Snapjaws, Mon!
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Stalking the Stalkers
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Start Taking Back
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Starvation Diet
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Starvation Diet
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Stomp To My Beat
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Summit of Fate
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Summit of Fate
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Summoning Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Hinterlands |
Summoning Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Hinterlands |
The Eye of Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
The Eye of Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
The Fall of Jintha'Alor
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 5 25
| The Hinterlands |
The Fang of Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
The Fang of Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
The Highvale Documents
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Hinterlands |
The Savage Dwarves
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
The Shell of Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
The Shell of Shadra
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
The Wicked Revantusk
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Thornar Thunderclash
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Hinterlands |
Venomous Secrets
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Venomous Secrets
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Vilebranch Scum
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Hinterlands |
Warchief's Command: The Hinterlands!
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Hinterlands |
Breadcrumb to Badlands
| 31 | 31-35
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Get Away From It All!
| 29 | 29-30
| | | 515 XP
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
The Explorers' League Digsite
| 29 | 29-30
| | | 515 XP
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
A Dish Best Served Huge
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
A Giant's Feast
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Above My Pay Grade
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Airwyn Bantamflax
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 2 62
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Akiris by the Bundle
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Akiris by the Bundle
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
An Old Sea Dog
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
An OOX of Your Own
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Arena Grandmaster
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Arena Master
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Attracting Attention
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 7 87
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Avast Ye, Admiral!
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Avast Ye, Scallywag
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Backdoor Dealings
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Backdoor Dealings
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Bloodsail Treachery
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 7 87
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Bloodsail's End
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Booty Bay Blast
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Booty Bay Blast - Advanced
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Booty Bay Blast - Reverse
| 10 | 10-70
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Call of Booty
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Cannonball Swim
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Dask "The Flask" Gobfizzle
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Dask "The Flask" Gobfizzle
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Details of the Attack
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Diffractory Chromascope
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Dressing the Part
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Drive-By Piracy
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Eliminate the Outcast
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 7 87
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Eliminate the Outcast
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 7 87
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Getting In With the Bloodsail
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Good-Fer-Nothin' Slither-Dogs
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Grubby Little Paws
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Gurubashi Challenge
Daily | | 1
| | | 28 9
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Gurubashi Challenge: Free-For-All Arena Combat
| | 1
| | | 28 9
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Hero's Call: The Cape of Stranglethorn!
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
High Priest Venoxis
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
High Priest Venoxis
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
High Priestess Jeklik
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
High Priestess Jeklik
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around...
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around...
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
I'm A Huge Liar and a Fraud
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 2 62
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
It's You!!
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Keep An Eye Out
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Let's See What You've Got, Zanzil
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 7 87
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Making Mutiny
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Message in a Bottle
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Mixmaster Jasper
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Mok'rash the Cleaver
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 31 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Mukla's Demise
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Ol' Blasty
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Our Mortal Enemies
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Perfectly Pure
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Plunging Into Zul'Gurub
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Plunging Into Zul'Gurub
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Plush Pelts
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Prepare for Takeoff
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Primal Reagents of Power
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Protecting Her Royal Highness Poobah
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 10 50
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Recipe for Disaster
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Recipe for Disaster
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Results: Inconclusive
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 1 5
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Return to MacKinley
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 21
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Return to Revilgaz
| 10 | 10-30
| | | 2 62
| The Cape of Stranglethorn |
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Scaring Shaky
| 10 | 10-30
| | | | The Cape of Stranglethorn |