Name | Req. | Level | Side | Rewards | Gains | Category | ||
Tip the Scales | 45 | 45 | Azsuna | |||||
Tiny Poacher, Tiny Animals | 45 | 45 | Highmountain | |||||
Tinny Needs Help! | 10 | 10-60 | Highmountain | |||||
Tinny Needs Help! | 10 | 10-60 | Highmountain | |||||
Tinny Needs Help! | 10 | 10-60 | Highmountain | |||||
Tinny Needs Help! | 10 | 10-60 | Highmountain | |||||
Tinny Needs Help! | 10 | 10-60 | Highmountain | |||||
Tinny Needs Help! | 10 | 10-60 | Highmountain | |||||
Tinny Needs Help! | 10 | 10-60 | Highmountain | |||||
Tinny Needs Help! | 10 | 10-60 | Highmountain | |||||
Timing Is Everything | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
Timeworn Artifact | 10 | 10-45 | Azsuna | |||||
Time to Rumble! | 45 | 45 | Val'sharah | |||||
Time to Collect | 45 | 45 |
| Stormheim | ||||
Throwing Shade | 45 | 45 | 10 11 | Eredath | ||||
Throw Them a Bone | 45 | 45 | Antoran Wastes | |||||
Threnody of Chieftains | 45 | 45 | Highmountain | |||||
Threat Reduction | 45 | 45 | 15 16 | Krokuun | ||||
Threads of Fate | 45 | 45 | Suramar | |||||
Those Who Remember | 10 | 10-45 | Azsuna | |||||
Those Scrying Eyes | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
Those Beyond Redemption | 10 | 10-45 | Azsuna | |||||
Those Beyond Redemption | 45 | 45 | Azsuna | |||||
Thorny Dancing | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Val'sharah | ||||
This IS In My Contract. | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Azsuna | ||||
Thinly Veiled Threats | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
Thieving Thistleleaf | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Val'sharah | ||||
They're Doing it Wrong | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Azsuna | ||||
They Will Pay With Blood | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Highmountain | ||||
They Stole Excaliberto! | 45 | 45 | Highmountain | |||||
They Have A Pitlord | 45 | 45 |
| 20 22 | Highmountain | |||
They Came From the Sea | 10 | 10-45 |
| 20 22 | Azsuna | |||
They Become The Hunted | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
Thel'draz | 10 | 10-45 | Stormheim | |||||
Their Eyes Are Upon Us | 10 | 10-45 | Stormheim | |||||
Their Dying Breaths | 10 | 10-45 |
| 20 22 | Azsuna | |||
The Wranglers | 45 | 45 | 5 5 | Krokuun | ||||
The Withered Return | 45 | 45 | Azsuna | |||||
The Withered | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Azsuna | ||||
The Witchqueen | 10 | 10-45 |
| 20 22 | Highmountain | |||
The Wine's Gone Bad | 45 | 45 | Azsuna | |||||
The Windrunner's Fate | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Stormheim | ||||
The Way Back Home | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
The Warden's Signet | 10 | 10-45 | 2 2 | Val'sharah | ||||
The Wardens | 45 | 45 | Dalaran | |||||
The Warchief Beckons | 10 | 10-45 | 2 2 | Stormheim | ||||
The Walk of Shame | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Azsuna | ||||
The Wailing Dead | 45 | 45 | Broken Shore | |||||
The Vindicaar Matrix Core | 45 | 45 | 10 11 | Krokuun | ||||
The Vindicaar | 45 | 45 | 2 2 | Krokuun | ||||
The Value of Knowledge | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Stormheim | ||||
The Valewalker's Burden | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
The Vale of Dread | 10 | 10-45 | Val'sharah | |||||
The Valarjar | 45 | 45 | Stormheim | |||||
The Unseen Path | 10 | 10-45 | 10 11 | Trueshot Lodge | ||||
The United Front | 45 | 45 | Broken Shore | |||||
The Underking Comes | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Highmountain | ||||
The Underking | 10 | 10-45 |
| 20 22 | Highmountain | |||
The Trials Continue | 10 | 10-45 | 2 2 | Stormheim | ||||
The Tranquil Forest | 10 | 10-45 | 2 2 | Val'sharah | ||||
The Tormented Return | 45 | 45 | Broken Shore | |||||
The Tidestone: Shattered | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Azsuna | ||||
The Three | 10 | 10-45 |
| 20 22 | Highmountain | |||
The Temple of Elune | 10 | 10-45 | 2 2 | Val'sharah | ||||
The Tears of Elune | 10 | 10-45 |
| 20 22 | Val'sharah | |||
The Taste of Corruption | 10 | 10-45 | Val'sharah | |||||
The Taken | 45 | 45 | Highmountain | |||||
The Sword of Truth | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Val'sharah | ||||
The Stuff of Dreams | 45 | 45 | Suramar | |||||
The Story of Huln | 10 | 10-45 | 10 11 | Highmountain | ||||
The Storm's Fury | 10 | 10-45 | Stormheim | |||||
The Splintered Fleet | 10 | 10-45 |
| 40 44 | Stormheim | |||
The Speaker Seeks | 45 | 45 | 5 5 | Krokuun | ||||
The Speaker Listens | 45 | 45 | 5 5 | Krokuun | ||||
The Speaker Calls | 45 | 45 | 2 2 | Krokuun | ||||
The Soultakers | 45 | 45 | Stormheim | |||||
The Soulkeeper's Fate | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Highmountain | ||||
The Soul Harvesters | 10 | 10-45 | Azsuna | |||||
The Sleeping Corruption | 45 | 45 | Val'sharah | |||||
The Skyhorn Tribe | 10 | 10-45 | 2 2 | Highmountain | ||||
The Skies of Highmountain | 10 | 10-45 | 2 2 | Highmountain | ||||
The Sigil of Awakening | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Eredath | ||||
The Siegebrul | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Highmountain | ||||
The Shattered Watcher | 10 | 10-45 |
| 15 16 | Stormheim | |||
The Shattered Locus | 45 | 45 | Suramar | |||||
The Shardmaidens | 45 | 45 | Suramar | |||||
The Shadowguard Incursion | 45 | 45 | 15 16 | Eredath | ||||
The Shadow of the Sentinax | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Broken Shore | ||||
The Shackled Void | 45 | 45 | Broken Shore | |||||
The Seawarden | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
The Seat of the Triumvirate | 45 | 45 | 5 5 | Eredath | ||||
The Seal's Power | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
The Scythe of Souls | 10 | 10-45 |
| 40 44 | Azsuna | |||
The Screeching Crag | 10 | 10-45 | Highmountain | |||||
The Runewood's Revenge | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Stormheim | ||||
The Runes that Bind | 10 | 10-45 | 15 16 | Stormheim | ||||
The Ruins of Oronaar | 45 | 45 | Eredath | |||||
The Rook's Guard | 10 | 10-45 | 20 22 | Val'sharah | ||||
The Road to Fel | 45 | 45 | 20 22 | Suramar | ||||
The Rivermane Tribe | 10 | 10-45 | 2 2 | Highmountain |