clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Bodyguard for Hire 1010-30 Desolace
Bombs Away: Mirkfallon Post! 1010-30
Pick one:
Stonetalon Mountains
Bone Collector 1010-30 Desolace
Book of the Ancients 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Breaking the Siege 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Breakout! 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Calming the Storms
1010-70 28 9 Orgrimmar
Cenarion Property 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Claim the Battle Scar 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Claim the Battlescar 1010-30 21 Southern Barrens
Clam Bait 1010-30 Desolace
Clap 'Em In Irons 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Clear the High Road 1010-30 5 25 Southern Barrens
Concern for Mankrik 1010-30 1 5 Southern Barrens
Deep Impact 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Delivery Device 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Demons Among Them 1010-45
20 22 Durotar
Demons Among Us 1010-45
Pick one:
20 Durotar
Desolation Hold Inspection 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Digsite Status 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Do Yourself a Favor 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Don't Stop Bereavin' 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Dream of a Better Tomorrow 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Due Reward 1010-45 20 22 Feralas
Early Adoption 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Ears Are Burning 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Ears Are Burning 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Echoes of Agamaggan 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Elune's Gifts 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Emissary 1010-45 Durotar
Enemy of the Horde: Marshal Paltrow 1010-30 20 Stonetalon Mountains
Eye for an Eye 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Eyes and Ears: Malaka'jin 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Fate of the Horde 1010-45 Orgrimmar
Feeding the Fear 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Fields of Blood 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Filthy Animals 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Southern Barrens
Firestarter 1010-30 Desolace
Firestone Point 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Fish in a Bucket 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Fletch Me Some Plumage! 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Flightmare 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Southern Barrens
Forged Documents 1010-35
Furien's Footsteps 1010-30 Desolace
Futile Resistance 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Southern Barrens
Get Me Out of Here! 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Ghost Walker Post 1010-30 5 25 Desolace
Ghost-o-plasm Round Up 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Gizelton Caravan 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Good Gold For Bad Tail 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Hands Off Me Dig! 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Hearts-is-Hearts 1010-30 20 Southern Barrens
Heavy Metal 1010-30 21 Desolace
Help for Desolace 1010-30 Desolace
Hero's Call: Desolace! 1010-30 1 5 Desolace
Hero's Call: Southern Barrens! 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Hero's Call: Southern Barrens! 1010-30 1 5 Southern Barrens
Hero's Call: Stonetalon Mountains! 1010-30 1 5 Stonetalon Mountains
Holdout at Hunter's Hill 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Illegible Orc Letter 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Infernal Encroachment 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Infernal Encroachment 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Intelligence Warfare 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Into the Mists 1010-35 1 37 Orgrimmar
Jugkar's Undoing 1010-30 Desolace
Jugkar's Undoing 1010-30 Desolace
Keep Your Friends Close 1010-45 5 5 Orgrimmar
Keeping the Dogs at Bay 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Kodo Roundup 1010-30 Desolace
Langridge Shot 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Lashvine Seeds 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Learn to Ride in Durotar 1010 Durotar
Learn to Ride in Mulgore 1010 Mulgore
Learn to Ride in Orgrimmar 1010 Orgrimmar
Legion: The Legion Returns 1010-45 Durotar
Lion's Pride 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Lion's Pride 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Mahka's Plea 1010-30 2 62 Southern Barrens
Make 'em Squeal 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Make Haste to Orgrimmar! 1010-30 Orgrimmar
Mangletooth 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Southern Barrens
Marching On Our Stomachs 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Southern Barrens
Meet the New Boss 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Mr. D's Wild Ride 1010-30 60 Stonetalon Mountains
My Time Has Passed 1010-30 2 62 Desolace
New Beginnings 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
No Bull 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Southern Barrens
Not So Fast! 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Nothing Left for You Here 1010-30 Desolace
Nura Pathfinder 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Official Assessment 1010-30 Desolace
Orders from Base Camp 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Other Fish to Fry 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Outrider Advanced Care Package 1010 Ashenvale
Outrider Basic Care Package 1010 Ashenvale
Outrider Standard Care Package 1010 Ashenvale
Parts-is-Parts 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Pick-a-Part 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Portals of the Legion 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Portals of the Legion 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace