Rangari Chel
| 90 | 90-91
| | | 13,830 XP
11 80
| Shadowmoon Valley |
Spirit of the Wolf
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Talador |
Spirit of the Wolf
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Talador |
Spirit of the Wolf Selected
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Talador |
Tarenar Sunstrike
| 90 | 90-91
| | | 13,830 XP
11 80
| Shadowmoon Valley |
Touched by Fire
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Talador |
Touched by Fire Selected
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Talador |
Touched by Ice
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Talador |
Touched by Ice Selected
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Talador |
Treasure: Lady Sena's Extra Stash
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Skaggit's Extra Stash
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Thunderlord Cache 01
| 90 | 90-91
| | | 13,830 XP
11 80
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Unused Wood Pile
| 90 | 90-91
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Vignette: The Crystal Blade of Torvath
| 91 | 91
| | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
Vindicator Onaala
| 90 | 90-91
| | | 13,830 XP
11 80
| Shadowmoon Valley |
[NOTUSED]Vignette: Iron Horde Napmaster
| 90 | 90
| | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
[NOTUSED]Vignette: The Obliterator
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Shadowmoon Valley |
Active Choice: Lumber Mill
| 90 | 90
| | | | Gorgrond |
Active Choice: Lumber Mill
| 90 | 90
| | | | Gorgrond |
Active Choice: Sparring Arena
| 90 | 90
| | | | Gorgrond |
Active Choice: Sparring Arena
| 90 | 90
| | | | Gorgrond |
Arak Flowerpicker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Draenei Camp Explosion Tracker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Draenor Flowerpicker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Draenor Flowerpicker Note Found
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Flying Machine Completed
| 90 | 90
| | | | Spires of Arak |
Frostfire Ridge: (RRP) - Treasure - Pale Leather Cache
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Garrison Follower: Greatmother Geyah
| 90 | 90
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Garrison Follower: Kal'gor the Honorable
| 90 | 90
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Gorgrond Flowerpicker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Lumber Mill
| 90 | 90
| | | | Gorgrond |
Lumber Mill
| 90 | 90
| | | | Gorgrond |
Mother Lode
| 90 | 90
| | | | Spires of Arak |
Nagrand 6.0:JP3 - Broken Precipice - Tracking Quest - See Greblin Fastfizzle
| 90 | 90
| | | | Nagrand |
Nagrand Corral
| 90 | 90
| | | | Nagrand |
Nagrand Flowerpicker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Nemesis Flag, Draenei/Blood Elf
| 90 | 90
| | | 1,370 XP
1 14
| Frostfire Ridge |
Nemesis Flag, Dwarf/Forsaken
| 90 | 90
| | | 1,370 XP
1 14
| Frostfire Ridge |
Nemesis Flag, Gnome/Tauren
| 90 | 90
| | | 1,370 XP
1 14
| Frostfire Ridge |
Nemesis Flag, Human
| 90 | 90
| | | 1,370 XP
1 14
| Frostfire Ridge |
Nemesis Flag, Human/Orc
| 90 | 90
| | | 1,370 XP
1 14
| Frostfire Ridge |
Nemesis Flag, Night Elf/Troll
| 90 | 90
| | | 1,370 XP
1 14
| Frostfire Ridge |
Nemesis Flag, Pandaren (A/H)
| 90 | 90
| | | 1,370 XP
1 14
| Frostfire Ridge |
Nemesis Flag, Worgen/Goblin
| 90 | 90
| | | 1,370 XP
1 14
| Frostfire Ridge |
Shadowmoon Flowerpicker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Shadowmoon Valley 6.0:JP3 - Gloomshade Grove - Tracking Quest - See Shelly Hamby (Game of Thorns)
| 90 | 90
| | | | Shadowmoon Valley |
SoL Conversation Tracker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Sparring Arena
| 90 | 90
| | | | Gorgrond |
Sparring Arena
| 90 | 90
| | | | Gorgrond |
Talador Flowerpicker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Tanaan Flowerpicker
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
The Portal Home
| 90 | 90
| | | 10,270 XP
8 60
| Frostfire Ridge |
Tracking Flag: Orcs Kicked Out of Cave
| 90 | 90
| | | | Talador |
Treasure - Glowing Blue Mushroom
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Arena Spectator
| 90 | 90
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Bladespire Chef
| 90 | 90
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Bladespire Craftsman
| 90 | 90
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Rubble A
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Rubble B
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Rubble C
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Rubble D
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Carved Obsidian Idol
| 90 | 90
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Crag-Leaper's Cache
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Fallen Ogre
| 90 | 90
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Femur of Improbability
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 01
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 02
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 03
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 04
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 04
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 07
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Frostwolf Supply Cache
| 90 | 90
| | | | Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Glowing Cave Blossom
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Shadowmoon Valley |
Treasure: Goren Leftovers
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 01
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 02
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 03
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 04
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 05
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 06
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 07
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 08
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 09
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 11
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 12
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 13
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 14
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 15
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 16
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 17
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 18
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 19
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 20
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 21
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 22
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Gorgrond Treasure 23
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
17 10
| Gorgrond |
Treasure: Grimfrost Cache
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Gronnstalker's Cache
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Ice-Covered Supplies
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |
Treasure: Ice-Covered Supplies
| 90 | 90
| | | 13,690 XP
11 40
| Frostfire Ridge |