clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
No Time for Curiosity 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Ogre Heaven 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
On Spirit's Wings 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Our Boy Wants To Be A Skyguard Ranger 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Pay the Baron a Visit 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Picking Up Some Power Converters 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Planting the Banner 2020-30
Pick one:
21 Blade's Edge Mountains
Poaching from Poachers 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Prisoner of the Bladespire 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Protecting Our Own 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Protecting Our Own 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Purging the Chambers of Bash'ir 2525-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Reunion 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Ride the Lightning 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Ridgespine Menace 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Ruuan Weald 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Scratches 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Show Them Gnome Mercy! 2020-30
Pick one:
21 Blade's Edge Mountains
Showdown 2020-30
Pick one:
31 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Showdown 2020-30
Pick one:
31 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Silkwing Cocoons 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Since Time Forgotten... 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Slaughter at Boulder'mok 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Slaughter at Boulder'mok 2020-30 21 Blade's Edge Mountains
Slay the Brood Mother 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Speak with Mog'dorg 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Spirit Calling 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Stasis Chambers of Bash'ir 2525-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Strange Brew 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Test Flight: Razaan's Landing 2020-30 7 87 Blade's Edge Mountains
Test Flight: Ruuan Weald 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Test Flight: The Singing Ridge 2020-30 5 25 Blade's Edge Mountains
Test Flight: The Zephyrium Capacitorium 2020-30 2 62 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Bladespire Ogres 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Bladespire Threat 2020-30 21 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Bloodmaul Ogres 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Bloodmaul Ogres 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Crystals 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Den Mother 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Encroaching Wilderness 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Encroaching Wilderness 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Eye of Haramad 2525-30 31 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Hound-Master 2020-30
Pick one:
31 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Mark of the Nexus-King 2525-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Ogre Threat 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Relic's Emanation
2020-30 7 87 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Skyguard Outpost 2020-30 1 5 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Smallest Creatures 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Softest Wings 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Spirits Have Voices 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Stones of Vekh'nir 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Thunderspike 2020-30
Pick one:
21 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Totems of My Enemy 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Trappings of a Vindicator 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Trouble Below 2020-30 1 5 Blade's Edge Mountains
The Truth Unorbed 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
There Can Be Only One Response 2020-30
Pick one:
21 Blade's Edge Mountains
They Stole Me Hookah and Me Brews! 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Thunderlord Clan Artifacts 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
To Rule The Skies 2020-30 31 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Trapping the Light Fantastic 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Treebole Must Know 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Trial and Error 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Understanding the Mok'Nathal 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Vision Guide 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Warchief's Command: Blade's Edge Mountains! 2020-30 1 5 Blade's Edge Mountains
What Came First, the Drake or the Egg? 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Whelps of the Wyrmcult 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Where Did Those Darn Gnomes Go? 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Whispers of the Raven God 2020-30
Pick one:
Blade's Edge Mountains
Whispers on the Wind 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Wrangle More Aether Rays!
2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Wrangle Some Aether Rays! 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Wyrmskull Watcher 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
You're Fired! 2020-30
Pick one:
21 Blade's Edge Mountains
Revered Among Honor Hold 6868-70 Hellfire Citadel
Kargath's Battle Plans 6767-70 Hellfire Peninsula
Nazgrel's Command <TXT> 7070 Hellfire Peninsula
Mission: Disrupt Communications 5858-62 Hellfire Peninsula
Mission: Sever the Tie 5858-62 Hellfire Peninsula
Bleeding Hollow Supplies 5858-61 8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Bleeding Hollow Supplies 5858-61 8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Dealing with Zeth'Gor 5858-61 8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Dealing With Zeth'Gor 5858-61 8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Impending Doom 5858-61 8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Impending Doom 5858-61 8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Looking to the Leadership 5858-61
Pick one:
8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Provoking the Warboss 5858-61
Pick one:
8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Provoking the Warboss 5858-61
Pick one:
8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Saving Private Imarion 5858-61 Hellfire Peninsula
Saving Scout Makha 5858-61 Hellfire Peninsula
The Citadel's Reach 5858-61 Hellfire Peninsula
The Western Flank 5858-61 8,300 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Warboss Nekrogg's Orders 5858-61 Hellfire Peninsula
Warboss Nekrogg's Orders 5858-61 Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Penninsula: -pn - A - ToWoW - Hellfire Turnin 5555-60
Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Penninsula: -pn - A - ToWoW - Hellfire Turnin Cap 5555-60
Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Penninsula: -pn - H - ToWoW - Hellfire Turnin 5555-60
Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Penninsula: -pn - H - ToWoW - Hellfire Turnin Cap 5555-60
Hellfire Peninsula
DON'T USE [PH] Fel Orc 1 5555-58 Hellfire Peninsula