clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Gjalerbron Attack Plans 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
Gjalerbron Attack Plans 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
Glimmerfin Scale 1 17 55 Grizzly Hills
Glimmerfin Welcome 1 23 40 Grizzly Hills
Gluttonous Lurkers 2020-30 10 50 Zul'Drak
Gods like Shiny Things 2020-30 10 50 Sholazar Basin
Going After the Core 2525-30 10 50 The Storm Peaks
Good For Something? 2525-30 1 5 Icecrown
Good Troll Hunting 1515-30 2 62 Grizzly Hills
Gorgonna 1515-30 Grizzly Hills
Gray Worg Hides 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Grizzly Hills
Green Eggs and Whelps 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
Grezzix Spindlesnap 1010-30 Howling Fjord
Grmmurggll Mrllggrl Glrggl!!! 1010-30 10 50 Borean Tundra
Gruesome, But Necessary 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
Gruesome, But Necessary 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
Guardian of the Smallest 1 46 80 Grizzly Hills
Guide Our Sights 1010-30 Howling Fjord
Guided by Honor 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
Gundrak Fast Track 1010-70
Gundrak Fast Track - Advanced 1010-70
Gundrak Fast Track - Reverse 1010-70
Gymer's Salvation 2020-30 Zul'Drak
Hah... You're Not So Big Now! 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Borean Tundra
Hampering Their Escape 1010-30 10 50 Borean Tundra
Hand of the Oracles
5 25 Sholazar Basin
Happy as a Clam 1010-30 Borean Tundra
Hard to Swallow 1515-30 10 50 Dragonblight
Harp on This! 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Dragonblight
Harpoon Master Yavus 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
Hasty Preparations 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Howling Fjord
Hatching a Plan 1010-30 10 50 Borean Tundra
Have a Part, Give a Part 2020-30 10 50 Sholazar Basin
Hazardous Materials 2020-30 10 50 Zul'Drak
Healer Ring Flag Icecrown
Healing with Roses
2525-30 10 50 Wintergrasp
Healing with Roses
2525-30 10 50 Wintergrasp
Heart of Flame 3535 41 22 Borean Tundra
Heart of Flame 3535 41 22 Borean Tundra
Heart of the Ancients 1515-30 Grizzly Hills
Heated Battle 1515-30 10 50 Dragonblight
Heated Battle 1515-30 10 50 Dragonblight
Hell Has Frozen Over... 1010-30 Howling Fjord
Hell Hath a Fury 2020-30
Pick one:
Hellscream's Champion 1010-30
Pick one:
Borean Tundra
Hellscream's Vigil 1010-30 Borean Tundra
Hellscream's Vigil 1010-30 Borean Tundra
Help for Camp Winterhoof 1010-30 Howling Fjord
Help Those That Cannot Help Themselves 1010-30 Borean Tundra
Hero's Call: Borean Tundra! 1010-30 1 5 Borean Tundra
Hero's Call: Dragonblight! 1515-30 1 5 Dragonblight
Hero's Call: Grizzly Hills! 1515-30 1 5 Grizzly Hills
Hero's Call: Howling Fjord! 1010-30 1 5 Howling Fjord
Hero's Call: Icecrown! 2525-30 1 5 Icecrown
Hero's Call: Sholazar Basin! 2020-30 1 5 Sholazar Basin
Hero's Call: Storm Peaks! 2525-30 1 5 The Storm Peaks
Hero's Call: Zul'Drak! 2020-30 1 5 Zul'Drak
He's Gone to Pieces 2525-30 10 50 Icecrown
Hexed Caches 2020-30
Pick one:
High Commander Halford Wyrmbane 1515-30 Dragonblight
High Commander Halford Wyrmbane 1515-30 Dragonblight
Hit Them Where it Hurts 2525-30 10 50 The Storm Peaks
Hodir's Call
2525-30 10 50 The Storm Peaks
Hodir's Tribute 2525-30 The Storm Peaks
Hollowstone Mine 1515-30 Grizzly Hills
Home Time! 2020-30 5 25 Sholazar Basin
Honor Above All Else 2525-30 Icecrown
Honor Challenge 2525-30 10 50 Icecrown
Honor is for the Weak 2525-30 10 50 Icecrown
Hoofing It 2020-30 10 50 Sholazar Basin
Hope Within the Emerald Nightmare 2525-30
10 50 Icecrown
Hope Yet Remains 2525-30 1 5 Icecrown
Horn of the Ancient Mariner 1010-30 Borean Tundra
Hot and Cold
2525-30 10 50 The Storm Peaks
Hour of the Worg
3 players
Pick one:
31 50 Grizzly Hills
How To Slay Your Dragon
2525-30 21 The Storm Peaks
I Have an Idea, But First... 2525-30 10 50 Icecrown
I Sense a Disturbance 2020-30 Zul'Drak
If He Cannot Be Turned 2525-30 21 Icecrown
If He Cannot Be Turned 2525-30 21 Icecrown
If There Are Survivors... 2525-30 Icecrown
If Valgarde Falls... 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
I'll Try Anything! 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
I'm Being Blackmailed By My Cleaner 1010-30 Borean Tundra
I'm Not Dead Yet! 2525-30 10 50 Icecrown
I'm Not Dead Yet! 2525-30 10 50 Icecrown
I'm Smelting... Smelting! 2525-30 10 50 Icecrown
I'm Stuck in this Damned Cage... But Not For Long! 1010-30 Borean Tundra
Imbeciles Abound! 1515-30 Dragonblight
Imprints on the Past 1515-30
Pick one:
In Memoriam 2525-30 10 50 The Storm Peaks
In Search Of Answers 2020-30 Zul'Drak
In Search of Bigger Game 2020-30 Sholazar Basin
In Search of the Ruby Lilac 1515-30 Dragonblight
In Service of Blood 1515-30 Dragonblight
In Service of Frost 1515-30 Dragonblight
In Service of the Unholy 1515-30 Dragonblight
In Service to the Light 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Howling Fjord
In Strict Confidence 2525-30
Pick one:
10 50 Icecrown
In the Name of Loken 1515-30 7 87 Grizzly Hills