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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Drape of Unyielding Strength 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Drape of Vaulted Secrets 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Empowerment 3030
Icecrown Citadel
Enigma Boots 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Enigma Circlet 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Enigma Leggings 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Enigma Robes 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Enigma Shoulderpads 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Essence of a Broken Dream 7070 84 27 Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
Eyes of the Thunder King
3535 Throne of Thunder
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Blood of the Mountain 3030 Molten Core
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Core Leather 3030 Molten Core
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Dark Iron Ore 3030 Molten Core
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Fiery Core 3030 Molten Core
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Lava Core 3030 Molten Core
Flame Leviathan Must Die!
3030 42 Ulduar
Footwraps of the Oracle 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Freya's Sigil 3030 42 Ulduar
Frost Infusion 3030 21 Icecrown Citadel
Gavel of Infinite Wisdom 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Boots 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Helm 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Shoulderpads 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Trousers 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Genesis Vest 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Hammer of the Gathering Storm 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Heart of the Sepulcher 6060 77 22 Sepulcher of the First Ones
Heroic Judgment at the Eye of Eternity 3030
Pick one:
42 The Eye of Eternity
Heroic: Algalon 3030 42 Ulduar
Heroic: All Is Well That Ends Well 3030
Pick one:
42 Ulduar
Heroic: Archivum Data Disc 3030 31 50 Ulduar
Heroic: Freya's Sigil 3030 42 Ulduar
Heroic: Hodir's Sigil 3030 42 Ulduar
Heroic: Mimiron's Sigil 3030 42 Ulduar
Heroic: The Celestial Planetarium 3030 21 Ulduar
Heroic: Thorim's Sigil 3030 42 Ulduar
Hodir's Sigil 3030 42 Ulduar
How to Break Into the Arcatraz 2525-30
Pick one:
31 50 The Eye
Ignis the Furnace Master Must Die!
3030 42 Ulduar
Imperator's Rise: Imperator Mar'gok
4040 67 92 Highmaul
Imperator's Rise: Imperator Mar'gok
4040 67 92 Highmaul
Imperial Qiraji Armaments 3030
Pick one:
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Imperial Qiraji Regalia 3030
Pick one:
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Inconvenience Fee 1-70
Pick one:
Instructor Razuvious Must Die!
3030 42 Naxxramas
Invader's Scourgestones 1-70 Naxxramas
Iron Assembly: Admiral Gar'an
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Iron Assembly: Admiral Gar'an
4040 67 92 Blackrock Foundry
Jaina's Locket 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Judgment at the Eye of Eternity 3030
Pick one:
31 50 The Eye of Eternity
Kael'thas and the Verdant Sphere 3030
Pick one:
The Eye
Kris of Unspoken Names 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Leading Motives 6060 Sepulcher of the First Ones
Life Blood 3535 13 74 Throne of Thunder
Lord Jaraxxus Must Die!
3030 42 Trial of the Crusader
Lord Marrowgar Must Die!
3030 42 Icecrown Citadel
Lost Flight 5050 Ny'alotha, the Waking City
Mace of Unending Life 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Malygos Must Die!
3030 42 The Eye of Eternity
Mantle of the Oracle 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Many Corruptor's Scourgestones 1-70 Naxxramas
Maw of Souls
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Maw of Souls
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Mimiron's Sigil 3030 42 Ulduar
Mograine's Reunion 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Moments of Reflection 4545 20 22 Antorus, the Burning Throne
More Than a Prison? 7070
Vault of the Incarnates
Mortal Champions 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Mortal Champions 3030 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Muradin's Lament 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Nerub-ar Palace: For Nerubian Eyes Only 8080 46 80 Nerub-ar Palace
Nerub-ar Palace: For Nerubian Eyes Only 8080 46 80 Nerub-ar Palace
Nerub-ar Palace: For Nerubian Eyes Only 8080 46 80 Nerub-ar Palace
Noth the Plaguebringer Must Die!
3030 42 Naxxramas
Ny'alotha: MOTHER's Guidance 5050 46 80 Ny'alotha, the Waking City
Ny'alotha: MOTHER's Guidance 5050 46 80 Ny'alotha, the Waking City
Ny'alotha: MOTHER's Guidance 5050 46 80 Ny'alotha, the Waking City
Omarion's Second Handbook 1 Naxxramas
Patchwerk Must Die!
3030 42 Naxxramas
Path of Courage 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Courage 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Courage 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Destruction 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Destruction 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Destruction 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Might 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Might 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Might 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Vengeance 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Vengeance 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Vengeance 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Wisdom 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Wisdom 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Path of Wisdom 3030 10 50 Icecrown Citadel
Personal Property 3030 21 Icecrown Citadel
Pits of Mannoroth
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Pits of Mannoroth
67 92 Hellfire Citadel
Razorscale Must Die!
3030 42 Ulduar
Redemption of the Ashtongue 3030 Black Temple
Requiem for a Queen
3535 Throne of Thunder