clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Hornet Hunting 55-30 10 50 Loch Modan
Horses for Duskhaven 1-20 53 Gilneas
Hostile Waters 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Hostile Waters 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Hot On the Trail: Murlocs 55-30 10 50 Westfall
Hot On the Trail: The Riverpaw Clan 55-30 10 50 Westfall
Hot Stuff 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
How Best to Proceed 1515-30 1 5 Blasted Lands
How Disarming 3030-35 Kelp'thar Forest
How to Maim Your Dragon 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
How's the Hunter Holding Up? 3535 13 74 The Zandalari
How's the Hunter Holding Up? 3535 13 74 The Zandalari
Human Infestation 77-30
Pick one:
Hillsbrad Foothills
Humbert's Personal Problems 77-30 10 50 Hillsbrad Foothills
Hunt for Yenniku 1010-30 10 50 Northern Stranglethorn
Hunt the Keeper 1010-30
Pick one:
21 The Hinterlands
Hunt the Keeper 1010-30
Pick one:
21 The Hinterlands
Hunt the Savages 1010-30 21 The Hinterlands
Hunting Horrorjaw 1010-30 5 25 Wetlands
Hunting the Hunters 77-30 10 50 Redridge Mountains
I Ain't Sayin' You a Gourd-Digger... 1515-30 10 50 Western Plaguelands
I Am the Blade of the Light 6060 25 74 Ghostlands
I Am the Law and I Am the Lash 1515-30 21 Burning Steppes
I Am the Law and I Am the Lash 1515-30 21 Burning Steppes
I Brought You This Egg 3030-35 6 87 Abyssal Depths
I Can't Wear This 1-20 2 67 Gilneas
I Never Forget a Face 55-30 Silverpine Forest
I Think She's Hungry 1010-30 Northern Stranglethorn
I Think She's Hungry 1010-30 Northern Stranglethorn
Ice and Fire 1-10
Pick one:
40 Coldridge Valley
If The Key Fits 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
If The Key Fits 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around... 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 The Cape of Stranglethorn
If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around... 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 The Cape of Stranglethorn
I'll Call Him Bitey 1010-30 10 50 Wetlands
Illidari Allies 1010-45 10 11 Stormwind City
I'm A Huge Liar and a Fraud 1010-30 2 62 The Cape of Stranglethorn
I'm Not Supposed to Tell You This 1515-30
Pick one:
Eastern Plaguelands
Impatience 1515-30 10 50 Eastern Plaguelands
In A Dark Corner 1010-30 7 87 Duskwood
In and Out 3030-35 6 87 Dun Morogh
In Defense of Quel'Danil 1010-30 21 The Hinterlands
In Defense of the King's Lands 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Loch Modan
In Defense of the Redoubt 3030-35 1 37 Twilight Highlands
In Defense of Westfall 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Westfall
In Need of Ingredients 1-20 5 35 Gilneas
In Search of Bravo Company 77-30 Redridge Mountains
In the Blink of an Eye 1010-45 5 5 Dalaran City
In the Blink of an Eye 1010-45 5 5 Dalaran City
In the Hall of the Mountain-Lord 1515-30 Searing Gorge
In Time, All Will Be Revealed 55-30
Pick one:
Ruins of Gilneas
In With a Bang 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Swamp of Sorrows
Incendicite Ore 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Wetlands
Incriminating Documents 1-30 21 Eversong Woods
Infiltration 77-30 Hillsbrad Foothills
Information is King 7070
28 9 Cape of Stranglethorn
Insurrection 3030-35
Pick one:
41 22 Twilight Highlands
Intercept the Reinforcements
2525-30 Isle of Quel'Danas
Into Arathi 1010-30 5 25 Arathi Highlands
Into Occupied Territory 1-30 10 50 Ghostlands
Into the Black Tooth Hovel 1515-30 5 25 Burning Steppes
Into the Black Tooth Hovel 1515-30 5 25 Burning Steppes
Into the Dragon's Mouth 1515-30 5 25 Badlands
Into the Flames 1515-30
10 50 Eastern Plaguelands
Into the Mountain 1515-30 2 62 Blasted Lands
Into the Totem 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths
Into the Woods 1515-30 1 5 Eastern Plaguelands
Introductions Are in Order 1-20
5 35 Gilneas
Invader's Scourgestones 1-70 Eastern Plaguelands
Invasion 1-20 5 35 Gilneas
Investigate An'daroth 1-30 10 50 Ghostlands
Investigate the Amani Catacombs 1-30 10 50 Ghostlands
Investigating the Invasion 1010-40 1 69 Blasted Lands
Investigating the Invasion 1010-40 1 69 Blasted Lands
Iron Horde Invasion 1010-40 16 98 Blasted Lands
Iron Horde Invasion 1010-40 16 98 Blasted Lands
Ironforge Interceptor 1010-70
Dun Morogh
Ironforge Interceptor - Advanced 1010-70
Dun Morogh
Ironforge Interceptor - Reverse 1010-70
Dun Morogh
Iterating Upon Success 55-30
Pick one:
Silverpine Forest
It's About Time! 1515-30 10 50 Western Plaguelands
It's Alive! 55-30
Pick one:
It's All Mine 1515-30 10 50 Blasted Lands
It's Goat Time, Baby 1515-30 10 50 Badlands
It's Never Over 77-30 Redridge Mountains
It's Not About History, It's About Power 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Badlands
It's Only Poisonous if You Ingest It 55-30
Pick one:
Silverpine Forest
It's Ours Now 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 The Hinterlands
It's Ours Now 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 The Hinterlands
It's Raid Night Every Night 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Dun Morogh
It's You!! 1010-30 10 50 The Cape of Stranglethorn
Ix'lar the Underlord 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Eastern Plaguelands
Jango Spothide 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Westfall
Johaan's Experiment 1-30 2 62 Tirisfal Glades
John J. Keeshan 77-30 Redridge Mountains
Join the Battle! 1-10 5 Northshire
Join the Battle! 1-10 5 Northshire
Join the Battle! 1-10 5 Northshire
Join the Battle! 1-10 5 Northshire
Join the Battle! 1-10 5 Northshire