A Clew of Worms
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
A Collection of Coils
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
A Collection of Coils
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
A Gift for Raa'la
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
A Gronnling Problem
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
A Proper Parting
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
A Song of Frost and Fire
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 1 69
A True Naval Commander
| 40 | 40
| | | 1 69
All is Revealed
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 1 69
Ang'kra, the Alchemist
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Armed and Dangerous
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Articles of the Fallen
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Ashes Of The Past
| 40 | 40
| | | 16 98
At the End of Your Rope
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Auctioning for Parts
| 30 | 30-40
| | | |
Back to Bladespire Citadel
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 50 94
Back to Work
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Barrier Destroyed
| | | | | |
Battle Pet - Terky
| | | | | |
Blood Oath of Lokra
| 90 | 90-92
| | | 13,970 XP
12 20
Blood Oath of Na'Shra
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Breaking into the Trap Game
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
Burn Them Down
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Capturing a Clefthoof
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
Capturing a Clefthoof
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
Catapult Vision
| | | | | |
Catapult Vision
| | | | | |
Catapult Vision
| | | | | |
Chest Reward Tracking Quest
| 90 | 90-91
| | | |
Clefthoof Training: Rakkiri
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
Clefthoof Training: Rakkiri
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
Deeds Left Undone
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Defection of Gronnstalker Rokash
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Den of Wolves
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 1 69
Desecration of the Dead
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Destroying the Competition
| 40 | 40
| | | |
Easing into Lumberjacking
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
Eliminate the Shadow Council
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Eliminate the Shadow Council
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Enemies Above
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 1 69
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Envoy's Log
| | | | | |
Equipping Our Fleet
| 40 | 40
| | | 1 69
Establish Your Garrison
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Eye Need That
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
Flames Of The Earth
| 40 | 40
| | | 16 98
For the Horde!
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Forbidden Glacier
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 84 90
Free Our Brothers and Sisters
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Frostbite Hollow
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 84 90
Frosted Fury
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Frostfire Ridge: (RRP) - Treasure - Pale Leather Cache
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
Ga'nar's Vengeance
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 1 69
Garrison Follower: Greatmother Geyah
| 90 | 90
| | | |
Garrison Follower: Kal'gor the Honorable
| 90 | 90
| | | |
Garrison Max-level Choice Reward Summary: Group
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Reward Summary: PvP
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Reward Summary: Solo
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
46 20
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: (GROUP) Gorgrond Blackrock Foundry
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: (GROUP) Nagrand Ring of Blood
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: (GROUP) Talador Shattrath City, West
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: (PVP) Ashran
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: ANY CHOICE MADE
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Frostfire Bloodmaul Compound
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Frostfire Magnarok
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Gorgrond Primal Forest
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Nagrand Broken Precipice
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Nagrand Mok'gol Watchpost
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Shadowmoon Darktide Roost
| 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Shadowmoon Sanctum of Othaar
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Spires Mushroom Swamp
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Spires Shadowmoon Cliffs
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Talador Shattrath City, East
Daily | 100 | 100
| | | 3,770 XP
61 60
Getting the Points
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Getting the Points
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Gormaul Tower
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Great Balls of Fire!
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Grimfrost Hill
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 84 90
Gronnsbane: The Blessing of Beasts
Daily | 40 | 40
| | | 165 39
Gronnsbane: The Blessing of Beasts
Daily | 40 | 40
| | | 165 39
Gronnsbane: The Blessing of Fire
Daily | 40 | 40
| | | 4 24
Gronnsbane: The Blessing of Frost
Daily | 40 | 40
| | | 4 24
Gronnsbane: The Broken Spear
Daily | 40 | 40
| | | 4 24
Daily | 40 | 40
| | | 28 9
Gut Guttra
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Have a Heart
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
Honor Has Its Rewards
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
I Sunk Your Battleship
| 40 | 40
| | | 1 69
If At First You Fail, Try Again!
| 40 | 40
| | | 1 69
Into the Boneslag
| 10 | 10-40
| | | |
Karg Unchained
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Last Steps
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Leave Nothing Behind!
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Let the Hunt Begin!
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Let's Get To Work
| 40 | 40
| | | 1 69
Lost in Transition
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
Menacing Grumplings
Daily | 40 | 40
| | | 28 9
Missing Pack
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 1 69
Mission Successful
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 1 69