clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Assault the Drekirjar 1010-45
Balnazoth 1010-45
Battle for Stormheim 1010-45 15 16
Becoming the Ascendant 1010-45 20 22
Becoming the Ascendant 1010-45 20 22
Bjornharta 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Blood and Gold 1010-45 20 22
Boarded! 1010-45 20 22
Bonecrusher Korgolath 1010-45
Break the Spine 1010-45 20 22
Breaking the Bonespeakers 1010-45 20 22
Built to Scale 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Built to Scale 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Clear the Deck! 1010-45 20 22
Colossal Infernal 1010-45
Combustible Contagion 1010-45 20 22
Congealed Corruption 1010-45
Crushing the Legion 1010-45
Cry Thunder! 1010-45 20 22
Cut Out the Heart 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Dances With Ravenbears 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Demon Destroyer 1010-45 15 16
Dreadwake's Dilemma 1010-45 20 22
Drive Back the Tideskorn 1010-45
Eating Into Our Business 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Ending the New Beginning 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Eyes in the Overlook 1010-45 20 22
Feast of the Hounds 1010-45
Fel Commander Urgoz 1010-45
Firecaller Rok'duun 1010-45
Fury of the Storm 1010-45 20 22
Gates of Valhallas 1010-45 15 16
Gelthrog 1010-45
Greymane's Gambit 1010-45
Pick one:
40 44
Halls of Valor: Securing the Aegis 1010-45 80 88
Havi's Test 1010-45 2 2
Heart of a Dragon 1010-45 20 22
Idra'zuul 1010-45
Impalement Insurance 1010-45 20 22
Impalement Insurance 1010-45 20 22
Inside the Winter Storm 1010-45 20 22
Inside the Winter Storm 1010-45 20 22
Judgment Day 1010-45 20 22
Knocking on Valor's Door 1010-45 2 2
Lay Them to Rest 1010-45 20 22
Leying with Murlocs 1010-45 20 22
Lightning Rod 1010-45 20 22
Magdrezoth 1010-45
Making the Rounds 1010-45 2 2
Making the Rounds 1010-45 2 2
Masters of Disguise 1010-45 20 22
Nithogg's Tribute 1010-45 20 22
No Wings Required 1010-45 2 2
No Wings Required 1010-45 2 2
Only the Finest 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Pins and Needles 1010-45 20 22
Plight of the Blackfeather 1010-45 20 22
Pump it Up 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Put It All on Red 1010-45
Regal Remains 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Remnants of the Past 1010-45 20 22
Rigging the Wager 1010-45
Rout the Bilgefin Invaders 1010-45
Scavenging the Shallows 1010-45 20 22
See Ya Later, Oscillator 1010-45 20 22
Shadows in the Mists 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Shel'drozul 1010-45
Shielded Secrets 1010-45 20 22
Shielded Secrets 1010-45 20 22
Side Effects May Include Mild Undeath 1010-45 20 22
Signal Boost 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Singed Feathers 1010-45 20 22
Souls of the Vrykul 1010-45
Speaking of Bones 1010-45 2 2
Spilling Bad Blood 1010-45 20 22
Stem the Tide 1010-45 20 22
Stories of Battle 1010-45 20 22
Stormforged Grapple Launcher 1010-45
Stormheim 1010-45 2 2
Stormheim 1010-45 2 2
Stormheim 1010-45 2 2
Stormheim 1010-45 2 2
Stormheim's Salvation 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
Supplies From the Skies 1010-45 20 22
The Aegis of Aggramar 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22
The Ancient Trials 1010-45 2 2
The Ancient Trials 1010-45 2 2
The Blessing of the Watchers 1010-45
Pick one:
10 11
The Brood of Nithogg 1010-45
The Dark Lady's Bidding 1010-45 2 2
The Dreaming Fungus 1010-45 20 22
The Final Judgment 1010-45 20 22
The Lost Legion 1010-45
20 22
The Mystery of Dreyrgrot 1010-45 20 22
The Ranger Lord 1010-45 20 22
The Runes that Bind 1010-45 15 16
The Runewood's Revenge 1010-45 20 22
The Shattered Watcher 1010-45
Pick one:
15 16
The Splintered Fleet 1010-45
Pick one:
40 44
The Storm's Fury 1010-45