clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Where Is My Warfleet? 3030-35 10 30
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
What's Your Specialty? 77-10
Welcome to Orgrimmar 77-10 10
Weapons of Mass Dysfunction 3030-35 13 74
Warcraft Rumble Minis: New Look! 2 34
Warchief of the Horde 5050
Wanna Play a Game?
Walk With The Earth Mother 1-30 7 87
Victory for the Horde 3030
Unfamiliar Waters 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74
Traitor's Bait 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74
To Orgrimmar 5050 2 34
The Zandalari Menace 3535 1 37
The War Has Many Fronts 3030-35
The Stuff of Legends 3535 41 22
The Stormwind Extraction 1010-60 77 22
The Smoldering Ember
1 23 40
The Lord of Blackrock 3030
Pick one:
The Lord of Blackrock 3030
The Lord Admiral's Lament 5050
The Journey Has Just Begun 3030
The Horde Way 1-20
The Eye of the Storm 3030-35
The Darkmoon Faire 1
The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On 3030-35
The Battle for Lordaeron 1010-60 25 74
The Art of War 1010-35 1 37
The Art of War 1010-35 2 78
Stolen Shipments 1-30 5 25
Sigil of Storms 1010-70 28 9
Sauranok Will Point the Way 3030-35 1 37
Return to Eitrigg 1-30 7 87
Reports to Orgrimmar 1-30
Protect the Home Front 1010-45 20 22
Missing Reports 1-30
Message for Saurfang 1-20
Pick one:
10 70
Meeting the Orcs 1-30
Meeting the Orcs 1-30
Meet with Thega Graveblade 2020-30
Meet with Tamanji 2020-30
Meet with Kazak Darkscream 2020-30
Meet with Hretar Riverspeaker 2020-30
Meet with Gormok Ogrefist 2020-30
Meet with Feenix Arcshine 2020-30
Meet With Avaros Dawnglaive 2020-30
Meet with Avaros Dawnglaive 2020-30
Make Haste to Orgrimmar! 1010-30
Machines of War 3030-35 3 43
License to Ride 77-10
Learn to Ride in Orgrimmar 1010
Keep Your Friends Close 1010-45 5 5
Journey to Orgrimmar 2020-30
Journey to Orgrimmar 2020-30
Journey to Orgrimmar 2020-30
Joining the Horde 1-20 53
Into the Mists 1010-35 1 37
Idling Pie 1-30 5 25
Home Is Where the Hearth Is 77-10
Forged Documents 1010-35
For All To See 3030
Pick one:
Flight to Razor Hill 1-30
Finding Your Way 77-10
Find a Rumble Coin
Fate of the Horde 1010-45
Crystal Clarity 1313 112 36
Calming the Storms
1010-70 28 9
Blown Away 1010 28 9
Bloodied Sentinel's Glaive 5050
Battle for Azeroth: Tides of War 1010-60 2 57
Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement 1010-60 2 57
Battle for Azeroth: Hour of Reckoning 1010-60
Pick one:
2 57
An Urgent Meeting 77-10
All Aboard! 1010-35 1 37
Adventurers Wanted: Chromie's Call 1010 2 34
A Weapon of the Horde 1010-45 15 16
A Primal Threat 1010-70 28 9
A Personal Summons 3030-35
A Most Puzzling Circumstance 3030
Pick one:
A Legendary Engagement 3535 13 74