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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
In the Outhouse 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
In the Outhouse 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
In the Rear With the Gear 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Inciting the Elements 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Infernal Encroachment 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Infernal Encroachment 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Insane Druids 77-30
Pick one:
21 Ashenvale
Inspecting the Ruins 1515-30
Dustwallow Marsh
Inspecting the Ruins 1515-30
Dustwallow Marsh
Intelligence Warfare 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Intercepting the Message 1-30 Bloodmyst Isle
Into Jaedenar 1515-30 2 62 Felwood
Into the Clearing 1515-30 5 25 Felwood
Into the Dream 1-30 Bloodmyst Isle
Into the Fray! 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Into The Maw of Madness 1515-30
21 Silithus
Into the Maw! 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
Into the Maw! 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
Into the Maw! 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
Into the Maw! 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
Into the Mists 1010-35 1 37 Orgrimmar
Into the Raptor's Den 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Northern Barrens
Invaders in Our Home 1-10
Pick one:
20 Valley of Trials
Investigate the Wreckage 55-30 Northern Barrens
Investigating the Sea Shrine 55-30 Azshara
Invoking the Serpent 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Thousand Needles
Invoking the Serpent 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Thousand Needles
Irradiated Crystal Shards 1-30
Pick one:
Bloodmyst Isle
Is it Real? 1515-30 Dustwallow Marsh
Is This Justice? 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Is This Stuff Still Good? 1515-30 5 25 Un'Goro Crater
Is This Thing On? 1010-30
Pick one:
Stonetalon Mountains
Is Your Oil Running? 1515-30 10 50 Felwood
It's a Sabotage 4545 20 22 Silithus: The Wound
It's Gotta be the Horn 55-30
Pick one:
Northern Barrens
It's Not "Ogre" Yet 1515-30 10 50 Feralas
It's Time to Oil Up 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Felwood
It's Up There! 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
I've Got a Plant 1-30 Azuremyst Isle
I've Got This Guy 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Iverron's Antidote 1-10
Pick one:
20 Shadowglen
Jadefire Braziers 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Darkshore
Jaedenar Awaits 1515-30 1 5 Felwood
Jaina Must Know 1515-30 Dustwallow Marsh
Jarl Needs a Blade 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Dustwallow Marsh
Jarl Needs Eyes 1515-30 21 Dustwallow Marsh
Je'neu of the Earthen Ring 77-30
Pick one:
Jin'Zil's Blessing 1010-30 31 50 Stonetalon Mountains
Joining the Horde 1-20 53 Orgrimmar
Jonesy Sent For You 3030-35 1 37 Uldum
Journey into Thunder Bluff 1-30 Mulgore
Journey into Thunder Bluff 1-30 Mulgore
Journey to Astranaar 77-30 Ashenvale
Journey to Orgrimmar 2020-30 Orgrimmar
Journey to Orgrimmar 2020-30 Orgrimmar
Journey to Orgrimmar 2020-30 Orgrimmar
Jugkar's Undoing 1010-30 Desolace
Jugkar's Undoing 1010-30 Desolace
Just a Fancy Cockroach 3030-35
Just Ask Alice 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Just Trying to Kill Some Bugs 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Tanaris
Justice Dispensed 1515-30
Pick one:
31 50 Dustwallow Marsh
Justice for the Hyals 1515-30 Dustwallow Marsh
Kavem the Callous 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
Keep the Fires Burning 77-30
Pick one:
10 50 Ashenvale
Keep Your Friends Close 1010-45 5 5 Orgrimmar
Keeping the Dogs at Bay 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Khadgar's Request 4545 2 2 Silithus: The Wound
Kill 'em All! 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Kilram's Boast 1515-30 5 25 Winterspring
King of Centaur Mountain 55-30 10 50 Northern Barrens
King of the Foulweald 77-30
Pick one:
21 Ashenvale
King of the Foulweald 77-30
Pick one:
10 50 Ashenvale
Know Thine Enemy 1-30 10 50 Bloodmyst Isle
Kobold Fury! 1010-30
Pick one:
Stonetalon Mountains
Kodo Hide Bag 1-30 Thunder Bluff
Kodo Roundup 1010-30 Desolace
Kolkar Leaders 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Northern Barrens
Krom'gar Fortress 1010-30 21 Stonetalon Mountains
Kyle's Gone Missing! 1-30 10 50 Mulgore
Land's End 1515-30 5 25 Tanaris
Langridge Shot 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Larvae By The Dozen 4545 20 22 Silithus: The Wound
Larvae By The Dozen 4545 20 22 Silithus: The Wound
Lashvine Seeds 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Last Ditch Effort 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Last Rites, First Rites 1-30 Camp Narache
Last Stand at Whistling Grove 3030-35 1 37 Mount Hyjal
Lay of the Land 1010-30 1 5 Desolace
Laying Claim 1515-30 10 50 Tanaris
Laying Claim 1515-30 10 50 Tanaris
Lazy Peons 1-10 40 Valley of Trials
Lazy Prospectors! 4545 20 22 Silithus: The Wound
Learn to Ride at the Exodar 1010 Azuremyst Isle
Learn to Ride in Darnassus 1010 Darnassus
Learn to Ride in Durotar 1010 Durotar
Learn to Ride in Mulgore 1010 Mulgore
Learn to Ride in Orgrimmar 1010 Orgrimmar
Learning from the Crystals 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Bloodmyst Isle
Learning the Language 1-30 Azuremyst Isle