clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Numbing the Pain 1010-60 25 74
Out Like Flynn 1010-60 51 48
P4-N73R4 5050
Pack Leader Asenya 5050
Paddle to Safety 1010-60 25 74
Papers, Please 1010-60 25 74
Paragon of the 7th Legion 5050
Paragon of the Proudmoore Admiralty 5050
Paratroopers 5050
Pardon Our Rust 1010-60 25 74
Patching Up the Rear 1010-60 25 74
Pest Prevention 1010-60 25 74
Picturesque Boralus 5050
Picturesque Fizzsprings Resort 5050
Picturesque Norwington Estate 5050
Pinch of Azerite 1010-60 25 74
Pirate Dice 1010-60 23 40
Polly Want A Cracker? 5050
Polly Want A Cracker? 5050
Possessive Headgear 1010-60 25 74
Prepare for Trouble 1010-60 25 74
Princely Visit 1010-60 5 85
Protect the Nests 1010-60 25 74
Proudmoore Admiralty 5050
Proudmoore's Parley 1010-60 19 30
Pulse of the Wharf 1010-60 25 74
Raging Swell 5050
Raise a Glass! 1010-60 6 43
Ranja the Last Chillpaw 5050
Rear Admiral Hainsworth 5050
Recruiting Efforts 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74
Report to Gila 1010-60 2 34
Required Webinar 1010-60 25 74
Resurgence of the Beast 5050
Reverse Tinkering 1010-60 25 74
Rig Robbing 1010-60 25 74
Righteous Retribution 1010-60 51 48
Rock Meet Dynamite 1010-60
51 48
Rodrigo's Revenge 1010-60 25 74
Rodrigo's Roost 1010-60 2 57
Roughneck Riders 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74
Runaway Rider 1010-60 2 57
Safety First 1010-60 25 74
Salvaging a Disaster 1010-60 25 74
Sampling the Goods 1010-60 12 87
Sanctum of the Sages 1010-60 12 87
Saurolisk Escape 1010-60 25 74
Saurolisk Tails 110110-120 23 40
Saurolisk Tamer Mugg 5050
Save Our Shipmates 1010-60 12 87
Sawtooth 5050
Set Sail
Settle the Score 1010-60 51 48
Sharks in the Water 1010-60 25 74
She Sells Seashells 1010-60 25 74
Shell Game 5050
Shipwreck Recovery Crew 1010-49 45 52
Shiverscale the Toxic 5050
Show Me What You've Got 1010-60 25 74
Show-Off 5050
Siege Engineer Krackleboom 1010-60
Silencing the Sisters 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74
Silencing the Sisters 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74
Sky Drop Rescue 5050
Sliding with Style 5050
Slippery Slopes 5050
Small Haulers 1010-60 25 74
Smaller Haulers 5050
Smuggler Shakedown 5050
Snow Way Out 5050
Something Stirs in the Depths 5050
Sound the Alarm 110110-120 23 40
Sowing Saplings 1010-60 25 74
Sparring on the Spar 5050
Spring Cleaning 1010-49 45 52
Squacks 5050
Squirgle of the Depths 5050
Stinging Barbs 1010-60 25 74
Stone Soup 1010-60 25 74
Stopping the Infestation 5050
Stormsong Valley 3030-60 2 57
Stow and Go 1010-60 25 74
Strange Looking Dogs 5050
Strong Arm John 1010-60
Supplies from the 7th Legion 5050
Supplies from the Proudmoore Admiralty 5050
Supplies Needed: Akunda's Bite 5050
Supplies Needed: Blood-Stained Bone 5050
Supplies Needed: Calcified Bone 5050
Supplies Needed: Coarse Leather 5050
Supplies Needed: Deep Sea Satin 5050
Supplies Needed: Great Sea Catfish 5050
Supplies Needed: Mistscale 5050
Supplies Needed: Monelite Ore 5050
Supplies Needed: Redtail Loach 5050
Supplies Needed: Riverbud 5050
Supplies Needed: Sand Shifter 5050
Supplies Needed: Sea Stalk 5050
Supplies Needed: Shimmerscale 5050
Supplies Needed: Siren's Pollen 5050