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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Enraged Krolusk 5050 Vol'dun
Envenomed Spider Fang
5050 Stormsong Valley
Equine Retrieval 1010-60 12 87 Tiragarde Sound
Erupting Totem Testing 5050 Vol'dun
Erupting Totem Testing 120120 Vol'dun
Escaping Zem'lan 3030-60 12 87 Vol'dun
Ettin It Done 3030-60
Pick one:
25 74 Stormsong Valley
Ettin Outta Here 5050 Stormsong Valley
Evacuate the Premises 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Even Greener Pastures
5050 23 40 Zuldazar
Even More Recycling 1010-60 5 85 Mechagon
Everburning 2020-60 12 87 Drustvar
Every Day I'm Smugglin' 2020-60 25 74 Drustvar
Evezon the Eternal 1010-60 Vol'dun
Evidence of Evil 1010-60
2 57 Zuldazar
Executioner Blackwell 5050 Drustvar
Expedite the Excavation 3030-60 25 74 Vol'dun
Explosive Relief 1010-60 Tiragarde Sound
Explosive Relief 1010-60 Tiragarde Sound
Explosive Situation 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Exterminate the Vermin 3030-60 25 74 Vol'dun
Eye for an Eye 3030-60 51 48 Stormsong Valley
Eye of the Storm 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Eyes on the Skies 5050 46 80 Zuldazar
Fabricated Fabrications 3030-60
25 74 Stormsong Valley
Facing the Invaders 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Factory Refurbished 1010-60 23 40 Mechagon
Fairwind's "Friends" 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Faithless Follow-Through 120120 Vol'dun
Faithless Follow-Through 120120 Vol'dun
Falcon Hunt 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Fallen Idols 2020-60 25 74 Nazmir
Fallen Idols 2020-60 25 74 Nazmir
Fallhaven's Curse 1010-49 45 52 Drustvar
Falling With Style
5050 23 40 Zuldazar
False Prophecies 1010-60
2 57 Zuldazar
False Prophets 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Fame Waits for Gnome One 1010-60 2 34 Mechagon
Fame Waits for Gnome One 1010-60 2 34 Mechagon
Familiar Foes 5050 Drustvar
Familiar Foes 5050 Drustvar
Fangcaller Xorreth 5050
Farmers Who Fight 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Farming Stimulator 3030-60
Pick one:
25 74 Stormsong Valley
Favored Grandchild 5050 Stormsong Valley
Fear of Falling 5050 23 40 Zuldazar
Featherfeet's Fun Falling's Fun Fee! 1010-60 Zuldazar
Feeding Frenzy 5050 Vol'dun
Feeding Frenzy 120120 Vol'dun
Ferry Pass 1010-60
Tiragarde Sound
Fertilizer Duty 5050 Vol'dun
Fertilizer Duty 120120 Vol'dun
Fetching Wrex 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Field Evaluation 2020-60
Pick one:
51 48 Nazmir
Fiendish Fields 5050 Stormsong Valley
Fiendish Fields 5050 Stormsong Valley
Fighting With Fire 2020-60
Pick one:
25 74 Drustvar
Filching from Thieves 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Find Their Words 1010-60 2 57 Zuldazar
Firewarden Viton Darkflare 1010-60 Stormsong Valley
First Mate Malone 1010-60 Tiragarde Sound
First One's Free 1010-60 Mechagon
First Sergeant Steelfang 1010-60 Tiragarde Sound
Fishing For Something Bigger 1010-60 23 40 Mechagon
Flames of War 1010-60 Vol'dun
Flashing Siren 1010-60 11 70 Mechagon
Flavorable Offering 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Flew the Coop 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Flush Them Out 5050 23 40 Stormsong Valley
Fly the Coop! 5050 Drustvar
Fogsail for a Day 1010-60 Tiragarde Sound
Follow Your Nose 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Following Eddie's Trail 1010-60 77 22 Tiragarde Sound
Fond Farewells 3030-60 25 74 Vol'dun
Fond Farewells 3030-60 25 74 Vol'dun
For Kul Tiras! 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Forbidden Practices 1010-60 25 74 Zuldazar
Forbidden Rites 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Forced Grounding 3030-60
Pick one:
51 48 Vol'dun
Forced Labor 3030-60 12 87 Stormsong Valley
Forcing Fate's Hand 2020-60
25 74 Nazmir
Foreman Scripps 5050 Stormsong Valley
Forked Lightning 5050
Forked Lightning 5050
Fortified Resistance 5050 Stormsong Valley
Foundry Meltdown 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Foundry Meltdown 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Fowlmouth 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Foxhollow Skyterror 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Free Bird 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Free Ride 3030-60 12 87 Vol'dun
Free the Farmhands 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Freedom for the Sea 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Freehold 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Freshly Squeezed 3030-60 25 74 Vol'dun
From the Depths 3030-60
Pick one:
51 48 Stormsong Valley
From the Maw of Madness 3030-60 51 48 Stormsong Valley
From This Day Forward 2020-60 12 87 Drustvar
Frozen 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Frozen Freestyle 5050 Tiragarde Sound