Panther Mastery
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Panther Prowess
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Northern Stranglethorn |
Panther Stalking
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Northern Stranglethorn |
Part of the Pack
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Duskwood |
Peeking into the Portal
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
| Blasted Lands |
Peeking into the Portal
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
| Blasted Lands |
Perfectly Pure
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Plaguelands Plunge
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Eastern Plaguelands |
Plaguelands Plunge - Advanced
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Eastern Plaguelands |
Plaguelands Plunge - Reverse
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Eastern Plaguelands |
Plunging Into Zul'Gurub
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Plunging Into Zul'Gurub
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Plush Pelts
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Population Con-Troll
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Population Con-Troll
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Prepare for Takeoff
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Priestess Hu'rala
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Priestess Thaalia
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Primal Reagents of Power
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Prime Slime
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Hinterlands |
Prime Slime
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Hinterlands |
Protect the Home Front
| 10 | 10-45
| | | 20 22
| Stormwind City |
Protecting Her Royal Highness Poobah
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Pupellyverbos Port
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Quae and Kinelory
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 5 25
| Arathi Highlands |
Quae Trusts You
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| Arathi Highlands |
Quel'Danil Lodge
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 5 25
| The Hinterlands |
Raising Spirits
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Arathi Highlands |
Ransacking Nethergarde
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
| Blasted Lands |
Raptor Hunting
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Northern Stranglethorn |
Raptor Mastery
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Raptor Prowess
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Northern Stranglethorn |
Raptor Stalking
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Northern Stranglethorn |
Razorbeak Friends
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Rebels Without a Clue
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Recipe for Disaster
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Recipe for Disaster
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Reclaimers' Business in Desolace
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Ironforge |
Reclaiming Goods
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Wetlands |
Redridge Rally
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Redridge Mountains |
Redridge Rally - Advanced
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Redridge Mountains |
Redridge Rally - Reverse
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Redridge Mountains |
Report to the King
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 33 96
| Blasted Lands |
Results: Inconclusive
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Return the Comb
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 5 25
| Duskwood |
Return the Statuette
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| Wetlands |
Return to Corporal Kaleb
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Return to MacKinley
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Return to Revilgaz
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 2 62
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Revantusk Village
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 7 87
| The Hinterlands |
Roland's Doom
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Duskwood |
Sacred to the Bloodscalp
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Saving Yenniku
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Scaring Shaky
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Search More Hovels
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 5 25
| Wetlands |
Searing Slalom
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Searing Gorge |
Searing Slalom - Advanced
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Searing Gorge |
Searing Slalom - Reverse
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | Searing Gorge |
Seasoned Wolf Kabobs
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Duskwood |
Sedimentary, My Dear
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Wetlands |
See Raptor
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
See Raptor
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Seeing Where Your Loyalties Lie
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Seeking Seahorn
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Shadra the Venom Queen
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| The Hinterlands |
Shadra the Venom Queen
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| The Hinterlands |
Shakes O'Breen
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 5 25
| Arathi Highlands |
Sigil of Arathor
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Arathi Highlands |
Sigil of Storms
| 10 | 10-70
| | | 28 9
| Stormwind City |
Sigil of Strom
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Arathi Highlands |
Sigil of Thoradin
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Arathi Highlands |
Sinking From Within
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Skulk Rock Clean-Up
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Skulk Rock Clean-Up
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Skulk Rock Supplies
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Skulk Rock Supplies
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Skullsplitter Mojo
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Snapjaws, Lad!
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Snapjaws, Mon!
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Some Assembly Required
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Soothing Spirits
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Duskwood |
Spared from Madness
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Speak to Shakes
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | Arathi Highlands |
Speaking with Nezzliok
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Stalking the Stalkers
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Start Taking Back
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Starvation Diet
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Starvation Diet
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Stomp To My Beat
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Stones of Binding
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| Arathi Highlands |
Stopping Kurzen's Legacy
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| Northern Stranglethorn |
Stranglethorn Fever
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Strike the Earth!
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| Wetlands |
Stromgarde Badges
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| Arathi Highlands |
Subversive Scouts
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
| Blasted Lands |
Subversive Scouts
| 10 | 10-40
| | | 16 98
| Blasted Lands |
Summit of Fate
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Summit of Fate
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Summoning Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Hinterlands |