Name | Req. | Level | Side | Rewards | Gains | Category | ||
Goldtooth | 1-30 |
| Elwynn Forest | |||||
Goods from Silvermoon City | 1-30 | Eversong Woods | ||||||
Gordo's Task | 1-30 | 5 25 | Tirisfal Glades | |||||
Grandma Wahl | 1-20 | Gilneas | ||||||
Grandma's Cat | 1-20 |
| 4 1 | Gilneas | ||||
Grandma's Lost It Alright | 1-20 | 4 1 | Gilneas | |||||
Graverobbers | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Tirisfal Glades | ||||
Grimaxe's Demise | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Dun Morogh | ||||
Grimscale Pirates! | 1-30 | 10 50 | Eversong Woods | |||||
Grisly Grizzlies | 1-30 | 10 50 | Tirisfal Glades | |||||
Gryth Thurden | 1-30 | Dun Morogh | ||||||
Gurubashi Challenge
Daily | 1 | 28 9 | The Cape of Stranglethorn | |||||
Gurubashi Challenge: Free-For-All Arena Combat | 1 | 28 9 | The Cape of Stranglethorn | |||||
Happy Hour | 1-30 | 5 25 | Stormwind City | |||||
Harlan Needs a Resupply | 1-30 | 5 25 | Stormwind City | |||||
Have You Seen Anything Weird Out There? | 1-30 | 5 25 | Tirisfal Glades | |||||
Head for the Mills | 1-30 | 2 62 | Tirisfal Glades | |||||
Help for the Quarry | 1-30 | 1 5 | Dun Morogh | |||||
Help from Steelgrill's Depot | 1-30 | Dun Morogh | ||||||
Help Ranger Valanna! | 1-30 | Ghostlands | ||||||
Hero of the Sin'dorei | 1-30 | Ghostlands | ||||||
Hints of the Past | 1-30 | 10 50 | Ghostlands | |||||
Hold the Line | 1-20 |
| 5 35 | Gilneas | ||||
Hold the Line! | 1-10 |
| 20 | Coldridge Valley | ||||
Holding Steady | 1-20 | 4 1 | Gilneas | |||||
Holland's Experiment | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Tirisfal Glades | ||||
Honor Students | 1-30 | Dun Morogh | ||||||
Horses for Duskhaven | 1-20 | 53 | Gilneas | |||||
I Can't Wear This | 1-20 | 2 67 | Gilneas | |||||
Ice and Fire | 1-10 |
| 40 | Coldridge Valley | ||||
In Need of Ingredients | 1-20 | 5 35 | Gilneas | |||||
Incriminating Documents | 1-30 | 21 | Eversong Woods | |||||
Into Occupied Territory | 1-30 | 10 50 | Ghostlands | |||||
Introductions Are in Order | 1-20 | 5 35 | Gilneas | |||||
Invader's Scourgestones | 1-70 | Eastern Plaguelands | ||||||
Invasion | 1-20 | 5 35 | Gilneas | |||||
Investigate An'daroth | 1-30 | 10 50 | Ghostlands | |||||
Investigate the Amani Catacombs | 1-30 | 10 50 | Ghostlands | |||||
It's Raid Night Every Night | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Dun Morogh | ||||
Johaan's Experiment | 1-30 | 2 62 | Tirisfal Glades | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Join the Battle! | 1-10 | 5 | Northshire | |||||
Joining the Alliance | 1-20 | 53 | Stormwind City | |||||
Journey to Undercity | 1-30 | Undercity | ||||||
Journey to Undercity | 1-30 | Undercity | ||||||
Keel Harbor | 1-20 | 53 | Gilneas | |||||
Kill or Be Killed | 1-20 | 2 67 | Gilneas | |||||
Knee-Deep | 1-20 | 5 35 | Gilneas | |||||
Kobold Candles | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Elwynn Forest | ||||
Laid to Rest | 1-20 | 5 35 | Gilneas | |||||
Last Chance at Humanity | 1-20 | Gilneas | ||||||
Last Meal | 1-20 | 5 35 | Gilneas | |||||
Last Stand | 1-20 | 16 5 | Gilneas City | |||||
Lawn of the Dead | 1 |
| 112 36 | Hillsbrad Foothills | ||||
Leader of the Pack | 1-20 |
| 4 1 | Gilneas | ||||
Liberation Day | 1-20 | 5 35 | Gilneas | |||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lions for Lambs | 1-10 |
| 15 | Northshire | ||||
Lockdown in Anvilmar | 1-10 | 2 | Coldridge Valley | |||||
Lockdown! | 1-20 | 5 35 | Gilneas City | |||||
Losing Your Tail | 1-20 |
| 5 35 | Gilneas | ||||
Lost Armaments | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Eversong Woods | ||||
Lost Necklace | 1-30 | Elwynn Forest | ||||||
Maggot Eye | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Tirisfal Glades | ||||
Major Malfunction | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Eversong Woods | ||||
Make Hay While the Sun Shines | 1-10 |
| 20 | Coldridge Valley | ||||
Malfunction at the West Sanctum | 1-30 | 10 50 | Eversong Woods | |||||
Manhunt | 1-30 |
| Elwynn Forest | |||||
Many Corruptor's Scourgestones | 1-70 | Eastern Plaguelands | ||||||
Many Invader's Scourgestones | 1-70 | Eastern Plaguelands | ||||||
Me Brother, Nipsy | 1-30 | 10 50 | Deeprun Tram | |||||
Meet the High Tinker | 1-10 | New Tinkertown | ||||||
Meet the High Tinker | 1-10 | New Tinkertown | ||||||
Meet the High Tinker | 1-10 | New Tinkertown | ||||||
Meet the High Tinker | 1-10 | New Tinkertown | ||||||
Meet the High Tinker | 1-10 | New Tinkertown | ||||||
Meet the High Tinker | 1-10 | New Tinkertown | ||||||
Meet the High Tinker | 1-10 | New Tinkertown | ||||||
Message to Greymane | 1-20 | Gilneas City | ||||||
Michael Garrett | 1-30 | Tirisfal Glades | ||||||
Missing in Action | 1-10 | 20 | New Tinkertown | |||||
Missing in the Ghostlands | 1-30 | Ghostlands | ||||||
Missing Merchandise | 1-30 | 5 25 | Stormwind City | |||||
More Rotting Hearts | 1-30 | Ghostlands | ||||||
More Spinal Dust | 1-30 | Ghostlands | ||||||
Multiplayer Race | 1 | 28 9 | Northshire |