Name | Req. | Level | Side | Rewards | Gains | Category | ||
Report to Scout Knowles | 10 | 10-30 | Howling Fjord | |||||
Report to Lord Devrestrasz | 15 | 15-30 | Dragonblight | |||||
Report to Gryan Stoutmantle... Again | 15 | 15-30 | Grizzly Hills | |||||
Report to Anselm | 10 | 10-30 | Howling Fjord | |||||
Replenishing the Storehouse | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Grizzly Hills | ||||
Remember Everfrost! | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Relief for the Fallen | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Relics of the Snow Leopard Goddess | 20 | 20-30 | Zul'Drak | |||||
Rejek: First Blood
Daily | 20 | 20-30 | 10 50 | Sholazar Basin | ||||
Reinforcements Incoming... | 10 | 10-30 | Borean Tundra | |||||
Regaining Control | 77 | 77-80 | Icecrown | |||||
Reforging the Key | 10 | 10-30 | Borean Tundra | |||||
Reference Material | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Re-Cursive | 10 | 10-30 |
| 10 50 | Borean Tundra | |||
Recording the Fallen | 70 | 70-73 | 10,865 XP
5 30 | Dragonblight | ||||
Reconnaissance Flight | 20 | 20-30 | 10 50 | Sholazar Basin | ||||
Reclusive Runemaster | 15 | 15-30 | 21 | Dragonblight | ||||
Reclamation | 20 | 20-30 |
| 31 50 | Sholazar Basin | |||
Reclaiming the Quarry | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Reclaimed Rations | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Really Big Worm | 15 | 15-30 |
| 31 50 | Dragonblight | |||
Reallocating Resources | 15 | 15-30 | 1 5 | Grizzly Hills | ||||
Reagent Agent | 20 | 20-30 |
| 10 50 | Sholazar Basin | |||
Reading the Meters | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Reading the Bones | 25 | 25-30 |
| 10 50 | Icecrown | |||
Reading the Bones | 25 | 25-30 |
| Icecrown | ||||
Rats, Tinky Went into the Necropolis! | 10 | 10-30 | Borean Tundra | |||||
Rare Earth | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Rampage | 20 | 20-30 |
| Zul'Drak | ||||
Rallying the Troops | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Grizzly Hills | ||||
Raise the Barricades | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | Icecrown | ||||
Raise the Barricades | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | Icecrown | ||||
Raining Down Destruction | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Grizzly Hills | ||||
Puzzling... | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Putting Olakin Back Together Again | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | Icecrown | ||||
Put Them to Rest | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Put on Your Best Face for Loken | 15 | 15-30 |
| 10 50 | Grizzly Hills | |||
Pushed Too Far
Daily | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Pure Evil | 20 | 20-30 |
| 10 50 | Zul'Drak | |||
Projections and Plans | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Dragonblight | ||||
Projections and Plans | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Dragonblight | ||||
Problems on the High Bluff | 10 | 10-30 | Howling Fjord | |||||
Prisoners of Wyrmskull | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Howling Fjord | ||||
Prison Break | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Pride of the Horde | 15 | 15-30 |
| Dragonblight | ||||
Preying Upon the Weak | 10 | 10-30 |
| 10 50 | Howling Fjord | |||
Prevent the Accord | 15 | 15-30 |
| 21 | Dragonblight | |||
Prevent the Accord | 15 | 15-30 |
| 21 | Dragonblight | |||
Preparing the Delivery | 77 | 77-80 | Icecrown | |||||
Preparing for the Worst
Daily | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Prepare for Glory | 25 | 25-30 | 1 5 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Preparations for War | 25 | 25-30 | 2 62 | Icecrown | ||||
Preparations for War | 25 | 25-30 | 2 62 | Icecrown | ||||
Preparations for the Underworld | 20 | 20-30 | Zul'Drak | |||||
Precious Elemental Fluids | 20 | 20-30 |
| 10 50 | Zul'Drak | |||
Powering the Waygate - The Makers' Perch | 20 | 20-30 | 7 87 | Sholazar Basin | ||||
Powering the Waygate - The Makers' Overlook | 20 | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin | |||||
Power of the Great Ones
Daily | 20 | 20-30 | 21 | Sholazar Basin | ||||
Pounding the Iron | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Grizzly Hills | ||||
Post-partum Aggression | 20 | 20-30 |
| 21 | Sholazar Basin | |||
Pollen from the Source | 10 | 10-30 | Borean Tundra | |||||
Poke and Prod | 25 | 25-30 |
| 10 50 | Icecrown | |||
Poke and Prod | 25 | 25-30 |
| 10 50 | Icecrown | |||
Plundering Their Own | 20 | 20-30 | Zul'Drak | |||||
Plunderbeard's Journal | 15 | 15-30 | Dragonblight | |||||
Plunderbeard Must Be Found! | 15 | 15-30 | Dragonblight | |||||
Plug the Sinkholes | 10 | 10-30 |
| Borean Tundra | ||||
Playing Along | 20 | 20-30 | 2 62 | Sholazar Basin | ||||
Planning for the Future
Daily | 71 | 71-72 | 10,715 XP
5 | Dragonblight | ||||
Planning for the Future
Daily | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Dragonblight | ||||
Plan B | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Placing Hodir's Helm | 25 | 25-30 | 2 62 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Pieces to the Puzzle | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Pieces Parts
PvP Daily | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Grizzly Hills | ||||
Pieces of the Puzzle | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Picking Up the Pieces | 10 | 10-30 | 10 50 | Borean Tundra | ||||
Pest Control | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Dragonblight | ||||
Pest Control | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Dragonblight | ||||
Pernicious Evidence | 10 | 10-30 | Borean Tundra | |||||
Pearl in the Deeps | 1 | 17 55 | Grizzly Hills | |||||
Pa'Troll | 20 | 20-30 |
| 10 50 | Zul'Drak | |||
Patience is a Virtue that We Don't Need | 10 | 10-30 | Borean Tundra | |||||
Patching Up | 10 | 10-30 |
| 21 | Borean Tundra | |||
Parts for the Job | 10 | 10-30 |
| 10 50 | Howling Fjord | |||
Parting Thoughts | 15 | 15-30 |
| Dragonblight | ||||
Parting Gifts | 25 | 25-30 | 1 5 | Icecrown | ||||
Parachutes for the Argent Crusade | 20 | 20-30 |
| Zul'Drak | ||||
PvP Daily | 15 | 15-30 | 10 50 | Grizzly Hills | ||||
Daily | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Outpost Over Yonder... | 10 | 10-30 | Howling Fjord | |||||
Outliving Usefulness | 77 | 77-80 | Icecrown | |||||
Out of My Element? | 10 | 10-30 | Howling Fjord | |||||
Out of Body Experience | 15 | 15-30 | Grizzly Hills | |||||
Our Only Hope | 20 | 20-30 | Zul'Drak | |||||
Orik Trueheart and the Forgotten Shore | 15 | 15-30 | Dragonblight | |||||
Orgrim's Hammer | 25 | 25-30 | Icecrown | |||||
Orfus of Kamagua | 10 | 10-30 | Howling Fjord | |||||
Ore Repossession | 25 | 25-30 | 10 50 | The Storm Peaks | ||||
Orders From Drakuru | 20 | 20-30 | 21 | Zul'Drak | ||||
Orabus the Helmsman | 10 | 10-30 |
| 31 50 | Borean Tundra |