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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Safety in Numbers 1-20 1 33 Gilneas City
Safety in Numbers 1-20 1 33 Gilneas City
Safety in Numbers 1-20 1 33 Gilneas City
Safety in Numbers 1-20 1 33 Gilneas City
Safety in Numbers 1-20 1 33 Gilneas City
Saltheril's Haven 1-30 Eversong Woods
Salvage the Supplies 1-20 10 70 Gilneas City
Salvaging the Past 1-30 10 50 Ghostlands
Save Krennan Aranas 1-20 2 67 Gilneas City
Save the Children! 1-20
Pick one:
5 35 Gilneas
Scourge on our Perimeter 1-10
Pick one:
20 Deathknell
Scrounging for Parts 1-10 20 New Tinkertown
See to the Survivors 1-10 20 New Tinkertown
Seek the Sister 1-20 5 35 Gilneas City
Seize the Ambassador 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Ironforge
Shadow Priest Sarvis 1-10 Deathknell
Shadowpine Weaponry 1-30 10 50 Ghostlands
Shady Associates 1-20 5 35 Gilneas City
Situation at Sunsail Anchorage 1-30 10 50 Eversong Woods
Skymistress Gloaming 1-30 Eversong Woods
Slaves to No One 1-20
Pick one:
4 1 Gilneas
Slowing the Inevitable 1-20 10 70 Gilneas
Soaked Pages 1-30 21 Eversong Woods
Someone Setup the Pumpkin Bomb 1 28 9 Hillsbrad Foothills
Someone's Keeping Track of You 1-20 5 35 Gilneas City
Someone's Looking for You 1-20 5 35 Gilneas City
Something's Amiss 1-20 5 35 Gilneas City
South Sprint 12 1 84 27 Northshire
South Sprint Practice 1 56 18 Northshire
Speak with Gramma 1-30 Elwynn Forest
Speak with Sevren 1-30 2 62 Tirisfal Glades
Spinal Dust 1-30 Ghostlands
Spirits of the Drowned 1-30 10 50 Ghostlands
Staging in Brewnall 1-10 2 New Tinkertown
STARTER QUEST - RED->PURPLE 15 1 28 9 Northshire
Stormglen 1-20 Gilneas
Stormpike's Delivery 1-30 10 50 Stormwind City
Stranded at the Marsh 1-20
Pick one:
5 35 Gilneas
Strike From Above 1-30 10 50 Dun Morogh
Striking Back 1-30 10 50 Dun Morogh
Suncrown Village 1-30 10 50 Ghostlands
Supplying Brill 1-30 Tirisfal Glades
Swift Discipline 1-30 10 50 Eversong Woods
Take Back What's Ours 1-20 4 1 Gilneas
Take to the Skies 1-30 7 87 Tirisfal Glades
Taking the Fall 1-30 10 50 Eversong Woods
Tal'doren, the Wild Home 1-20 5 35 Gilneas
Tending the Garden
1 28 9 Hillsbrad Foothills
The Allens' Storm Cellar 1-20 2 67 Gilneas
The Battle for Gilneas City 1-20
Pick one:
16 5 Gilneas
The Blackwald 1-20 2 67 Gilneas
The Chill of Death 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Tirisfal Glades
The Collector 1-30 10 50 Elwynn Forest
The Crowley Orchard 1-20 53 Gilneas
The Damned 1-10
Pick one:
20 Deathknell
The Darkmoon Faire 1
Stormwind City
The Dead Scar 1-30
Pick one:
Eversong Woods
The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas 1-70
Eastern Plaguelands
The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas 1-70
Eastern Plaguelands
The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas 1-70
Eastern Plaguelands
The Dwarven Spy 1-30
Pick one:
Eversong Woods
The Escape 1-30 Elwynn Forest
The Executor In the Field 1-10 10 Deathknell
The Fallen Courier 1-30 Ghostlands
The Family Crypt 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Tirisfal Glades
The Fargodeep Mine 1-30 10 50 Elwynn Forest
The Farstrider Enclave 1-30 Ghostlands
The Fight Continues 1-10 20 New Tinkertown
The Forsaken 1-30 Ghostlands
The Forsaken 1-30 Ghostlands
The Future of Gnomeregan 1-10
Pick one:
10 New Tinkertown
The Future of Gnomeregan 1-10 10 New Tinkertown
The Future of Gnomeregan 1-10 10 New Tinkertown
The Future of Gnomeregan 1-10 10 New Tinkertown
The Future of Gnomeregan 1-10 10 New Tinkertown
The Future of Gnomeregan 1-10 10 New Tinkertown
The Future of Gnomeregan 1-10 10 New Tinkertown
The Grasp Weakens 1-30
Pick one:
21 Tirisfal Glades
The Great Gnomeregan Run 1 56 18 Dun Morogh
The Haunted Mills 1-30 21 Tirisfal Glades
The Hayward Brothers 1-20 2 67 Gilneas
The Hungry Ettin 1-20
Pick one:
4 1 Gilneas
The Hunt For Sylvanas 1-20 10 70 Gilneas
The Jasperlode Mine 1-30 10 50 Elwynn Forest
The King's Observatory 1-20 1 33 Gilneas
The Lady's Necklace 1-30 21 Ghostlands
The Magister's Apprentice 1-30 Eversong Woods
The Mills Overrun 1-30 21 Tirisfal Glades
The New Forsaken 1-30 1 5 Tirisfal Glades
The Party Never Ends 1-30 31 50 Eversong Woods
The Perfect Stout 1-30
Pick one:
Dun Morogh
The Plagued Coast 1-30
10 50 Ghostlands
The Prison Rooftop 1-20 53 Gilneas City
The Public Servant 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Dun Morogh
The Rear is Clear 1-10 2 Northshire
The Rear is Clear 1-10 2 Northshire
The Rear is Clear 1-10 2 Northshire
The Rear is Clear 1-10 2 Northshire
The Rear is Clear 1-10 2 Northshire
The Rear is Clear 1-10 2 Northshire