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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
The Changing of Paths - Conqueror No More 3030
Pick one:
The Changing of Paths - Invoker No More 3030
Pick one:
The Changing of Paths - Protector No More 3030
Pick one:
The Chieftain's Key 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Felwood
The Codex of Shadows 3030-35 1 37 Mount Hyjal
The Coffer of Promise 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
The Colossus of Ashi 1 Silithus
The Colossus of Ashi 1 Silithus
The Conquest of Azshara 55-30
Pick one:
21 Azshara
The Core of Kroshius 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Felwood
The Corruption of the Jadefire 1515-30 10 50 Felwood
The Corruption's Source 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Darkshore
The Crumbling Past 1515-30 10 50 Tanaris
The Cryo-Core 1-30
Pick one:
Bloodmyst Isle
The Curse of the Tombs 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
The Curse of Zin-Malor 1515-30 5 25 Winterspring
The Cypher of Keset 3030-35 10 30 Uldum
The Darkmist Legacy 1515-30 10 50 Feralas
The Darkmist Ruins 1515-30 Feralas
The Darkmoon Faire 1
The Darkscale Warlord 55-30 Darkshore
The Deed Is Done 1010-30
Pick one:
21 Southern Barrens
The Deep Reaches 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
The Defense of Nahom 3030-35 41 22 Uldum
The Defiler 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Darkshore
The Defilers' Ritual 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
The Demon Prince 1515-30 10 50 Felwood
The Demon Scarred Cloak 1-30
Pick one:
The Denmother 1515-30 5 25 Felwood
The Desert Fox 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
The Deserter 1515-30 Silithus
The Deserters 1515-30 Dustwallow Marsh
The Deserters 1515-30 21 Dustwallow Marsh
The Devourer of Darkshore 55-30
Pick one:
21 Darkshore
The Disturbed Earth 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
The Doomstone 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Thousand Needles
The Dranosh'ar Blockade 1-30 2 62 Durotar
The Drums of War 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
The Drums of War 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
The Dunes of Silithus 1515-30 5 25 Silithus
The Earth Rises 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
The Eastern Pylon 1515-30 10 50 Un'Goro Crater
The Elder Crone 1515-30 21 Thousand Needles
The Element of Supplies 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
The Emerald Dream 55-30 Darkshore
The Emerald Dreamcatcher 1-30 7 87 Teldrassil
The Emerging Threat 1010-30 Desolace
The Enchanted Glade 1-30
Pick one:
The End of the Deserters 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Dustwallow Marsh
The Enemy of Our Enemy 1010-30 Desolace
The Escape 55-30
Pick one:
21 Northern Barrens
The Essence of Aku'Mai 77-30 10 50 Ashenvale
The Essence of Enmity 1515-30 10 50 Dustwallow Marsh
The Evil Dragons of Un'Goro Crater 1515-30 10 50 Un'Goro Crater
The Eye of All Storms 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Darkshore
The Eye of the Storm 3030-35 Orgrimmar
The Eye of Twilight 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
The Eyes of Ashenvale 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Azshara
The Fall of Neferset City 3030-35
Pick one:
41 22 Uldum
The Fall of Tichondrius 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Felwood
The Fallen Guardian 3535 27 48 Mount Hyjal
The Far Watch Offensive 55-30
Pick one:
Northern Barrens
The Fare of Lar'korwi 1515-30 10 50 Un'Goro Crater
The Fate of Bloodvenom Post 1515-30 2 62 Felwood
The Final Flame of Bashal'Aran 55-30 10 50 Darkshore
The Final Piece 1515-30 5 25 Winterspring
The Final Sample 1-30 10 50 Bloodmyst Isle
The Firelord 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
The Fires of Mount Hyjal 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
The First Step 1-10 10 Camp Narache
The Flameseer's Staff 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
The Fledgling Colossus
2 players
Pick one:
42 Un'Goro Crater
The Flow of Muisek 1515-30 5 25 Feralas
The Forest Heart 77-30
Pick one:
21 Ashenvale
The Forgotten Pools 55-30 Northern Barrens
The Fossil-Finder 3000 1515-30 10 50 Un'Goro Crater
The Front Line 55-30 10 50 Darkshore
The Gatekeeper 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Mount Hyjal
The General is Dead 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
The Glowing Fruit 1-30 10 50 Teldrassil
The Goblin Braintrust 77-30
Pick one:
10 50 Ashenvale
The Goblins Stole Our Bombs! 1 Thousand Needles
The Gordunni Orb 1515-30 10 50 Feralas
The Gordunni Orb 1515-30 10 50 Feralas
The Gordunni Threat 1515-30 21 Feralas
The Gordunni Threat 1515-30 21 Feralas
The Grand Invoker 3030 Tanaris
The Grand Tablet 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Tanaris
The Grand Tablet 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Tanaris
The Great Escape 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
The Great Moongraze Hunt 1-30 7 87 Azuremyst Isle
The Great Moongraze Hunt 1-30
Pick one:
7 87 Azuremyst Isle
The Greater of Two Evils 3030-35 27 48 Mount Hyjal
The Greatest Flavor in the World! 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
The Grimtotem are Coming 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
The Grimtotem are Coming 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
The Grimtotem Plot 1515-30 10 50 Dustwallow Marsh
The Grimtotem Weapon 1515-30 10 50 Dustwallow Marsh
The Grol'dom Militia 55-30 10 50 Northern Barrens
The Guns of Northwatch 1010-30 7 87 Southern Barrens