clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Working for the Living 1010-54 38 61 Maldraxxus
A Doorway Through the Veil 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
A Gathering of Covenants 6060 2 57 Oribos
A Glimpse into Darkness 5050-60 25 74 Oribos
A Mourneblade Born 6060 Oribos
A Valuable Find: De Other Side 6060 Oribos
A Valuable Find: Halls of Atonement 6060
Pick one:
A Valuable Find: Necrotic Wake 6060 Oribos
A Valuable Find: Plaguefall 6060 Oribos
A Valuable Find: Sanguine Depths 6060 Oribos
A Valuable Find: Spires of Ascension 6060 Oribos
A Valuable Find: Theater of Pain 6060 Oribos
A Valuable Find: Tirna Scithe 6060 Oribos
Aiding the Shadowlands 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
Among the Kyrian 6060 2 57 Oribos
An Echo in the Darkness 6060 12 87 Oribos
Answers from the Ascended 6060 Oribos
Ardenweald 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Audience with the Arbiter 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
Bastion 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Battleground Observers 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Battlegrounds 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Call to Lordaeron 5050 2 34 Oribos
Charge of the Covenants 6060 12 87 Oribos
Choosing Your Purpose 5050-60
12 87 Oribos
Choosing Your Purpose 6060 12 87 Oribos
Eyes of the Wolf 5050 2 34 Oribos
Fate's Reminder 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Furthering the Purpose 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
It's Just a Coin, What Could it Cost? 6060 12 87 Oribos
Korthia, the City of Secrets 6060 12 87 Oribos
Link to the Maw 6060 2 57 Oribos
Maldraxxus 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Mysteries of the Maw 6060 25 74 Oribos
No Place for the Living 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
Observing Conflict Oribos
Observing the Chase 6060
Observing Victory
5050-60 205 92 Oribos
Opening the Maw 6060 2 57 Oribos
Opening to Oribos 6060 12 87 Oribos
Our Last Option 6060 2 57 Oribos
Re-Introductions 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Report to Greymane 5050 2 34 Oribos
Request of the Highlord 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Revendreth 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Silent Vigil 6060 12 87 Oribos
Sinfall 6060 2 57 Oribos
Stranger in an Even Stranger Land 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
Tal-Inara's Call 2 57 Oribos
Tal-Inara's Call 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Tether to Home 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
The Battle of Ardenweald 6060
Pick one:
77 22 Oribos
The Broken Crown 6060 2 57 Oribos
The Call of Fate 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
The End of the Beginning 6060 12 87 Oribos
The Eternal City 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
The First Move 6060 2 57 Oribos
The Highlord's Vision 6060 Oribos
The Jailer's Grasp 6060 Oribos
The Last Step 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
The Looming Dark 6060 12 87 Oribos
The Minions of Mayhem 6060 2 57 Oribos
The Next Step 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
The Path to Bastion 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
The Threads of Fate 5050-60
2 57 Oribos
To Open the Way 6060 12 87 Oribos
Torghast 5050-60 2 57 Oribos
Trading Favors 6060 2 57 Oribos
Trading Favors: De Other Side 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Halls of Atonement 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Necrotic Wake 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Plaguefall 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Sanguine Depths 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Spires of Ascension 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Theater of Pain 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Tirna Scithe 6060 Oribos
Understanding the Shadowlands 5050-60 12 87 Oribos
Unlocking the Gates 6060 Oribos
Unused 6060 12 87 Oribos
Voices of the Eternal 6060 12 87 Oribos
[DNT] DO NOT USE - Template Quest 1010-60 51 48 Revendreth
[DNT] Test Quest 6060 Revendreth
[DNT] Tracking Quest 1010-60 Revendreth
[DNT] Tracking Quest 1010-60 Revendreth
[NYI] Sinstone Mining 1010-60 Revendreth
A Crate of Sinvyr Ore 1010-60 19 30 Revendreth
A Curious Cache 6060 Revendreth
A Curious Cache 6060 Revendreth
A Curious Cache 6060 Revendreth
A Curious Invitation 1010-58 2 57 Revendreth
A Defector's Request 6060
A Dreadful Roundup 1010-60 25 74 Revendreth
A Fine Vintage 1010-58 38 61 Revendreth
A Fresh Start 1010-60 51 48 Revendreth
A Leaking Box Marked Perishable 1010-60 51 48 Revendreth
A Lesson in Humility 1010-58
Pick one:
12 87 Revendreth
A Letter From Nadja 1010-60 51 48 Revendreth
A New Pack 6060 Revendreth
A Plea to Revendreth 1010-58 2 57 Revendreth
A Plea to the Harvesters 1010-58 2 57 Revendreth