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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Corrupted Songflower 1515-30 Felwood
Corrupted Songflower 1515-30 Felwood
Corrupted Songflower 1515-30 Felwood
Corrupted Songflower 1515-30 Felwood
Corrupted Soil 1-30
10 50 Eversong Woods
Corrupted Proto-Dragon
6868-70 Ohn'ahran Plains
Corrupted Night Dragon 1515-30 Felwood
Corrupted Night Dragon 1515-30 Felwood
Corrupted Night Dragon 1515-30 Felwood
Corrupted Night Dragon 1515-30 Felwood
Corrupted Earth 2020-60 25 74 Nazmir
Corrupted Curiosities 5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Corrupted Chosen Artifact
Corrupted Blood of Argus 4545 Eredath
Corrupted Ashbringer
Corrupt Constructs 2020-30 10 50 Halls of Stone
Corrosive Counterbalance 7070 Zaralek Cavern
Corrosion Prevention 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Dustwallow Marsh
Correspondence Conundrum 5050 51 48 Alliance War Campaign
Corpse Run
6060 Abominable Stitching
Corpse Run
6060 Abominable Stitching
Corpse Run
6060 Abominable Stitching
Corpse Cleanup 5050 23 40 Uldum
Corpse Bringer Yal'kar 5050 Nazmir
Cornering Gor'krosh 5050 28 9 Heritage
Cornered and Crushed! 55-30 31 50 Silverpine Forest
Corner Crossing 5050 11 70 The Fate of Saurfang
Corn Mash
28 9 Cooking
Corki's Ransom 1515-30 Nagrand (Outland)
Corki's Gone Missing Again! 1515-30
Pick one:
Nagrand (Outland)
Coreforged Sigil of Skaldrenox 1
112 36 Silithus
Coreforged Sigil of Skaldrenox 1
112 36 Silithus
Core of the Matter 6060 2 57 Zereth Mortis
Core of Our Troubles 3030-35 13 74 Deepholm
Core Mechanics 4545 Eredath
Core Control 6060 12 87 Zereth Mortis
Core Competency
3 players
6060 25 74 Zereth Mortis
Core Access Codes 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Cordana Summon Talador
Corastrasza 3030 2 62 Borean Tundra
Coprous the Defiled
5 players
2525-30 31 50 Icecrown
Coprous the Defiled
5 players
2525-30 21 Icecrown
Cooking: Steward Stew 6060
Cooking: Spider Jerky 6060
Cooking: Skewered Meats 6060
Cooking: Arden Apple Pie 6060
Cooking With Unstable Herbs 1010-40 16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Cooking Utensils 6060-70 Iskaara Tuskarr
Cooking the Books 4040 16 98 Legendary
Cooking Meat 1-5 5 Exile's Reach
Cooking Meat 1-5 5 Exile's Reach
Cookie's Jumbo Gumbo 1-30 Azuremyst Isle
Cookies and Cream 3030-60
25 74 Stormsong Valley
Cookie Delivery 3030-60 2 57 Stormsong Valley
Convoy of the Covenants 6060 12 87 Korthia
Convocation at Zol'Heb 2020-30
Pick one:
31 50 Zul'Drak
Convincin' Old Yancey 1010-45 20 22 Rogue Campaign
Conversing With the Depths 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Dragonblight
Conversation Testing [DNT] 1 28 9 JrzTest
Convention at the Legerdemain
7 87 Cooking
Convention at the Legerdemain
7 87 Cooking
Convene the Paragons 6060 12 87 Covenant Sanctum
Contruct Workshop 5050
Contruct Barracks 5050
Contruct Armory 5050
Controlling their Stones 77-10 20 Exile's Reach
Controlling their Stones 77-10 20 Exile's Reach
Controlling the Situation 2020-60 Alliance
Pick one:
25 74 Drustvar
Controlling the Elements 3030-35
13 74 Enchanting
Controlled Burn 5050 Stormsong Valley
Control Sample 1010-30 Northern Stranglethorn
Control is King 3030-40 1 69 Spires of Arak
Control is Key 1010-45 20 22 Inscription
Control is Key 1010-45 20 22 Inscription
Control 1010
Pick one:
Contrition 7070
56 18 Krokuun
Contributin' To The Cause
2525-30 Tournament
Contribute to Nether Disruptor 4545
Contribute to Mage Tower 4545
Contribute to Command Center 4545
Contribute Supplies: Strong Seavine 6060-70 Iskaara Tuskarr
Contribute Supplies: Salinated Serevite 6060-70 Iskaara Tuskarr
Contribute Supplies: Khaz'gorite-infused Resin 6060-70 Iskaara Tuskarr
Contribute Supplies: Khaz'gorite Wire 6060-70 Iskaara Tuskarr
Contribute Supplies: Irontree Branch 6060-70 Iskaara Tuskarr
Contribute Supplies: Draconium Nugget 6060-70 Iskaara Tuskarr
Contribute Supplies: Battered Imbu-made Net 6060-70 Iskaara Tuskarr
Continuing the Legend 1010-45 2 2 Artifact
Continuing the Cure 4545 20 22 Suramar
Continued Waygate Exploration 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Continued Waygate Exploration 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Continued Waygate Exploration 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Continued Waygate Exploration 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Continued Waygate Exploration 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Continued Waygate Exploration 6060-70 2 80 The Waking Shores
Continued Incubation
5050 23 40 Uldum
Continued Exposure 4545 Suramar
Continued Efforts: Seeker's Quorum 6060 Korthia
Continued Efforts: Scholar's Den 6060 Korthia
Continued Efforts: Sanctuary of Guidance 6060 Korthia