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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Witchwood Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Withered Army Training 4545 Suramar
Withered Progress 4545 Suramar
Withered Wrangling: Ambervale 4545 Suramar
Withered Wrangling: Falanaar 4545 Suramar
Withered Wrangling: Tel'anor 4545 Suramar
Woah, Nelly! 4545 15 16 Krokuun
Woeful Implications 4545
Wolf Pack Attack 1010-45 20 22 Highmountain
Wolves of the Legion 1010-45 Highmountain
Won't Anyone Think of the Whelps? 4545 Azsuna
Worg Pack 1-70 Stormheim
Worgen Stalkers (Horde Only) 100100 Stormheim
Work Study: Bestiaries of Azsuna 4545 Azsuna
Worldsplitter Skuul 4545
Antoran Wastes
Wormtalon Wreckage 1010-45 20 22 Val'sharah
Wrangler Kravos 4545 Eredath
Wrath of the Blightcaller 1010-45 20 22 Stormheim
Wrath of the High Exarch 4545 15 16 Eredath
Wrath-Lord Yarez 4545
Antoran Wastes
Wrathshard 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22 Highmountain
Wrecked Cart Val'sharah
Wretched Sisters 1010-45
Written in Stone 4545 20 22 Suramar
X Treasures Found, 1 Challenge Attempted 1 Broken Shore
X Unstable Portals Disrupted, 1 World Boss Defeated 1 Broken Shore
Xavius Event TRACKING Val'sharah
Yet More Intact Demon Eyes 110110
1 94 Antoran Wastes
You Have Been Challenged 4545 Stormheim
You Lift, Brul? 1010-45 10 11 Highmountain
You Never Know Until You Scry 1010-45 20 22 Azsuna
You Scratch My Back... 1010-45 20 22 Azsuna
You've Got to Be Kitten Me Right Meow 4545
20 22 Suramar
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Zagmothar 1010-45
Zargrom 1010-45
Zar'teth 1010-45
Zar'vok 1010-45
Zealot's Dues 4545 40 44 Suramar
Zul'tan the Numerous 4545 Eredath