Are Weird 5050
Sea Salt Flavored 5050
Sea Salt Flavored 5050
Seabreaker Skoloth 5050
Sealed Fate 3030-60
Pick one:
25 74
Searching for Answers 3030-60 12 87
Sense of Obligation 5050 2 34
Severus the Outcast 5050
Shadow Hunter Mutumba 1010-60
Share the Wealth 3030-60 2 57
Shell Game 5050
Shell Outs 1010-60
Shell Outs 1010-60
Sic 'Em! 3030-60
51 48
Sister Absinthe 5050
Slickspill 5050
Smells Like Trouble 3030-60
51 48
Smoke the Supplies 1010-60
Snakes in the Shallows 5050
Sometimes Less Is More 3030-60 25 74
Son of a Bee 5050
Song Mistress Dadalea 5050
Spiral Yeti Horn
Squall 5050
Squall Squelching 5050
Steal Them Back 3030-60
25 74
Sticky Mess 5050
Sticky Situation 3030-60 25 74
Stiff Policy 5050
Stop Vining! 3030-60 25 74
Stormcaller 5050
Storm's End 3030-60 77 22
Storm's Judgment 3030-60
Pick one:
51 48
Storm's Vengeance 3030-60
Pick one:
12 87
Storm's Wake 5050
Supplies from Storm's Wake 5050
Supplies Needed: Frenzied Fangtooth 5050
Surveying the Wharf 3030-60 2 57
Survivors 3030-60 2 57
Swimming Lessons 3030-60 25 74
Taja the Tidehowler 5050
Tank and Spank 5050