clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Dark Grimoire: The First Ingredient
4040 4 24 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Grimoire: The Final Ingredient
4040 4 24 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Grimoire: Breaching the Barrier
4040 165 39 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Grimoire: Breaching the Barrier
4040 165 39 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Enemies 1010-40
Pick one:
16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Binding 3535-40 16 98 Nagrand
Dark Binding 3535-40 16 98 Nagrand
Cutter 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Cut Them Down 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Curing With Force 3030-40 16 98 Spires of Arak
Cure of Aruunem 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Cult of the Ravenspeakers 3030-40 1 69 Spires of Arak
Culling the Crew
4040 28 9 Shadowmoon Valley
Crystals of Unusual Power 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Crippled Caravan 1010-40 16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Creature Treasure: King Slime Gorgrond
Creature Treasure: Iron Horde Stable Master Gorgrond
Creature Treasure: Iron Horde Slacker Gorgrond
Creature Treasure: Iron Horde Blacksmith Gorgrond
Creature Treasure: Gnarljaw Gorgrond
Creature Treasure: Bloodcleave Gorgrond
Creating the Ink 2020-40
16 98 Talador
Creating the Ink 2020-40
16 98 Talador
Court of Souls 2020-40 84 90 Talador
Cordana Summon Talador
Cooking With Unstable Herbs 1010-40 16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Control is King 3030-40 1 69 Spires of Arak
Continue the Domination 100100 15,070 XP
14 63
Continue the Domination 100100 3,770 XP
3 66
Consumed by Vengeance 3535-40 33 96 Nagrand
Commander in the Field! 4040
33 96 Tanaan Jungle
Commander in the Field! 4040
33 96 Tanaan Jungle
Come Together 2020-40 1 69 Talador
Come Together 2020-40 1 69 Talador
Coalpart's Revenge 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Closing the Door 1010-40 16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Clefthoof Training: Thundercall 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Thundercall 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: The Garn 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: The Garn 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Riplash 1515-40
33 96 Gorgrond
Clefthoof Training: Riplash 1515-40
33 96 Gorgrond
Clefthoof Training: Rakkiri 1010-40
33 96 Frostfire Ridge
Clefthoof Training: Rakkiri 1010-40
33 96 Frostfire Ridge
Clefthoof Training: Orc Hunters 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Orc Hunters 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Moth of Wrath 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Moth of Wrath 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Ironbore 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Ironbore 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Great-Tusk 1010-40
33 96 Shadowmoon Valley
Clefthoof Training: Great-Tusk 1010-40
33 96 Shadowmoon Valley
Clefthoof Training: Gezz'ran 2020-40
33 96 Talador
Clefthoof Training: Gezz'ran 2020-40
33 96 Talador
Clefthoof Training: Darkwing Roc 3838-40
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Darkwing Roc 3838-40
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Cruel Ogres 3535-40
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Cruel Ogres 3535-40
33 96 Nagrand
Clefthoof Training: Bulbapore 3030-40
33 96 Spires of Arak
Clefthoof Training: Bulbapore 3030-40
33 96 Spires of Arak
Clearing the Way 1515-40
Pick one:
25 47 Gorgrond
Clearing the Mist 3535-40 16 98 Nagrand
Clearing Out Before Cleaning Up 3030-40 16 98 Spires of Arak
Clear! 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Clear! 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Cleaning Up Gul'var 1010-40 16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Cleaning Up Gul'var 1010-40 16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Cleaning House 3030-40 16 98 Spires of Arak
Circle the Wagon 1010-40
Pick one:
16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Choluna 4040 16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Chest Reward Tracking Quest 9090-91 Frostfire Ridge
Chasing Shadows 1010-40 8 49 Shadowmoon Valley
Chapter III: Ritual of the Charred 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Chapter III: Ritual of the Charred 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Chapter II: The Harvest 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Chapter II: The Harvest 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Chapter I: Plant Food 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Chapter I: Plant Food 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Changing the Tide 2020-40 1 69 Talador
Challenge of the Masters 3535-40
Pick one:
16 98 Nagrand
Challenge of the Masters 3535-40
Pick one:
84 90 Nagrand
Chains of Iron 1515-40
Pick one:
25 47 Gorgrond
Chains of Iron 1515-40
Pick one:
25 47 Gorgrond
Cauterizing Wounds 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Caught In The Chaos 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Catching His Eye 1010-40 33 96 Shadowmoon Valley
Catapult Vision Frostfire Ridge
Catapult Vision Frostfire Ridge
Catapult Vision Frostfire Ridge
Carrier Has Arrived 3535-40 Nagrand
Capturing a Clefthoof 1010-40
33 96 Frostfire Ridge
Capturing a Clefthoof 1010-40
33 96 Frostfire Ridge
Captured Critters 1010-40
16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Captian's Whistle 4040
33 96 Ashran
Captain's Whistle 4040
33 96 Ashran
Called to the Throne 3535-40 1 69 Nagrand
Called to the Throne 3535-40 1 69 Nagrand
Call to Arms Gorgrond
Call of the Talon King 3030-40 50 94 Spires of Arak
Call of the Raven Mother 3030-40 16 98 Spires of Arak