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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Tracking Quest 6060 Korthia
Tracking Quest 6060 Korthia
Tracking the Shadows 6060
Pick one:
2 57 Ardenweald
Trading Favors 6060 2 57 Oribos
Trading Favors: De Other Side 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Halls of Atonement 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Necrotic Wake 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Plaguefall 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Sanguine Depths 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Spires of Ascension 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Theater of Pain 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Tirna Scithe 6060 Oribos
Training Regimen 6060 Bastion
Trashin' the Camp 6060 Revendreth
Trial of Ascension 6060 2 57 Bastion
Trinkle Trinkle Little Twerp 6060 51 48 Bastion
Trouble at the Gormling Corral 6060 Ardenweald
Trouble on the Western Front 6060 2 57 Maldraxxus
Trouble on the Western Front 6060 2 57 Maldraxxus
Trust Issues 6060 12 87 The Maw
Turkey Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Unbroken Bonds 6060
Pick one:
25 74 Ardenweald
Uncomfortably Undercover 6060 Maldraxxus
Under the Illusion 6060 25 74 Korthia
Unfair Fight 6060
25 74 Maldraxxus
Unlocking the Gates 6060 Oribos
Unshackled Knowledge 6060 28 95 Bastion
Untangling the Sigil 6060 25 74 Korthia
Unused 6060 12 87 Oribos
Ursine Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Valinor, the Light of Eons 6060 Bastion
Valinor, the Light of Eons 6060 Bastion
Valis the Cruel 6060 The Maw
Vault of Secrets 6060 2 57 Korthia
Veilwing Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Vengeance for Korthia 6060 25 74 Korthia
Venthyr Concordat 6060 25 74 The Maw
Ve'rayn's Head 6060
Vesiphone's Vicious Vesper 6060 Bastion
Victory in Our Name 6060 2 57 Korthia
Vineroot on the Menu 6060 Revendreth
Vineroot Will Not Do 6060 Revendreth
Voices of the Eternal 6060 12 87 Oribos
Volatile Reactions 6060
25 74 Maldraxxus
Vole's Voucher 6060 308 88 Revendreth
Voras, The Realm Eater 6060 51 48 Ardenweald
Wailing Coin 6060 25 74 The Maw
WANTED: Appraiser Vix
3 players
6060 51 48 Maldraxxus
WANTED: Duke Anton 6060 Revendreth
WANTED: Enforcer Kristof 6060 Revendreth
WANTED: Lord Darion 6060 Revendreth
WANTED: The Key of Eyes
3 players
6060 51 48 Maldraxxus
WANTED: The Pale Doom
3 players
6060 Revendreth
War Prototype 6060 Korthia
Warren Mongrel 6060 The Maw
We Move Forward 6060 Korthia
We Need a Healer - You! 6060 Korthia
We Need a Healer - You! 6060 25 74 Korthia
We Send Only You 6060 Bastion
Weapon in Hand 6060 25 74 Korthia
Web of Information 6060 Maldraxxus
We'll Make an Aspirant Out of You 6060 Bastion
We'll Workshop It 6060 Ardenweald
What Makes Us Strong 6060 25 74 Bastion
What Maldraxxus Does Best 6060 25 74 Korthia
What They Know 6060 The Maw
What We Overcome 6060 25 74 Bastion
What We Wish to Forget 6060 25 74 Bastion
What's My Motivation? 6060 25 74 Ardenweald
Where a Soul Belongs 6060 12 87 Bastion
Where the Memory Resides 6060 2 57 Bastion
Whisper of Hope 6060 25 74 Maldraxxus
Who Are You Fooling? 6060 25 74 Bastion
Who Devours the Devourers?
3 players
6060 Ardenweald
Who is the Maw Walker? 6060 12 87 Korthia
Wilderling Saddle 6060 Korthia
Winter's Sigil 6060 25 74 Korthia
Wipe the Slate Clean 6060 25 74 Maldraxxus
Witch's Satchel 6060 25 74 Ardenweald
Wolfhawk Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Words of the Warden 6060 25 74 The Maw
Words of Warding 6060 The Maw
Worn Obleron Etching 6060 25 74 The Maw
Wounded Memories 6060 12 87 Korthia
Wrath of Aliothe 6060 Ardenweald
Wrath of Odyn 6060 25 74 Korthia
Wyvern Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Yak Soul 6060 Ardenweald
You Can Only Die 6060 25 74 Korthia
You Cannot Hide 6060 25 74 Korthia
You Cannot Run 6060 25 74 Korthia
You Go First 6060 38 61 Bastion
6060 The Maw