Vignette: Wakkawam
Daily | | | | | | Tanaan Jungle |
Vignette: Voidseer Kalurg
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Viperlash
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Venomshade (Plant Hydra)
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Veloss
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Un'glok Blackfinger
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Ug'lok the Frozen
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Time-Warped Primalist
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Time-Warped Brute Running
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Time-Warped Brute Falling 2
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Time-Warped Brute Falling 1
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: The Voidseer
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: The Bone Crawler
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: The Beater
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Talonpriest Zorkra
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Taladorantula
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Sunclaw
| | | | | | Nagrand |
Vignette: Stormwave
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Stoneshard Broodmother
| | | | | | Nagrand |
Vignette: Stomper Kreego
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Stompalupagus
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Steelsnout
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Sparkling Pool
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Soul-twister Torek
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Sneevel
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Skagg
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Shirzir
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Shinri
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Shadowthrash
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Shadowmoon Cultist Ritual
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Sergeant Mor'grak
Daily | | | | | | Tanaan Jungle |
Vignette: Sea Lord Torglork
Daily | | | | | | Ironfist Harbor |
Vignette: Scout Goreseeker
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Saberon Shaman
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Saberon Blademaster
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Rotbelcher
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Roody Roo
| | | | | | Spires of Arak |
Vignette: Rockhoof
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Roardan
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Roardan
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Riptar
| | | | | | Nagrand |
Vignette: Ravager Broodlord
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Rak'nar Muzzlebash
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Ra'kahn
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Rai'vosh
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Panther Saberon Boss
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Panther Saberon Boss
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Panther Saberon Boss
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Pale Gone Fishin'
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Pale Assassin
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: No'losh
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Nizzix
| | | | | | Spires of Arak |
Vignette: Nixxie the Goblin
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Night Haunter
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Nas Dunberlin
| | | | | | Spires of Arak |
Vignette: Murktide Alpha
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Murktide Alpha
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Mother Om'ra
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Mother Bloodtusk
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Morva Soultwister
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Moltnar
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Mistress Thavra
Daily | | | | | | Tanaan Jungle |
Vignette: Mining Captain Bashgar
Daily | | | | | | Ironfist Harbor |
Vignette: Malgosh Shadowkeeper
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Magwia
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Lo'marg Jawcrusher
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Light the Braziers
| | | | | | Nagrand |
Vignette: Lady Oran
Daily | | | | | | Tanaan Jungle |
Vignette: Klikixx
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Killmaw
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Kharazos the Triumphant
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Kal'rak the Drunk
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Jehil the Climber
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Iron Tunnel Foreman
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Iron Houndmaster
Daily | | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Iron Horde Caravan
Daily | | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Iron Horde Caravan
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Insha'tar
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Imp-Master Valessa
Daily | | | | | | Tanaan Jungle |
Vignette: Icklarv
| | | | | | Gorgrond |
Vignette: Hypnocroak
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Houndmaster Jax'zor
Daily | | | | | | Tanaan Jungle |
Vignette: Hen-Mother Hami
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Harbormaster Korak
Daily | | | | | | Tanaan Jungle |
Vignette: Hammertooth
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Guy 2 Found
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Guy 2 Found
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Guy 1 Found
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Guy 1 Found
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Gruuk
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Grand Warlock Duress
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Gorum
| | | | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vignette: Goldmane the Skinner
Daily | | | | | | Ironfist Harbor |
Vignette: Glimmerwing
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Girl 2 Found
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Girl 2 Found
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Girl 1 Found
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Girl 1 Found
| | | | | | Talador |
Vignette: Giantstalker Hunting Party
| | | | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: Giant Snake
| | | | | | Gorgrond |