clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Breaking Through 3030-35 6 87 Shimmering Expanse
Breaking Through 3030-35 6 87 Shimmering Expanse
Bring Down the High Shaman
Daily - 2 players
3030-35 27 48 Twilight Highlands
Bring It On! 3030-35 13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Bring the Hammer Down 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Bring the Hammer Down 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Built to Last 3030-35 Shimmering Expanse
Burnin' at Both Ends 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Buy Us Some Time 3030-35 13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Buy Us Some Time 3030-35 13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
By Her Lady's Word 3030-35 Shimmering Expanse
Call in the Artillery 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Call in the Artillery 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Call of Duty 3030-35
Call of Duty 3030-35
Stormwind City
Can't Start a Fire Without a Spark 3030-35
13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Capture the Crab 3030-35 10 30 Shimmering Expanse
Capture the Crab 3030-35 10 30 Shimmering Expanse
Cataclysm! 3030-35 Stormwind City
Caught Off-Guard 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Caught Off-Guard 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Cayden Dunwald 3030-35 6 87 Twilight Highlands
Celebrating Good Times 3030
Pick one:
Stormwind City
Cementing Our Victory 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Change of Plans 3030-35 Kelp'thar Forest
Chosen Burden 3030-35 Shimmering Expanse
Claim Korthun's End 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths
Claim Korthun's End 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths
Clamming Up 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Clan Mullan 3030-35 6 87 Twilight Highlands
Clear Goals 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Clear Goals 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Clearing the Defiled 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Abyssal Depths
Clearing the Defiled 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Abyssal Depths
Cold Welcome 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Coldlights Out 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths
Come Hell or High Water 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Come Prepared 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Come Prepared 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Communing with the Ancient 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths
Coup de Grace 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Coup de Grace 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Crabby Patrons 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Crafty Crabs 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Crate of Crab Meat 3030-35 13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Crushblow 3030-35 3 43 Twilight Highlands
Crushing the Wildhammer
3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Crushing the Wildhammer 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Dah, Nunt... Dah, Nunt... 3030-35 13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Dangerous Compassion 3030-35
Pick one:
6 87 Twilight Highlands
Dark Assassins 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Dark Assassins 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Death to Mor'ghor 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Twilight Highlands
Death Worthy of a Dragonmaw 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Debriefing 3030-35 Kelp'thar Forest
Debriefing 3030-35 Kelp'thar Forest
Decisions, Decisions 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Decompression 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Decompression 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Deep Attraction 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Defending the Rift 3030-35
Pick one:
41 22 Abyssal Depths
Defending the Rift 3030-35
Pick one:
41 22 Abyssal Depths
Desperate Plan 3030-35 3 43 Shimmering Expanse
Desperate Plan 3030-35 3 43 Shimmering Expanse
Devoured 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Devout Assembly 3030-35 Shimmering Expanse
Die Fishman Die 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths
Distract Them for Me 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Twilight Highlands
Distract Them for Me 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Twilight Highlands
Doing It Like a Dunwald 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Twilight Highlands
Donnelly Dunwald 3030-35 6 87 Twilight Highlands
Don't be Shellfish 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Draconic Mending 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Drag 'em Down 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Dragon, Unchained 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Dragon, Unchained 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Dragonmaw Takedown 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Dressed to Kill 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Twilight Highlands
Dropping the Hammer 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Twilight Highlands
DUN-dun-DUN-dun-DUN-dun 3030-35 13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Dunwalds Don't Die 3030-35 6 87 Twilight Highlands
Easy Pickings 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Easy Pickings 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Emergency Aid 3030-35 10 30 Twilight Highlands
Encroaching Twilight 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Enormous Eel Egg 3030-35 6 87 Abyssal Depths
Enter the Dragon Queen 3030-35 6 87 Twilight Highlands
Enter, the Deceiver... 3030 Isle of Quel'Danas
Environmental Awareness 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths
Eoin Dunwald 3030-35 6 87 Twilight Highlands
Even Dragons Bleed 3030-35 1 37 Twilight Highlands
Everything But the Kitchen Sink 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Twilight Highlands
Eye Spy 3030-35
Pick one:
6 87 Twilight Highlands
Eye Spy 3030-35
Pick one:
6 87 Twilight Highlands
Fallen But Not Forgotten 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Fallen But Not Forgotten 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Far from the Nest 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Fiends from the Netherworld 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths
Fiends from the Netherworld 3030-35 13 74 Abyssal Depths