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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Bareback Brawl 4545 Stormheim
Barrels o' Fun 4545 Suramar
Barrels o' Fun 4545 Azsuna
Barrels o' Fun 4545 Val'sharah
Barrels o' Fun 4545 Highmountain
Barrels o' Fun 4545 Stormheim
Baruut the Bloodthirsty 4545 Eredath
Bastion of Bradensbrook 4545 Val'sharah
Battery Backup 4545 Broken Shore
Beach Bonfire 4545 20 22 Suramar
Bears Behaving Badly 4545 Highmountain
Beasts of Burden 4545 Stormheim
Before the Siege 4545 20 22 Suramar
Behemoths Awakened 4545
Antoran Wastes
Behind Enemy Portals 4545 Broken Shore
Behind Enemy Portals 4545 Broken Shore
Behind Enemy Portals 4545 Broken Shore
Behind Legion Lines 4545
Beneath Oronaar 4545 Eredath
Besieged 4545 Krokuun
Bite of the Sashj'tar 4545 20 22 Suramar
Bitestone Bazaar 4545 Highmountain
Bitestone Burglary 4545 Highmountain
Black Rook Holdings 4545 Val'sharah
Black Rook Rumble 4545 Val'sharah
Blast of Spice Fish 4545 20 22 Suramar
Blistermaw 4545
Bloat 4545 Antoran Wastes
Blood of My Blood 4545 20 22 Suramar
Bloodgazer Swarm! 4545
Bloodline of Stone 4545 Val'sharah
Boilback Plague 4545 Highmountain
Border Reinforcements 4545 Highmountain
Botanical Backlash 4545 Val'sharah
Branch of the Arcan'dor 4545 20 22 Suramar
Breaching the Sanctum 4545 Suramar
Breaching the Sanctum 4545 Suramar
Break An Arm
3 players
4545 20 22 Suramar
Break Their Garrison 4545 Broken Shore
Breaking Down the Big Guns 4545 20 22 Suramar
Breaking the Seal 4545 20 22 Suramar
Brew Bandits 4545 Broken Shore
Bring Home the Beacon 4545 Suramar
Bringing the Big Guns 4545 20 22 Krokuun
Briny Waters 4545 Highmountain
Brothers of Skovald 4545 Stormheim
Brutallus 4545
Broken Shore
Brute Wrangling 4545 Broken Shore
Bubble Trouble 4545 20 22 Suramar
Bucky 4545 Eredath
Building an Army 4545 Suramar
Bully Pulpit 4545 Eredath
Bunker Buster 4545
Bury It 4545
By Water Be Purged 4545 Broken Shore
Calamitous Intent 4545
Call of the Frostwyrm 4545 Broken Shore
Calming the Void 4545
Captain Faruq 4545 Eredath
Casual Redistribution 4545 Suramar
Champion Armaments 4545 2 2 Acherus: The Ebon Hold
Champions of Elune 4545 Val'sharah
Champions of Highmountain 4545 Highmountain
Chaos Theory 4545 15 16 Krokuun
Chief Alchemist Munculus 4545
Antoran Wastes
Choose Order Hall to Support
4545 Broken Shore
Chopped 4545 Suramar
Citizens' Army 4545 20 22 Suramar
Claws for Alarm! 4545 Suramar
Cleansing Fire 4545
Antoran Wastes
Clear the Catacombs 4545 Suramar
Clear the Skies 4545 Suramar
Clearing the Path 4545 Broken Shore
Cling to Hope 4545 Suramar
Cloaked in Moonshade 4545 10 11 Suramar
Close Enough 4545 20 22 Suramar
Coastal Gloom 4545 Val'sharah
Commander Endaxis 4545 Krokuun
Commander on Deck! 4545 Antoran Wastes
Commander Sathrenael 4545 Krokuun
Commander Texlaz 4545
Antoran Wastes
Commander Vecaya 4545 Krokuun
Commander Xethgar 4545 Eredath
Consecrating Ground 4545 15 16 Eredath
Conservation of Magic 4545 15 16 Eredath
Consolidating Power 4545 Suramar
Contagion Containment 4545 Broken Shore
Contain their Advance 4545 Suramar
Continued Exposure 4545 Suramar
Continuing the Cure 4545 20 22 Suramar
Core Mechanics 4545 Eredath
Corrupted Blood of Argus 4545 Eredath
Court of Farondis 4545 Azsuna
Crabby Crunchies 4545 Highmountain
Crackdown 4545 20 22 Suramar
Crawliac's Legacy 4545 Highmountain
Creeping Fel 4545 Broken Shore
Creeping Fel 4545 Broken Shore
Creepy Crawlies 4545 Broken Shore
Critical Crops 4545 Highmountain