clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
The Nighthold: Talisman of the Shal'dorei 4545 40 44 The Nighthold
The Nighthold: Talisman of the Shal'dorei 4545 40 44 The Nighthold
The Nighthold: The Eye of Aman'Thul 4545
The Nighthold
The Nighthold: Vaults 4545 20 22 The Nighthold
The Nighthold: Vaults 4545 20 22 The Nighthold
The Nighthold: Vaults 4545 20 22 The Nighthold
The Nighthold: Vaults 4545 20 22 The Nighthold
The Nighthold: Wailing In The Night 4545 The Nighthold
The Soulhunter 4545 Antorus, the Burning Throne
The Soulhunter 4545 Antorus, the Burning Throne
The Soulhunter 4545 Antorus, the Burning Throne
The Soulhunter 4545 Antorus, the Burning Throne
The Unmaker 4545 Antorus, the Burning Throne
The Unmaker 4545 Antorus, the Burning Throne
The Unmaker 4545 Antorus, the Burning Throne
The Unmaker 4545 Antorus, the Burning Throne
Tomb of Sargeras: A Lesson in Pain 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Aegwynn's Path 4545
40 44 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Aegwynn's Path 4545
40 44 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Aegwynn's Path 4545
40 44 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Azshara's Reach 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Crushing Depths 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Free The Tormented 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Free The Tormented 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Free The Tormented 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Free The Tormented 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Hand of the Legion 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Legend of the Deep 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Life After Death 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: Lost But Not Forgotten 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Deceiver 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Deceiver 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Deceiver 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Deceiver 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Dread Stalker 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Fallen Avatar 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Fallen Avatar 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Fallen Avatar 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Fallen Avatar 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Tomb's Mistress 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Tomb's Mistress 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Tomb's Mistress 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Tomb of Sargeras: The Tomb's Mistress 4545 Tomb of Sargeras
Trial of Valor: Odyn's Favor 4545 20 22 Trial of Valor
Trial of Valor: Odyn's Judgment 4545 20 22 Trial of Valor
Trial of Valor: The Lost Army 4545
Pick one:
20 22 Trial of Valor
Abrogator Arbitrator
4040 Highmaul
Arcane Sanctum: Ko'ragh
4040 67 92 Highmaul
Arcane Sanctum: Ko'ragh
4040 67 92 Highmaul
Blackhand's Crucible: Blackhand
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Blackhand's Crucible: Blackhand
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Dark Waters 4040 Hellfire Citadel
Destructor's Rise
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Destructor's Rise
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Imperator's Rise: Imperator Mar'gok
4040 67 92 Highmaul
Imperator's Rise: Imperator Mar'gok
4040 67 92 Highmaul
Iron Assembly: Admiral Gar'an
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Iron Assembly: Admiral Gar'an
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Maw of Souls
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Maw of Souls
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Pits of Mannoroth
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Pits of Mannoroth
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Shadow of the Defiler 4040 Hellfire Citadel
Sigil of the Black Hand 4040
67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Sigil of the Black Hand (Heroic) 4040
67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Sigil of the Black Hand (Mythic) 4040
67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Slagworks: Heart of the Mountain
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Slagworks: Heart of the Mountain
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Temple of Tyranny
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Temple of Tyranny
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
The Black Forge: Kromog
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
The Black Forge: Kromog
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
The Black Gate
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
The Black Gate
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
The Fel Spire 4040
33 96 Hellfire Citadel
The Fel Spire 4040
33 96 Hellfire Citadel
The Fel Spire 4040
33 96 Hellfire Citadel
Walled City: Brackenspore
4040 67 92 Highmaul
Walled City: Brackenspore
4040 67 92 Highmaul
Well of Souls 4040
33 96 Hellfire Citadel
Well of Souls 4040
33 96 Hellfire Citadel
Well of Souls 4040
33 96 Hellfire Citadel
Work Work Stoppage
4040 Blackrock Foundry
Agony and Anima
3535 Throne of Thunder
Disturbance Detected: Firelands
23 40 Firelands
Eyes of the Thunder King
3535 Throne of Thunder
Life Blood 3535 13 74 Throne of Thunder
Requiem for a Queen
3535 Throne of Thunder
Rocks Fall, People Die
3535 Throne of Thunder
Securing A Future 3535 13 74 Throne of Thunder
Something Foul is Afoot
3535 Throne of Thunder
Taming the Tempest
3535 Throne of Thunder
The Last Gasp of Y'Shaarj 3535 13 74 Siege of Orgrimmar
Why Do We Fight? 3535 13 74 Siege of Orgrimmar
Zao'cho the Wicked
3535 Throne of Thunder
A Change of Heart 3030
Pick one:
Icecrown Citadel
A Change of Heart 3030
Pick one:
Icecrown Citadel
A Change of Heart 3030
Pick one:
Icecrown Citadel
A Change of Heart 3030
Pick one:
Icecrown Citadel
A Change of Heart 3030
Pick one:
Icecrown Citadel