clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
9595 14,380 XP
13 40
Desecration of the Dead 1010-40
Pick one:
16 98 Frostfire Ridge
Desperate Measures 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Destination: Unknown 2020-40
Pick one:
33 96 Talador
Destination: Unknown 2020-40
Pick one:
33 96 Talador
Destroy Ward Talador
Destroying the Competition 4040
Frostfire Ridge
Destroying the Competition 4040
Shadowmoon Valley
Direhoof's Hide 3535-40 33 96 Nagrand
Dirgemire 3535-40 16 98 Nagrand
Disarming Sha'naar
16 98 Tanaan Jungle
Disarming Sha'naar
16 98 Tanaan Jungle
Disrupt the Rituals 3535-40 16 98 Nagrand
Disrupting the Flow 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Doomshot 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Down the Goren Hole 1515-40
Pick one:
25 47 Gorgrond
Down the Goren Hole 1515-40
Pick one:
25 47 Gorgrond
Draenei Camp Explosion Tracker 9090 Talador
Draenor Flowerpicker 9090 Talador
Draenor Flowerpicker Note Found 9090 Talador
Drafting Table Interact 100100 Talador
Drafting Table Interact 100100 Talador
Dreadpiston 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Dreadpiston 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Dream of Argus: The Crystal Reborn
4040 165 39 Shadowmoon Valley
Dream of Argus: The Crystal Reborn
4040 165 39 Shadowmoon Valley
Dream of Argus: The Final Fragment
4040 4 24 Shadowmoon Valley
Dream of Argus: The First Fragment
4040 4 24 Shadowmoon Valley
Dream of Argus: The Second Fragment
4040 4 24 Shadowmoon Valley
Dropping Bombs 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Dropping Bombs 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Dropping Bombs Tracking 1-100 Talador
Dropping Bombs Tracking 1-100 Talador
Dropping Bombs Tracking 1-100 Talador
Dropping In 2020-40 1 69 Talador
Dropping In 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Due Cause to Celebrate 2020-40
33 96 Talador
Due Cause to Celebrate 2020-40
33 96 Talador
Dueling Orbs Talador
Dust of the Dead 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Dying Wish 9494-95 14,380 XP
13 40
Dying Wish 2020-40
16 98 Talador
Earth, Wind and Fire...and Water 3535-40
Pick one:
33 96 Nagrand
Easing into Lumberjacking 1010-40
33 96 Shadowmoon Valley
Easing into Lumberjacking 1010-40
33 96 Frostfire Ridge
Echo Hunters 3030-40 16 98 Spires of Arak
Echoes of the Past 3535-40 16 98 Nagrand
Egg Punt 3030-40 16 98 Spires of Arak
Elekk Training: Cruel Ogres 3535-40
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Cruel Ogres 3535-40
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Darkwing Roc 3838-40
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Darkwing Roc 3838-40
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Ironbore 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Ironbore 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Moth of Wrath 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Moth of Wrath 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Orc Hunters 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Orc Hunters 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: The Garn 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: The Garn 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Thundercall 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elekk Training: Thundercall 4040
33 96 Nagrand
Elemental Attunement 3535-40 16 98 Nagrand
Elemental Attunement 3535-40 16 98 Nagrand
Eliminate the Shadow Council 1010-40 16 98 Frostfire Ridge
Eliminate the Shadow Council 1010-40 16 98 Frostfire Ridge
Encounter Mushroom Talador
Enemies Above 1010-40 1 69 Frostfire Ridge
Enfilade 1010-40 16 98 Frostfire Ridge
Engineering Her Demise 2020-40
Pick one:
16 98 Talador
Engineering Her Demise 2020-40
Pick one:
16 98 Talador
Engorged Goren 1010-40
Pick one:
16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Entangling an Elekk 3535-40
33 96 Nagrand
Entangling an Elekk 3535-40
33 96 Nagrand
Envoy's Log Frostfire Ridge
Equipping Our Fleet 4040
1 69 Frostfire Ridge
Equipping Our Fleet 4040
1 69 Shadowmoon Valley
Escape From Shaz'gul 1010-40
Pick one:
50 94 Shadowmoon Valley
Essence of the Iron Conqueror 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Conqueror 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Conqueror 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Conqueror 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Conqueror 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Conqueror 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Protector 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Protector 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Protector 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Protector 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Protector 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Protector 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Vanquisher 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Vanquisher 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Vanquisher 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Vanquisher 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Vanquisher 4040
Pick one:
Essence of the Iron Vanquisher 4040
Pick one:
Establish Your Garrison 1010-40 16 98 Frostfire Ridge
Evermorn Springs 1515-40 84 90 Gorgrond