clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
In Need of Felblood 1010-30 10 50
In Search of Sedai 1010-30
Invasion Point: Annihilator 1010-30 10 50
Investigate the Crash 1010-30
Journey to Honor Hold 1010-30
Journey to Thrallmar 1010-30
Kargath's Battle Plans 6767-70
Keep Thornfang Hill Clear! 1010-30 10 50
Know your Enemy 1010-30
Laying Waste to the Unwanted 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Life's Finer Pleasures 1010-30
Looking to the Leadership 5858-61
Pick one:
8,300 XP
Looking to the Leadership 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Magic of the Arakkoa 1010-30 10 50
Make Them Listen 1010-30 10 50
Makuru's Vengeance 1010-30
Pick one:
Marking the Path 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Missing Missive 1010-30 10 50
Mission: Disrupt Communications 5858-62
Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz 1010-30
Pick one:
Mission: Sever the Tie 5858-62
Mission: The Abyssal Shelf 1010-30
Pick one:
Mission: The Abyssal Shelf 1010-30
Pick one:
Mission: The Murketh and Shaadraz Gateways 1010-30
Pick one:
Naladu 1010-30
Natural Remedies 1010-30
Pick one:
Nazgrel's Command <TXT> 7070
Outland Sucks! 1010-30 10 50
Overlord 1010-30
Pick one:
31 50
Preparing the Salve 1010-30
Provoking the Warboss 5858-61
Pick one:
8,300 XP
Provoking the Warboss 5858-61
Pick one:
8,300 XP
Rampaging Ravagers 1010-30 10 50
Ravager Egg Roundup 1010-30
Razorthorn Rise Rush 1010-70
Razorthorn Rise Rush - Advanced 1010-70
Razorthorn Rise Rush - Reverse 1010-70
Report to Nazgrel 1010-30
Report to Nazgrel 1010-30
Return to Honor Hold 1010-30
Return to Obadei 1010-30
Return to the Abyssal Shelf 1010-30
Return to the Abyssal Shelf 1010-30
Return to Thrallmar 1010-30
Rohok's Request 2020-30
Saving Private Imarion 5858-61
Saving Scout Makha 5858-61
Sha'naar Relics 1010-30
Shatter Point 1010-30
Shizz Work 1010-30 21
Smooth as Butter 1010-30 10 50
Source of the Corruption 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Spinebreaker Post 1010-30 2 62
Testing the Antidote 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
The Agony and the Darkness 1010-30 10 50
The Arakkoa Threat 1010-30 21
The Assassin 1010-30
The Battle Horn 1010-30
The Citadel's Reach 5858-61
The Citadel's Reach 1010-30
The Cleansing Must Be Stopped 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
The Dark Missive 1010-30
The Demoniac Scryer 1010-30
The Dreghood Elders 1010-30
The Earthbinder 1010-30 1 5
The Exorcism of Colonel Jules 1010-30 21
The Eyes of Grillok 1010-30 5 25
The Finest Down 1010-30 10 50
The Foot of the Citadel 1010-30
Pick one:
The Great Fissure 1010-30
The Heart of Darkness 1010-30 10 50
The Legion Reborn 1010-30
The Longbeards 1010-30
The Mag'har 1010-30
Pick one:
The Mastermind 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
The Mistress Revealed 1010-30 5 25
The Path of Anguish 1010-30
Pick one:
The Path of Glory 1010-30
The Pools of Aggonar 1010-30
The Road to Falcon Watch 1010-30 10 50
The Rock Flayer Matriarch 1010-30
Pick one:
The Seer's Relic 1010-30
Pick one:
The Temple of Telhamat 1010-30
The Unyielding 1010-30 10 50
The Warchief's Mandate 1010-30
The Warp Rifts 1010-30 10 50
The Western Flank 5858-61 8,300 XP
The Western Flank 1010-30 10 50
Thirsting For Power 1010-30 10 50
Through the Dark Portal 1010-30
Trollbane is Looking for You 1010-30
Trueflight Arrows 1010-30 10 50
Unyielding Souls 1010-30 10 50
Vile Plans 1010-30
Void Ridge 1010-30 10 50
Voidwalkers Gone Wild 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
WANTED: Blacktalon the Savage 1010-30
Pick one:
WANTED: Worg Master Kruush 1010-30 21
Warboss Nekrogg's Orders 5858-61
Warboss Nekrogg's Orders 5858-61